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    NAMES.RA      RemoteAccess allows you to assign
                  "shortnames" to users you frequently send
                  messages to. Set up this text file with the
                  following format, one entry per line:


                  rahq,Andrew Milner,3:690/625,RemoteAccess..

                  To use this feature, simply enter the
                  shortname preceded by an asterisk when
                  RemoteAccess asks you who the message is to.
                  In the above example, addressing a message
                  to "*rahq" would fill in the to field with
                  "Andrew Milner", and the subject field with
                  "RemoteAccess..". If the message is netmail,
                  it would automatically be sent to 3:690/625.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson