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                         GENERAL INFORMATION

    The following sections outline how best to utilize BNU
    to get the best performance from it on your hardware setup.


    BNU.COM is usually installed in your AUTOEXEC.BAT  or at some
    time before you    load    your    communications   software.
    Alternatively, MS-DOS 4.xx has  an option to allow loading of
    some 'compatible' TSRs using an "install=" statement  in your
    CONFIG.SYS.  A major  benefit  of  this  is  that  BNU can be
    loaded before any environment variables are set, and so takes
    up the absolute minimum of RAM.   However, as with the device
    driver when loaded   from  CONFIG.SYS,  BNU.COM   cannot   be
    unloaded from memory using the "/U" option.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson