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                   10.1.2 Line settings <Alt-L>

         The line settings menu contains your current communications
         parameters. You cannot reach the options of this menu unless
         you press <Alt-L>. Most of the options in this menu are self
         explanatory, only the not so obvious options are explained

         BPS             The current DTE baud rate. If you have
                         enabled the "Lock port" option, this field
                         will contain "Fixed" and you will not be able
                         to change it.

         Wraparound      Determines whether or not the Terminal should
                         place the cursor on a new line when it is
                         positioned at the rightmost position of the
                         screen and a character is received. This
                         should be set to On in most situations. There
                         are however VT100/VT52 applications that
                         require this setting to be Off. Note that a
                         CR/LF will force a new line even if this is
                         set to Off.

         CR expansion    Determines how a received CR character should
                         be processed. If set to CR, no expansion is
                         made. If, however, it is set to CR/LF, the
                         Terminal will expand all received CR
                         characters to CR/LF.

         Local echo      Some on-line services do not echo the
                         characters you type. It may be necessary to
                         enable this option to see what you are
                         typing. If the on-line service you are using
                         does echo the characters you type and you
                         enable this option, you will get duplicated
                         characters. Eg. "HHEELLLLOO!!".

         Emulation       Allows you to choose between ANSI, VT100,
                         VT52 and TTY (no) emulation. Note that the
                         default for ANSI emulation is to support
                         AVT/0+ (AVATAR/0+). This is a Terminal
                         emulation protocol designed by G. Adam
                         Stanislav. It is extremely fast and very

         Translation tables
                         If enabled, the Terminal will use the
                         Terminal translation tables to filter any
                         received characters.

         Auto-Zmodem downloads
                         The Terminal monitors received characters for
                         the special sequence a Zmodem transmitter
                         sends when a Zmodem file session is started.
                         If it detects this start-up sequence, it will
                         automatically invoke the Zmodem receiver. If
                         you disable this option, you must use <Alt-G>
                         (Download) to receive files using the Zmodem

         Allow AVT/0 sequences
                         Determines whether or not you want to accept
                         AVT/0+ emulation sequences when you are in
                         ANSI emulation. Since AVT/0+ is based upon
                         certain control characters, you may want to
                         disable this option if you are using programs
                         like Doorway, etc. which frequently transmits
                         control characters.

         Clear on Form Feeds
                         Determines whether or not the Terminal should
                         clear the screen when receiving a Form Feed
                         (FF, ASCII 12) character from the remote.

         Interactive EMSI
                         Determines whether or not the Terminal should
                         attempt to establish IEMSI sessions with
                         systems you call. IEMSI is completely
                         transparent and should not cause any
                         problems. IEMSI is described in a separate

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