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                           10.1 Menus

    Each function and menu of the Terminal will now be described.

        File <Alt-F>
        The file menu contains functions to manipulate macros, upload
        and download files, transmit ASCII files, invoke DOS shell
        and Editor, etc.

        Download files  Receive one or more files from the remote

        Upload files    Transmit one or more files to the remote

        Transmit ASCII file
                        Allows you to transmit an ASCII file to the
                        remote. You will be able to select the
                        default inter-character delay and line
                        translation. It is possible to create simple
                        script or macro files by using this option.

        Macro management
                        Allows you to create and maintain your macro
                        key sets. Use this function to make a
                        different macro key set the active set.

        Profile management
                        Allows you to create, maintain, and select
                        IEMSI session profiles. IEMSI is discussed in
                        a separate section.

        Command history
                        The Terminal records your last ten typed
                        lines. When you press Enter, it removes the
                        oldest entry and adds the newly typed line to
                        the list. You can choose any one of the ten
                        history entries and retransmit it to the

        Editor          Invokes the program defined in the Terminal >
                        Miscellaneous > Editor field in FDSETUP. You
                        will be asked for optional command line
                        parameters, they are stored for the remains
                        of your Terminal session. This could also be
                        used to bring up external protocol menus,

                        Note that the FOSSIL driver is deactivated
                        when leaving the Terminal and reactivated
                        upon returning to the Terminal. This is to
                        make sure FrontDoor maintain control of the
                        FOSSIL driver even when loading other
                        programs that could possibly leave the FOSSIL
                        driver in a non-desirable state.

        DOS shell       Invokes a temporary DOS shell. Type EXIT and
                        press <Enter> to return to the Terminal.

        Quit            Depending on how the Terminal was invoked,
                        this will return you to FD's main menu or to
                        DOS. If you are connected to a remote system
                        when you press <Alt-Q>, you will be asked to
                        confirm that you want to hang up.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson