Plenty of Free Stuff from Comstock Klips! Free Stuff!                 Click here for order information

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All CD-ROM's are dual platform.

   Royalty Free

Free Find&Try Sampler/Comping disc!

Comping/Sampler disc!  UPDATE  Free 

Find & Try comping/sampler disc!
Find &Try

We are constantly adding
new discs, new thumbnails, new comping versions, and new features to the Find &Try comping disc.

Order or Upgrade your FREE! Find&Try Comping/Sampler disc!

Thumbnails and comping versions of all our Klips images.  Plus a simple, intuitive "browser" to find what you need fast!

Be sure you've got the latest! It's FREE!



  COMSTOCKRF royalty-free Product Catalog.

.Comstock Klips Product Catalog

See all the latest-- and some special bargains, too!

Free Stuff From:
Free Stuff from Comstock's Rights Protected Division
Would you like to see FreeStuff from our  "rights protected"  division?
What does "rights protected" mean?
Note: Comstock Classic photos are rights-protected. Free Stuff images are therefore provided for comping and layout purposes only.Final use in your project is subject to standard reproduction fees.
To learn more, go to Traditional vs. Royalty Free-- which is for you?

See bottom of page for how to order
Click here for order information

  All CD-ROM's are dual platform.


. .freeclassicCD.gif (3338 bytes)

Comstock Classic 99 Digital Catalog

Comstock Classic 1999 Digital catalog (CD-ROM)
Over 6000 comping-resolution images from Comstock's world-renowned rights-controlled collection. All subjects: People, Business, Sports, Health & Fitness, Medicine, Animals, Backgrounds, Travel, Food and more.  
Available January, 1999.  Sign up now to receive first issues.

. .

  12th Edition Comstock Classic Catalog (Print & CD-ROM)

Comstock 12th Edition Catalog - 1300 images!

Brand new world-class imagery hot off the presses!  The latest and the freshest. Use the print catalog to browse, then download a comping image from the disc. All subjects.

. .

  .11th Edition Comstock Classic Catalog (Print & CD-ROM)

Comstock 11th Edition Catalog

One of our most popular catalogs ever! Edgy and contemporary., Use the print catalog to browse, then download a comping image from the disc. All subjects.

. .

  .New!  Comstock Classic 1999 Digital catalog (CD-ROM)

Over 6000 comping-resolution images from Comstock's world-renowned rights-controlled collection. All subjects: People, Business, Sports, Health & Fitness, Medicine, Animals, Backgrounds, Travel, Food and more.  Available November, 1998.  Sign up now to receive first issues.

    Comstock Classic Subject-Concentration Catalogs


.    People Vol. 2. (Print & CD-ROM )

People and Lifestyles-- Print AND CD-ROM!

Families, parenting, seniors and juniors. 18 different categories, 500 pages and thousands of pictures.  All the high quality that has made Comstock renowned throughout the world.


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2. Email Order

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