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   LIMITS.CTL  :  This  file  allows  you  specify,  for each
                  security  level,  a daily time  limit,  file
                  download  limit  for  each  baud  rate,  and
                  optional  file ratios,  either in number  of
                  uploads to number of downloads,  or in total
                  kilobytes   uploaded   to  total   kilobytes
                  downloaded.  The  format of the file  is  as

   <Sec Lvl> <Time> <300> [1200] [2400] [4800] [9600]
   <Sec Lvl> <Time> <300> <1200> <2400> <4800> <9600> <R#> [RK]

                  Where  <Sec  Lvl>  is  the  security  level,
                  <Time>  is  the daily time limit,  <300>  to
                  <9600>   are  respective   download   limits
                  depending  on what baud rate the user  calls
                  at.   <R#>   is  the  ratio  of  uploads  to
                  downloads,  and [RK] is the ratio of uploads
                  in K to downloads in K.

                  If you only specify a download limit for say
                  300, 1200 and 2400 baud, the download limits
                  for  the  higher baud rates default  to  the
                  highest  baud rate specified,  in this  case
                  the limit set for 2400 baud.

                  If you specify a ratio by number (R#) value,
                  then the user will be required to upload one
                  file for every n they  download.  Similarly,
                  setting  the ratio by K will allow the  user
                  to  download only the specified kilobytes of
                  files per 1 kilobyte uploaded.

                  This is fairly complicated,  so look at this
                  example LIMITS.CTL:

                        5  35  0
                        10 60  100 200 350 650 900 5 10
                        20 90  150 250 470 750 900 5
                        30 120 250 400 600 900 1200
                        50 300 900

                  Security  level  5 entitles the user  to  35
                  minutes per day, but no downloads.

                  Security  level 10 entitles the user  to  60
                  minutes  per day,  100k of downloads at  300
                  baud,  200k at 1200 baud, 350k at 2400 baud,
                  650k at 4800 baud,  and 900k at 9600 baud or
                  faster. In addition, the user must upload at
                  least  one  file for every five  downloaded,
                  and may not download more than ten times the
                  total size of files uploaded.

                  Security  level 20 entitles the user  to  90
                  minutes  per day,  150k of downloads at  300
                  baud,  250k at 1200 baud, 470k at 2400 baud,
                  750k  at 4800 baud and 900k at 9600 baud  or
                  faster.  In  addition,  the  user  may  only
                  download  five  times  the number  of  files
                  he/she uploaded.

                  Security  level 30 entitles the user to  120
                  minutes  per day,  250k of downloads at  300
                  baud,  400k at 1200 baud, 600k at 2400 baud,
                  900k at 4800 baud and 1,200k at 9600 baud or
                  faster. There are no ratio restrictions.

                  Security  level 50 entitles the user to  300
                  minutes  per day,  and 900k of downloads  at
                  all speeds without any ratio restrictions.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson