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                        14 CRT environments

 All programs in the FrontDoor package are screen environment aware
 and most of them can adjust to most (if not all) screen sizes as long
 as the current screen mode has 80 or more columns (horizontally).

 If you have an EGA or VGA card that allows you to set the screen mode
 to something like 132x28 and you want to use this in FM, FD, or the
 Terminal, you should specify that you want the AUTO screen mode for
 that particular program. This will prevent it from altering the
 screen mode.

 Please note that if you run FD in AUTO mode, you must run FM and the
 Terminal in AUTO mode as well, if you plan to load either from FD
 (and not just from DOS). Otherwise, FD will display garbage data on
 the screen when you return from the Terminal. The opposite (running
 the Terminal in AUTO and FD in 25 or 43/50) is, however, properly

 To set extended screen modes (except 80x43 and 80x50), you must use
 an external utility in the noncommercial version. The commercial
 version allows you to specify video BIOS parameters to set and reset
 extended screen modes.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson