Moving and Removing a Catalog

Before moving or removing catalogs, you must first stop the Content Index service. Once you have made your change, you must restart the Content Index service.

To stop and restart the Content Index service
  1. In the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), right click Index Server on Local Machine.
  2. On the menu that appears, click Stop.
  3. After moving or removing a catalog, you should restart the Content Index service.

  4. Right click Index Server on Local Machine.
  5. Click Start on the menu.

Note   You can, alternatively, stop and restart the Content Index service in the Windows NT Control Panel, under the Services icon.


To move a catalog
  1. Stop the Content Index service as described earlier on this page.
  2. In the Windows NT Explorer, move the Catalog.wci directory to a new location.
  3. Reset the Location key for the specific catalog in the registry.
  4. See Catalogs and Scopes for more information about changing catalog settings in the registry.

  5. Restart the Content Index service as described earlier on this page.

When you move or remove a catalog, you must also do the following:

  1. If moving a catalog, you must exit and restart the MMC to see your change.
  2. Update the IsapiDefaultCatalogDirectory registry entry, if you have moved or removed the default catalog directory.
  3. Make sure there are no references to nonexistent catalogs in any of your .idq files.


To remove a catalog
  1. Stop the Content Index service as described earlier on this page.
  2. In the MMC, right click the catalog you want to remove.
  3. On the menu that appears, click Delete.
  4. A prompt asks if you want to permanently remove the catalog. Click the Yes button.
  5. The catalog name disappears from the MMC.

  6. Restart the Content Index service as described earlier on this page.

Note   Although this procedure deletes a catalog from Index Server, it does not delete the corresponding directory from the computer.

Note   When using the MMC Index Server Mananger, you cannot delete a catalog from a remote computer if the default administration shares on the remote computer have been removed.

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