
Welcome to the CarBall website.

CarBall is a new gametype for Unreal Tournament2004. CarBall differs from the majority of gametypes currently available as the main activity of the game is not related to killing other players (although that's totally possible) to accumulate points. Instead the main activity in CarBall is driving your Buggy around the map with the aim of knocking the Ball into the opposing teams Goal to score points and win the match.

Version 1.x ships with 4 maps, more will come soon.

Version 1.x has no real support for BotMatches. Bots aren't very well suited to playing games where they aren't picking up gameobjects. I'm working towards implementing Bot AI for version2.

CarBall is an entrant in Phase3 of the Make Somthing Unreal competition.

Apart from the CarBall logo (which was created by ValHallen (thanks a million bro)) everything else in CarBall (that is not default UT2004 content) was created by me.


CarBall ©2004 Cliff Earl.
Unreal® Tournament 2004 ©2004 Epic Games, Inc. Raleigh, N.C. USA.
Unreal and the Unreal logo are registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc.