The Perfect Girlfriend Search!

This page has been accessed 2211 times.


I can just imagine the griping and complaining that I'll get out of my roommates from freshman year at Harvard. They had to put up with me and all of my searching desperately to find the perfect girlfriend. I was terrible, searching and scouring after church gatherings, scanning World Wide Web personal ads and who knows what else. Well, unfortunately for them, I've decided to take it just one step further — I am now dedicating a World Wide Web page to it. So, let's get down to business. Let me tell you what I'm looking for, and, if you're it, then there will be a place towards the bottom where you can click to submit your application form. Oh, and one more thing — I'm very heterosexual, females only need apply!

What I'm after:

  1. A female
  2. A Republican with a strong conservative background. However, I should say that I don't want any Rush Limbaugh types!
  3. Pentecostal, Pentecostal, Pentecostal! I'll accept United Pentecostal Church, Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ, and Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.
  4. I think I'd like to have a brunette. On the other hand, a blond could certainly be quite nice. Hmmmm . . . . Well, let's just say that hair color doesn't really matter.
  5. Brown eyes! Okay, so ya got me. Blue eyes wouldn't be too terrible. Ya know, come to think of it, hazel wouldn't be so bad. Of course, flat-out green wouldn't be gross.
  6. Somewhere around the age of nineteen.

Alright, okay, so ya got me already. I'm not really all that picky. Oh well. That's life I guess. Anyway, for all of you females who might actually be interested in someone like myself, please feel more than free to email me below.

Send Your Application!

Well, you've read the description. You know my stringent criteria. So, you've gotta ask yourself, "Did I cut the mustard?" "Am I that stunning beauty that will complete Kyle's life?" Well, there's probably only one way to find out, and that's for you to try to get this relationship on the road! So, if you think you're woman enough, I encourage you to complete the online application form.

Once you've completed your application and submitted it, the cunning craftsmen at Galaxy Star Systems will do their best to deliver this precious email, ever so gently, into my email box where I can read it. (Isn't this exciting?!?)

What do you look like?

Does this answer your question?

These are some shots of me that were taken during my senior year in high school. I'm almost two years older now, but I look pretty much the same.

Notice the nice, blue eyes, which I feel is one of my more complimented features. (I have a long story about blue eyes and brown eyes, but I'll spare you the details for now.)

The Update

Well, I'm getting quite a few replies to this page, so you might want to check out The Search for the Perfect Girlfriend! Update Page to see how I am coming along on my quest. Better yet, if you meet my stringent criteria, why not go ahead and complete the online application form to see if you can get your name added to the Update Page!

To Those of You Who Are Confused

If you are confused about whether to take this page as a serious attempt to find a girlfriend or just a frivolous page written purely for your enjoyment, go with your instinct. This page was written mainly for your enjoyment, but, hey, if it works out for me, I'm not going to complain. So, I'll take your application seriously if you want me to, or I'll be happy to take it as a joke, if you'd like. (There. Hopefully that will clarify things for those people who send questions about the page while calling me choice expletives. Get a life, you guys, and then enjoy it! If you do have other questions and can be polite about asking them, you can email me with them here.)

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This document is Copyright © 1995, 1996 by R. Kyle Jones. All Rights Reserved.