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                      15 Message Status Bits

 Message status bits determines how FD will treat outbound (outgoing)
 messages and how FM will treat locally destined messages. The Message
 status menu is accessed by pressing <Alt-S> in FM and is also
 displayed when entering a new message and changing the subject of a

 The keys listed refer to the status menu in FM.

 Private         Indicates that the message should only be read by the

 Crash           High-priority mail. Messages with crash status can
                 never be routed or held by a route file (see Mail
                 routing). Crash messages do, however, NOT override
                 any cost restrictions for an event; they also require
                 that the destination system has been qualified before
                 FD will call it.

 Hold            The hold status will force FD to ignore the message
                 unless the destination system calls your system to
                 pick up its mail. If the message is destined for a
                 point system and the boss of the point system calls
                 your system, the message will be given to the boss
                 unless the message also has Direct status.

 File            Indicates that the message has one or more files
                 attached to it. The files are listed in the subject
                 (Re:) line. File attach messages can be routed and
                 held unless another status bit (Crash, Immediate,
                 Hold, etc.) prevents it. The default treatment of a
                 file attach message is to send it directly to its

 File Request    Indicates that the message is a File Request. The
                 requested files are listed in the subject line and
                 may contain wild-cards characters. File request
                 messages can be held, but are never routed. See "File

 Update request  Similar to a File Request, <Ctrl-R>, but the subject
                 line (Re:) must contain valid (existing) file
                 specification(s). When FD connects to the destination
                 system, the requested files will only be sent by the
                 remote if they are more recent than the matching
                 files on your system. See "File Requests"

 Kill/Sent       Removes the message after it has been sent or picked
                 up. If the Kill/Sent status is not set on a message,
                 it will be marked as sent after it has been sent or
                 picked up.

 Truncate file/sent
                 Truncates the attached files to zero length after
                 they have been sent or picked up. This option is only
                 valid for file attach messages.

                 Note that it is nearly impossible to recover a
                 truncated file so use this option with caution.

 Delete file/sent
                 Removes the attached files after they have been sent
                 or picked up. This option is only valid for file
                 attach messages.

 Direct          Similar to the Crash status, with the difference that
                 they can be held. Messages with the Direct and Hold
                 status combined require that the destination system
                 (including points) call in to pickup their mail.

 Immediate mail  Similar to the Crash status, but messages with
                 immediate status will be sent at the first
                 opportunity, ignoring all restrictions and
                 qualifications. If there is one or more messages with
                 immediate status to a system, all other messages
                 (except those with hold status) to that system will
                 be added to the mail packet.

 Lock            Locks a message from further access. This is done by
                 setting the DOS attribute to read-only and adding a
                 special flag to the message text. FD and most other
                 utilities will ignore message files (.MSG) with
                 read-only attribute.

                 Messages with lock status cannot be removed by any of
                 the purge functions and will never be sent (or picked
                 up). FM can, however, renumber a folder containing
                 one or more messages with locked status.

 Sent            Indicates that the message has been sent or picked up
                 by the addressee. Once a message has been flagged as
                 sent, they cannot be sent or picked up by the

 No status       Clears all status bits.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson