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                         COMMAND LINE OPTIONS

    Following is a  list  of  command line options  available  in
    either or both   BNU.COM  and  BNU.SYS.   These  allow  "fine
    tuning", setup and utility functions.

    Command line switches can be given  with a preceding dash (-)
    or forward slash   (/).   Some  parameters   show   a   colon
    separating the switch itself and a numeric parameter: this is
    optional, and is  included  only  for readability.  An equals
    (=) or comma (,) are NOT optional  and must be included since
    these separate different parts of a command line switch.

    There are basically  two  "groups"  of command line switches.
    The first are  configuration   switches,   which  affect  the
    tuning, performance   and  behaviour  of  the  communications
    driver.  These can  generally be combined on the same command
    line (and invocation) without problems.   Exceptions (if any)
    are noted where relevant.

    The second group are "utility" functions.  These switches are
    normally used EXCLUSIVELY of all other switches.  That is, if
    you use them, they must appear SEPARATELY on a  command line.
    The switches in this group are:

         /C        Recapture INT 14H vector
         /B        Reboot system unconditionally
         /S        Display driver status
         /H        Display help for command line switches
         /U        Unload driver from memory
         /W        Enable/disable carrier watch

    Remember that you  can  invoke BNU.COM multiple times with no
    risk in loading the communications  driver  portion more than
    once in any  logical  "task".   All  utilities   relating  to
    BNU.COM are contained within the same .COM file.

    The device driver  version  works  a little differently.  Its
    command line (specified  in  CONFIG.SYS)  must  contain  only
    configuration items, since the utilities are  not  supported.
    These are contained   within  a  separate  executable  called
    BNUHELP.COM, and have a similar  -  if not identical - syntax
    to the utility   functions   in   the   .COM  version.    Any
    differences are noted below.

    /T        Set Transmit buffer size
              Available in .SYS and .COM versions

         eg.  /T:512
              Sets 512 byte transmit buffers

         The default  transmit  buffer size is 1024 bytes.  Since
         file transfers are "transmitter  driven" so far as speed
         is concerned, this should be large enough to service the
         interrupt driven transmitter without it "waiting"  to be
         filled by the application.  These should be increased in
         size where  multitaskers,  networks or faster baud rates
         are being used.

    /R        Set Receive buffer size
              Available in .SYS and .COM versions

         eg.  /R:2048
              Sets RX buffer size of 2048 (2K) bytes

         The default  RX  (receive)  buffer  size  is 1K, or 1024
         bytes.  In practice, only  a portion of this is actually
         used on a constant basis, but this will be  dependant on
         how fast an application can service the buffer (and keep
         it empty).

         Buffer sizes  CAN  be  changed  "on-the-fly".  But at no
         time can  both  the  receive  and  transmit  buffers  be
         increased in size beyond the combined amount  when first
         installed.  For  example,  if  BNU was installed with 2K
         transmit and 4K receive buffers, only 6K is available to
         each port in total.  Combined  buffer size cannot exceed
         that 6K.  An attempt to exceed this amount  will  result
         in an error.

         Changing buffer  sizes  whilst  communications tasks are
         active will be disallowed.

         When modifying the buffer  sizes,  it  is  advisable  to
         first specify  the  one  which is to "shrink"  in  size,
         before the  one  which  will "grow".  For example, if 1K
         buffers were active (with  a total of 2K available), and
         you wished  to  change  these  to .5K receive  and  1.5K

              BNU /T1536 /R512

         would result in an error (Maximum buffer size exceeded).
         The result  could  be  achieved by changing the order of
         the command line arguments to:

              BNU /R512 /T1536

    /P        Enable concurrent ports
              Available in .SYS and .COM versions

         eg.  /P:2
              Enables two ports for use concurrently

         This sets the number of ports which can be active at the
         same time.  Up to 4 ports  can  be used (in this current
         release), in up to 16 different configurations.

         By default, BNU enables one port for 'interrupt  driven'
         use.  This  is the most memory conservative approach and
         fits the requirements of the majority of installations.

         The current  version  does   not   support  shared  port
         arrangements or  multi-port  'intelligent'   serial   IO

         This switch  does  not  determine  WHICH  ports  will be
         valid, only HOW MANY can run  FOSSIL driven at one time.
         The driver  will  support  whichever  port   (0-15)  the
         application selects.

    /L        Lock ports baud rate and/or settings
              Available in .SYS and .COM versions

         eg.  /L:0=19200
              Locks baud rate on port 0 (COM1) to 19200
              Locks port 1 (COM2) to 38400, and forces 8
              data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit.
              Unlocks port 0 (COM1) if previously locked,
              or leaves it 'floating' if not, then forces
              7 data bits, even parity and 1 stop bit.

         The baud  rate given must be valid for a standard FOSSIL
         driver, and can be one of  0  (unlock)  300,  600, 1200,
         2400, 4800,  9600,  19200 or 38400.  High  speed  modems
         locked at a baud rate of 9600 or above also have CTS/RTS
         hand-shaking forced since these use the modem's internal
         buffering which make use of CTS/RTS flow control.

         A baud  rate  specification  of  zero "unlocks" the baud
         rate and resets handshaking  to  default  (whatever  the
         application sets).

         When using  this  switch,  your  modem  MUST  support  a
         constant modem  to  computer  speed,  otherwise any baud
         rate change requested by an application will be ignored,
         resulting in an incorrect  setting  between  your system
         and remote.  The result will normally be  garbled  input
         and output.

         When the  baud  rate  is locked, the port's baud rate is
         set IMMEDIATELY.  The baud  rate  is  maintained  at the
         locked rate  even  though  FOSSIL  is   not   active   -
         applications making  use  of  BIOS  calls to change baud
         rate will not succeed.   This  allows  non-FOSSIL  aware
         applications to  be run without fear of  the  baud  rate
         being changed   even  though  these  do  not  explicitly
         support higher baud rates.

    /F        Enables/disable 'fast' screen writes
              Available in .SYS and .COM versions

         eg.  /F+       Enables 'fast' screen writes
              /F-       Disables 'fast' screen writes

         This switch  is  used  for versions of DOS which support
         faster character output  via  the  undocumented  INT 29H
         method (used to call the ANSI driver directly).   To  my
         knowledge, this  will  work  on  all  DOS  versions 2.00
         through 4.01, but since it  is  "undocumented", there is
         no guarantee that it will work.

         This should NOT be enabled under PC-MOS/386  version 4.0
         or below.

    /O        Enable function 0x1c compatibility
              Available in .SYS and .COM versions

         eg.  /O

         This switch  is used to enable "compatible" operation of
         BNU in situations where either  X00  or Opus!Com worked,
         but BNU  doesn't.   Due  to  a misunderstanding  of  the
         FOSSIL specification,  X00 and Opus!Com return 0x1c (28)
         whenever the highest function  number is requested by an
         application instead  of  0x1b  (27)  as   required   the
         Revision 5 specification (FSC-0015).

         Several applications  rely  on  the  'feature'  of these
         drivers and require a 0x1c  return  to  verify  that the
         functions used by the application are present.   At this
         time, a  function  0x1c  is  not actually implemented by
         X00.SYS, Opus!Com or BNU.

         When given, this switch tells BNU to return 0x1c, and so
         allows applications relying  on  0x1c  to  work with it.
         Typically, such  programs will return with  "FOSSIL  not
         present" or  "FOSSIL  version too old" (or words to that
         effect) when BNU is loaded without using '/O'.

    /Z        Sets 16550 FIFO size/trigger levels
              Available in .SYS and .COM versions

         eg.  BNU /Z0
              Enables full 16550 FIFO buffering (16/14)
              BNU /Z5
              Disables 16550 FIFO buffers

         This switch provides the ability to 'fine tune' a system
         equipped with  a National  Semiconductor  16550AN  UART.
         The UART  is  the  device used in PC's for  asynchronous
         communications handling,  and  the 16550AN is a superior
         form of these (as compared  to  an  8250  or  16450 with
         which it is pin-compatible), since it provides  on-board
         FIFO (first-in   first-out)   buffers   or   queues  for
         receiving and transmitting.

         Software must be built to specifically take advantage of
         this UART's  features in order to gain any real benefit.
         Normally, the  16550's  FIFO  buffers  are  disabled  on
         power-up, and   remain  that  way  unless   specifically
         enabled.  The software itself must service interrupts by
         emptying and  filling  "queues"  rather  than the normal
         single character receive and transmit holding registers.
         Having this  ability  to   service   multiple  character
         requests in  one  hardware  interrupt   call   makes  it
         possible to   SIGNIFICANTLY   reduce  interrupt  service
         overhead and thus CPU usage  on  any  machine.  This has
         very obvious   advantages   when   operating   under   a
         multitasker, on   a  network,  concurrently  with  other
         heavily interrupt-driven devices or with modems or other
         communications devices running at high baud rates.

         The /Z switch takes a single  digit parameter - a number
         between 0  and  5.   This  number affects  the  internal
         settings of both the UART itself (its internal 'trigger'
         levels, which  define  how  "full"  the  FIFO's  will be
         allowed to get before triggering an interrupt to the CPU
         for service) and how full BNU will let the transmit FIFO
         be queue on each transmit 'request'.

         Valid numeric parameters to the /Z switch are:

              /Z0            16 bytes       14 bytes (max)
              /Z1            14 bytes       14 bytes (max)
              /Z2            08 bytes       08 bytes
              /Z3            04 bytes       04 bytes
              /Z4            01 byte        01 byte
              /Z5                - FIFOs disabled -

         Where 16550AN's  are  not   present,  BNU  automatically
         ignores this switch completely.   The default  value  is
         '/Z0', which activates the full 16550AN capability.

    /M        Enable/disable initialisation message
              Available in .SYS and .COM versions

         eg.  /M+  Enable init message
              /M-  Disables init message

         Normally the   driver   outputs   a   message   when  an
         applications initialises  the  driver for its use.  This
         may be suppressed or reenabled by using this switch.

    /U        Unload driver from memory
              Available in .COM version only

         eg.  BNU /U
              Attempts unloading resident driver from memory

         This switch  tells BNU.COM to unload itself from memory.
         This forces all ports to  be  deactivated  (if  any  are
         active).  This  will fail if programs loaded  after  BNU
         have "captured"  interrupt vectors which are used by BNU
         (and which BNU cannot restore  as  a  result).   In this
         case, BNU will not load, but will indicate  this  in  an
         error message.    You  will  have to either unload these
         later programs (such as FOSSIL  appendages),  or  reboot
         your system.

         Since BNU.SYS is a device driver, it cannot  be disabled
         or unloaded from memory.

    /Q        Disable communications driver interface
              Available in .SYS and .COM versions

         eg.  BNU /Q
              Disables resident driver

         This switch  is normally given when BNU installs itself,
         and the effect is to "delay"  capturing  of  the INT 14H
         vector until  a  '/C' command is issued.   This  may  be
         useful if  loading  with  a  multitasker and using other
         incompatible communications drivers in other tasks.

         If issued while BNU is already  loaded,  the  previously
         active INT   14H  communications  services   vector   is
         restored.  BNU's    extended    FOSSIL    services   are
         effectively "dropped" out of the chain.

    /B        System reboot

         eg.  BNU /B0
              Select default reboot method
              BNU /B
              Reboot (warm)

         This switch has two uses.   When  a digit is given after
         the 'B', the reboot method is selected.  Only two values
         are valid 0 or 1.

         Method 0 selects a standard BIOS method  of  jumping  to
         the system's  reset  vector.  This should work with most
         DOS environments on a wide  range of hardware, including
         PC/XT/AT and 386 compatibles.

         Method 1 makes use of the AT's keyboard  reset  line  to
         cause a  system  reboot.   It  will  work only on AT and
         386AT systems.  However,  this  method  will  work under
         some 386 specific software where the first  method  does
         not.  (for  example,  PC-MOS/386).   In short, it "plays
         rough".  Some 386 machines  and almost all PC/XT systems
         cannot and should not use this method.

         If no  digit  is  given  after  the 'B', BNU proceeds to
         reboot the machine - unconditionally.

    /H or /?  Display help information
              Available in .COM version only

         This switch  displays  information  about  command  line
         switches and  usage  for  those who don't  believe  that
         reading manuals is a very useful exercise.  Pity they'll
         probably never discover or know about this switch unless

         This switch  much  be  used  alone,  and  will  not load
         BNU.COM into memory.  The  help  screen  displayed  will
         look like:

 BNU Revision 5 FOSSIL Compatible Asynchronous Communications Driver vX.XX
 Copyright (C)1989, David Nugent & Unique Computing Pty Ltd FidoNet 3:632/348
  .  Usage: BNU [options]     . accepts / or - as switch character
     /U          . Uninstall (if already resident)
     /T=nnnn     . Set TX buffer size to <nnnn> (decimal)
     /R=nnnn     . Set RX buffer size to <nnnn> (decimal)
     /P=nn       . Enable nn concurrent ports (1-16 decimal)
     /D[=n+|-]   . Enable or install diagnostics panel
     /N          . Disable diagnostics panel (may be reenabled)
     /A=nn       . Set screen attribute for diagnostics window
     /Lp=n[,lps] . Lock port <p> (0=COM1) baud rate to <n> (0=Unlock)
                   Optional: l=Character length, p=Parity, s=Stop Bits
     /W=n+|-     . Enable(+)/disable(-) carrier watch on port <n> (0=COM1)
     /Q          . Prevent INT 14H capture (install) or release INT 14H
     /M+|-       . Enable(+)/disable(-) FOSSIL "init" message
     /I=n+|-     . Initialise(+)/deinitialise(-) FOSSIL on port <n>
     /F+|-       . Enable/dssable faster screen writes via ANSI driver
     /B[0|1]     . Select reboot method, or perform system reboot
     /Z[0-5]     . Sets 16550 FIFOs [0=Max(16) 4=Min(1) 5=Disabled]
     /O          . Enable function 0x1c "compatibility"
     /C          . Recapture INT 14H vector
     /S          . Display driver status
     /H or /?    . Display this help screen

    /C        Recapture INT 14H vector
              Available in .COM version only

         eg.  BNU /C
              Recapture INT 14H
              (must not be used with any other switches!)

         This forces BNU to takes a look at the current  location
         of INT  14H  and  makes  sure  that  it  points into the
         resident portion of BNU.   If not, it resets the INT 14H
         address to the correct location.

         This is most often necessary when using a  multitasker -
         such as  DESQview(tm) - which revectors the interrupt on
         loading.  Since  one  standard  method  of detecting the
         presence of a FOSSIL driver is to examine memory shortly
         after the location pointed  to  by the INT 14H interrupt
         vector, the  'stealing'  of the interrupt  in  this  way
         causes many  applications  to  fail to locate the FOSSIL
         driver.  Applications which  use  the  'init  signature'
         method of detecting a FOSSIL driver will not normally be
         affected by this behaviour, but there  is  a  risk  that
         whatever 'stole'  the vector will unintentionally change
         CPU registers used by the  application  for  the  FOSSIL
         call, causing any number of complications  (and probably
         a system crash!).

         Another use  of  this switch might be to enable toggling
         between two or more communications  drivers  which  make
         use  of  INT  14H  (such  as packet radio communications
         drivers).  '/Q'  can  be  used  to  switch BNU "off" and
         restore a previous vector, and '/C' used to recapture it
         again for FOSSIL use.  The  following  sequence  is  the
         suggested method of doing this:

           BNU /Q [other switches]
                 (Install but don't vector INT 14H)
           <install other communications driver>
           BNU /C
                 (Capture INT 14H saving previous vector)

         To use the secondary driver (which could even be another
         FOSSIL driver,  but cannot be BNU), use  "BNU  /Q",  and
         "BNU /C" to use BNU again.

         NOTE: This  switch  MUST NOT be combined with any others
         (since they will be ignored)!

    /W        Enable/disable carrier watchdog

         eg.  BNU /W0+
              Enables carrier watchdog on port 0 (COM1)
              BNU /W1-
              Disables carrier watch on port 1 (COM2)

         This switch  enables or disables  carrier  watch  for  a
         particular communications port.  If carrier detect drops
         (the caller  hangs  up) while the watchdog  function  is
         active, the system will be rebooted.

         This feature  is most often used with programs which are
         not "carrier smart" and do  not monitor carrier detect -
         some of these were probably never intended  to  run with
         output directed  to  a communications port.  If a caller
         hangs up while such a program  requests input, it may be
         effectively "stuck", unable to continue until  its input
         is satisfied.    It is possible that this situation also
         presents a security risk.

         The carrier  detect watchdog is not an elegant nor ideal
         solution to this problem,  and  especially not useful in
         multitasking or networked computing environments,  where
         rebooting of   a   whole   machine   could  upset  other
         concurrently running tasks  and workstations.  There are
         some very clever "watchdog" programs which are much more
         suitable to do this, such as Angelo Besani's(++) WABIRD,
         which gracefully terminates the program and restores the
         system to the state it was in when originally invoked.

         Ommission of  the  '+'  or '-' is considered  an  error.
         This switch MUST be used exclusive of all others.

    (++) Angelo Basani is contactable at:
              Amnesia CBCS, Varese - Italy
              Fidonet 2:331/101.0, +39-331-263425

    /S        Display BNU status
              Available in .COM version only

         eg.  BNU /S
              Displays BNU's current status

         The resulting  display  will depend on the current state
         of the resident version of  the driver in memory, but if
         loaded will normally look similar to:

         Driver Version: 1.70    Installed
        Ports Available: 1
           Ports Active: 0
        FOSSIL Revision: 5
         TX Buffer Size: 2048
         RX Buffer Size: 2048
        Max Buffer Size: 4096
           Diags Module: Inactive
           Init Message: Enabled
            ANSI Output: Fast
            Port Locked: 1 @ 19200

         If the driver is not yet installed, only  the first line
         will be  shown,  with  the  text  "Not  Installed".  The
         diagnostics module (explained below) is one of "Active",
         "Inactive" (present but disabled)  or "Not loaded".  Any
         ports whose  baud  rate  has  been "locked"  are  listed

         Note that  port  numbers are ZERO-BASED.  Port 0 is what
         DOS refers to COM port 1  (ie.  the device COM1), port 1
         is COM2  etc.    DOS does not define devices  for  ports
         above port 3, though BNU can utilise them.

    /D        Enable/disable or install diagnostics module

         eg.  BNU /D2+
              On BNU install: Installs the diagnostics panel with
                              a default 'refresh' rate of 2, and
                              enabled (the '+' here is optional)
              Otherwise:      Provided the diagnostics module has
                              been installed, enables it and sets
                              the 'refresh' rate to 2
              BNU /D-
              Disables diagnostics screen updating (but does not
              deactivate them)

         This is   an   advanced   option,  useful  for  software
         development using FOSSIL  calls  as  a  means of viewing
         what the current state of the FOSSIL driver  is in 'real
         time'.  When  enabled  and  a  port is active for FOSSIL
         extended calls, a panel is  continually refreshed on the
         screen during each timer tick which displays  a  summary
         of various FOSSIL driver states.

         Information for   up   to   4  ports  can  be  displayed
         concurrently on the screen (thought this might get a bit
         messy!), overlaying anything currently displayed.

         By default, the "refresh rate" of the panel(s) is set to
         0, which means it is refreshed EVERY timer tick, or at a
         rate of about 18.2 times per second.  Refresh rates of 1
         means every second tick, 2  every third, 3 every fourth,
         and so  on.   Since video memory is slower  than  normal
         RAM, slowing  down  the  refresh  rate will decrease the
         overall detrimental  effect   that  diagnostics  has  on
         system performance.

         It should  be  noted  that  running  diagnostics   quite
         significantly impedes  system  performance  and  adds  a
         great deal  of  CPU  overhead   in   servicing  what  is
         effectively a "background" task.  You can therefore only
         run diagnostics  on a system equipped with  a  fast  CPU
         (286 or  above), running at lower baud rates and/or with
         a 16550AN UART.  Some general 'minimal' guide-lines are:

           . 2400 baud or below
              . 6-8MHZ 286 class
              . 16450 UART or better

           . 9600 baud
              . 10-16MHZ 286 class  -or-   . 20MHZ 386 class
              . 16550 UART                  . 16450 UART

           . 19200 baud
              . 16-20MHZ 286/386 class
              . 16550AN UART

         It takes quite a bit of  processing  power  to  drive  a
         'background' routine  to  refresh video  RAM  (which  is
         relatively slow)    without    impacting    on    system

         If you  are  having  any  difficulties  at all using the
         driver and have enabled the  diagnostics  panel, disable
         them immediately and try again.  I have found this to be
         a major cause of problems in the past.  This  feature is
         officially 'not  supported'  under any conditions, and I
         certainly don't need to hear that it "does" or "doesn't"
         work on your system.  Before  ANY problem report is made
         for any reason whatsoever, please try whatever  you  are
         trying to achieve WITHOUT DIAGNOSTICS LOADED!

         Usual symptoms  of  the diagnostics panel impacting in a
         detrimental way on a system's ability to communicate are
         failed handshaking   between   Fidonet   mailers,   poor
         resilience in file transfers when "task" switching under
         multitasking software, some spurious character loss from
         remote during terminal sessions, failure to initialise a
         modem and  inability  to detect incoming  calls  from  a
         modem returning    verbose   response   codes   (amongst

         When loaded (which must be  done  via the /D switch when
         BNU is initially installed), you can selectively  enable
         or disable  the diagnostics display from a keyboard "hot
         key".  The window is in an  initial  "on" state, but can
         be toggled  on or off by pressing LeftShift-Ctrl-5  (the
         '5' located  on the numeric keypad).  The 'refresh rate'
         can also  be adjusted on-the-fly  using  LeftShift-Ctrl-
         Grey+ and LeftShift-Ctrl-Grey-.  The panel itself can be
         shifted on the screen by holding down the LeftShift-Ctrl
         combination and pressing Up, Down, Left and  Right arrow
         keys.  Note  that  the background screen is NOT restored
         (since it is never saved).

         In summary:

           Left-Shift     Action

           Numeric 5      Toggle panel "off" and "on"
           Grey+/Grey-    Speed up/slow down panel refresh rate
           Arrow keys     Move diagnostics panel on screen

         Note that these 'hot-keys'  work, no matter if the panel
         is visible  or  not, but not if disabled  using  the  /N

         Toggling the  panel  "off"  using LS-5 does not entirely
         defeat the CPU overhead required  to  service the panel.
         In that case, the background task is still  active,  and
         only the  panel  is  not displayed.  To entirely disable
         the diagnostics  panel, either  unload  and  reload  BNU
         without the  /D  switch, or use "BNU /N" to  effectively
         turn it off.

         The following  diagram shows a typical diagnostics panel
         display, and explains the  fields  shown.    All numeric
         values are hexadecimal (base 16).

      +-- Port 0001 + ------- Port number, zero based (0=COM1)
      | TX Cnt 0001 | ------- Chrs currently in transmit buffer
      | TX Max 003F | ------- Maximum chrs found in transmit
      | TX Bse 141E | ]       buffer (this is cleared whenever
      | TX Top 241D | ] --+   the port is initialised)
      | TX Nxt 144A | ]   +-- Transmit buffer pointers/limits
      | TX End 1449 | ]
      | RX Cnt 0002 | ------- Chrs currently in receive buffer
      | RX Max 0019 | ------- Maximum chrs found in receive
      | RX Bse 241E | ]       buffered (cleared on init)
      | RX Top 341D | ] ----- Receive buffer pointers/limits
      | RX Nxt 249A | ]  +--- Current flow control state
      | RX End 249A | ]  |    highbyte=remote, lowbyte=local
      | FlwFlg 0080 | ---++-- Active flow control settings
      | FlwCtl 0002 | ----+   highbyte=remote, lowbyte=local
      | Status 6238 | ------- Current line/modem status
      | FifoSz 0010 | ------- 16550AN FIFO buffer (TX) size
      | Errors 0000 | ------- Number of FOSSIL errors registered
      | ErrFun 0000 | ------- Function (AX value) of error call
      | LastAX 0300 | ------- Last Int 14H function call (AX)
      | Int14H 5F73 | ------- Accumulated Int 14H calls
      | ISRInt 0D4F | ------- Accumulated hardware interrupts

         If you want to load diagnostics but have them completely
         inactive by   default,  use  the  following  batch  file

              REM Load diagnostics module when installing BNU
              BNU -D <other switches ...>
              REM Immediately disable them
              BNU -N

         The option to load without  screen  refresh "/Dn-" still
         uses clock cycles: only the screen update is inhibited.

         The "/N"   switch   actually  disables  the   background
         processing and   will   not  cause  any  degradation  in
         performance.  "/D" can be  used  to  reenable the module

    /N        Disable diagnostics panel

         eg.  BNU /N

         This switch disables output of diagnostic information to
         the screen, and also the background processing  required
         to update it.

    /A        Set diagnostics panel attribute

         eg.  BNU /A=79
              Causes the  diagnostics  panel  to  become  intense
              white on red

         This allows the physical screen attribute to be set.  By
         default, a colour screen uses  dark blue on white, and a
         monochrome screen reverse video.

    /I        Init/deinit FOSSIL enhanced functions

         eg.  BNU /I0+
              Initialise port 0 (COM1) for FOSSIL processing
              BNU /I1-
              Deinitialise port 1 (COM2)

         This provides the facility to force normally  non-FOSSIL
         aware BIOS  compatible  programs to use the basic FOSSIL
         character input/output functions.

         This has  specific  advantages   when  running  under  a
         multitasker, since  all  input/output is from  interrupt
         serviced buffers,   and   not   directly   polling   the
         communications port for activity.

         Not all non-FOSSIL aware  programs  will  be  compatible
         with use  of this option.  Only strictly  BIOS-compliant
         programs will benefit.  Some program will have their own
         interrupt driven  communications  functions,  and others
         will poll the port directly.  Initialising the FOSSIL in
         this way MAY interfere with  correct  operation of these

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson