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                   7.1.1 External event behavior

         Allow users during event
                     Defines whether or not non-mail (human) calls are
                     allowed to interrupt the event.

                     If a non-mail call comes in at 12:00 and you have
                     an external (X) event scheduled for 12:30, the
                     Mailer will take the X event into account when
                     calculating the number of minutes left until the
                     next event, depending on how this option is set.
                     If it is disabled, the user would, in this case,
                     only have 30 minutes until the next event. If it
                     was enabled, the Mailer would instead scan ahead
                     for the next (if any) event that does not allow

         Forced      Defines whether or not the event is forced. The
                     Mailer, by default, ignores events that it
                     "missed" while doing something else. If you
                     enable this option, the event will be executed
                     even if the Mailer have "missed" it.

                     Assume you have a non-forced external (X) event
                     scheduled for 12:00 and a user calls in at 11:50.
                     The call lasts for 30 minutes (12:20). When the
                     Mailer is brought back up again, the external
                     event will not be executed. If, however, you had
                     this option enabled for the external (X) event,
                     it would be executed as soon as the Mailer was
                     brought up again.

         Inactive    Toggles the state of the event. The Mailer will
                     ignore any inactive events. This allows you to
                     deactivate events without removing them from the
                     event manager.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson