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                     7.1.2 Mail event behavior

         Allow users during event
                     This has the same function as for external (X)
                     events. In addition, if this option is set to
                     "NO" (disabled), non-mail calls will not be
                     accepted during the duration of the event.

         Exit when mail is received
                     Defines whether or not you want the Mailer to
                     exit when mail has been received. This allows you
                     to process received echomail, etc.

         High priority (crash) mail only
                     Forces the Mailer to ignore messages that does
                     not have crash status. Note that messages with
                     IMM (Immediate) status are not affected by this.

         Allow file requests
                     Defines whether or not you want the Mailer to
                     honor file requests during an event. If you
                     disable this option, the Mailer will simply
                     ignore file requests.

         Pickup file requests
                     The Mailer will by default not accept file
                     requests received during an outgoing (outbound)
                     mail call since you are paying for the call. This
                     option allows you to pickup waiting file requests
                     and process them. Whether or not they are
                     actually honored is defined by the Allow file
                     requests option.

         Hold (do not send) file requests
                     Forces the Mailer to ignore outgoing (your own)
                     file request messages during the event. This is
                     useful if you do not want to send out file
                     requests during daytime events for example.

         Attempt to pickup waiting mail
                     Defines whether or not you want the Mailer to
                     pickup any waiting mail on outgoing calls. The
                     default (Yes) should be used unless you want the
                     Mailer to terminate the mail session as soon as
                     it has delivered its mail. If this option is
                     disabled, your file requests (if any) will fail
                     since the Mailer terminates the call before the
                     remote system has a chance to process them.

         Allow nodes to pickup waiting mail
                     This option is the same as using the DENY route
                     command (see "Mail routing").

                     The only difference is that you cannot be
                     selective about which systems can pickup waiting
                     mail. If a system calls in to deliver its mail
                     and this option is disabled (NO), your system
                     will not release (send) any waiting mail.

         Prioritize outbound calls
                     Forces the Mailer to make outgoing calls without
                     waiting for the specified time (retry delay,
                     etc.) between calls. The Mailer will still accept
                     incoming (inbound) mail, but the chances of
                     another system getting through are very small.

                     Specifies that you do not want the Mailer to make
                     any outgoing calls during the event.

         End event when no more mail to send
                     If you have an event with some restrictions on
                     other systems or do not allow users, it may be
                     useful to enable this option, forcing the Mailer
                     to release all restrictions enforced by the event
                     as soon as there is no more mail to send.

                     If new mail is entered that qualifies for mailing
                     and the event has ended (prematurely), it will be

         Send to CM systems only
                     Forces the Mailer to only qualify those systems
                     that have the CM (continuous mail) flag set in
                     their nodelist entry.

         Send to non-CM systems only
                     Forces the Mailer to only qualify those systems
                     that Do not have the CM (continuous mail) flag
                     set in their nodelist entry.

         Only execute event once
                     Forces the Mailer to only deliver mail to a
                     system once during the event. If the event is
                     interrupted or aborted, the Mailer will remember
                     which systems it has already delivered mail to
                     and when the event is restarted, it will not call
                     those systems again.

                     Assume you have mail to 1:135/20 and 2:310/11
                     during event A, with this behavior enabled. On
                     the first call to 1:135/20, the Mailer sends its
                     mail successfully. If the event is restarted for
                     some reason (user break, human caller, mail
                     receive exit), the Mailer will not call 1:135/20
                     again, even if there is new mail for that system.

         Inactive    The same as for external (X) events.

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