Creating and Configuring Catalogs

When you select Index Server in the left frame of the MMC, the right frame shows a list of catalogs. During installation, Index Server creates the Web catalog. You can add more catalogs whenever you want, and you can remove them. You can also configure existing catalogs and move their location.

This topic contains:

Creating Catalogs

In addition to the Web default catalog, you can add other catalogs to improve performance by directing queries across several catalogs or to increase efficiency if your site contains virtual servers. To create a catalog
  1. In the MMC, select Index Server.
  2. From the Action menu, select Stop.
  3. You must stop the Content Index service before you can add a catalog.

  4. From the Action menu, select Create New and then Catalog.
  5. In the Add Catalog dialog box, type the name of the catalog.
  6. Click the Browse button and select a directory where you want this new catalog to be located.
  7. When you have selected the catalog location, click the OK button.
  8. With Index Server selected, from the Action menu, select Start.
  9. Restarting Index Server makes the new catalog available for the indexing process.

Note   Before you can add a new catalog, you must stop Index Server. After you create a new catalog, you must restart Index Server to bring the new catalog online. But before bringing it online, you may want to add directories and modify catalog properties.

To point a query page at a new catalog, you must set the CiCatalog value in the corresponding .idq file or change the default catalog in the IsapiDefaultCatalogDirectory parameter. For information about changing the default catalog, see Main Registry Parameters.

Note   When using the MMC Index Server Mananger, you cannot add a catalog to a remote computer if the default administration shares on the remote computer have been removed.

Configuring Catalogs

Once you have created a catalog, you can configure it in several ways before you bring it online by restarting Index Server. You can:

  1. Select the catalog you want to configure.
  2. From the Action menu, select Properties.
  3. The Location property sheet appears, showing you the Name, Location, and Size of the catalog.

  4. Click the Web tab.
  5. Track Virtual Roots
    Select the box to index and update virtual directories.

    Virtual Server
    Select the specific virtual server you want to associate with this catalog. For details, see Associating a Catalog with a Virtual Server.

    Track NNTP Roots
    Select the box to index and update news directories.

    NNTP Server
    Select the specific virtual news server you want to associate with this catalog.
  6. Click the Generation tab.
  7. Changing the settings on the Generation property sheet overrides the global settings for this specific catalog. For an explanation of this property sheet, see Setting Global Properties.

  8. When you have finished, click the OK button.

Note   If you have created a catalog and brought it online, you can reconfigure it at any time. After configuring a catalog, you must stop the Content Index service and then restart it for the changes to take effect.

Moving and Removing Catalogs

To move or remove a catalog, see Moving and Removing a Catalog.

As in previous versions of Index Server, you can add and remove catalogs manually and adjust the appropriate registry settings. If you have the MMC running, you must shut it down and restart it for manual changes to show up. For details about moving and removing catalogs manually, see Moving and Removing a Catalog.

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