
Development tools and editors

One of the most popular development tools is Nokia Wap Toolkit. It is free to download after the registration in the Nokia Developer Forum. It offers also a simulation of real mobile phones (e.g. Nokia 7110) except tools for the creation of source codes. The most important technological detail in the actual version 2.0 is the Push technology. It enables displaying of pages without any user's intervention (e.g. notification about new e-mail in a box and displaying of a menu with necessary functions. These pages must be developed by a developer at first.

One of the biggest world players in WAP area is also which engages in the implementation of WAP browsers in mobile phones and in complete supplies for operators. It offers the professional product for developers - UP.SDK. It contains wide documentation and examples too.

Telecommunication gigant Motorola is not of course out of "WAP game". It offers also its own development tool Mobile ADK. It makes possible the creation of applications based on WAP and VoxML. VoxML is the platform for the development of application enriched by voice and voice-control. The structure of this language is constructed just for development of voice applications. Applications based on VoxML enable user to raise a query through the voice.

We mustn't forgot neither next big player Ericsson and its Ericsson WAP IDE. It is free to download after the registration in the developer forum.

The tool for very easy and intuitive development of WAP pages is WAPtor. It is also free of charge but in spite this it offers very useful functions like creation of tables in WAP pages, preview of WBMP picture or wide help just in case of problems.

WML Tools is the very happy kit of utilities not only for development of WAP pages.. In addition all this is available in source code !!! In this kit you can find compilator of WML source codes as well as decompilator of binary codes (WMLC). Very useful is also group of tools for the conversion to WBMP format etc.

WapObjects is the editor based on popular system WebObjects by Apple. Trial version is free to download. It supports WML language in 1.1 version and enables also parallel development of pages for both HTML and WML browsers.

WML Express is the editor provided by Astro Solutions. On its website you can find also a brief introduction to the world of WML.

CardOne is the next editor which is available in two versions - free of charge and commercial. The authors are promising next new features - mainly for commercial version.

Visual development of WAP pages without knowledge about WML language is provided by the editor WAPPage. If offer also tree-view of tags used in a given page.

Emulators and WAP browsers

A very popular simulator of a WAP phone is the product M3gate. It is technologically advanced (supports also e.g. WMLScript) and it tries to simulate a design of WAP pages on the real WAP enabled phone. It is free to download.

To the specific category belongs the product WinWap. Its popularity it obtained by its low hardware requirements and high similarity with common web-browsers. It is only trial version free to download.

An analogy to the last product is Klondike. It supports WML language in version 1.2 and is also technologically advanced. It has only problems with displaying of the czech characters.

JBrowser is the browser available for Windows and Linux platform. It has a very small size for downloading. We are afraid that the size is equal to its quality. It is not able to display more complicated pages and also has problems with displaying of the czech characters.

Very popular are on-line emulators of WAP enabled phones. The highest comfort in this area offers the server It offers the simulation of a wide range of WAP enabled phones - Nokia 7110, Siemens C35/S35, Ericsson R320/R380 and Motorola A6188.

Just a little different character has the browser Opera. It is the first browser which is able to display pages in both HTML and WML format. But - its skills in HTML language are very limited. It is the right solution for user who doesn't like to use two different browsers (the first for HTML and the second for WML).

The best known browser for PalmOS platform is WapMan which is the product of EdgeMatrix. The newest version is also able to display color pages. The number of downloads of the last version is 100 000. So it is unambigouesly the most popular WAP browser for PalmOS.

MobileID is the next WAP browser for PalmOS platform which is able to use bigger size of a display in comparison with common mobile phones. It is compatible with all products based on Palm OS (Palm III, V, Handspring Visor IBM c3 etc.) using a modem or a mobile phone through the IR port.

For the fans of Java platform is determined the product Wapsody by IBM.

Users of Linux can try WMLBrowser. They can obtain also its source codes. This possibility is a good opportunity not only for developers but also for producers of mobiles phones or PDAs who can adapt it according to their own requirements.

Tools for WBMP pictures

One of the comfort utilities for conversion of grafic pictures to the WBMP format is Pic2Wbmp. It enables also changes of a size of a picture and settings of its contrast except the conversion. For its using you need Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed.

Wapdraw is the utility for very easy painting of your own pictures in WBMP (Wireless Bitmap) format. Maximal size of a picture is 96x80 and its using is very similar to a common icon editor.

If you don't want to break away your favourite grafic tool you can use the plug-in enabling export to WBMP. One of the examples can be the plug-in for Photoshop and Paintshop Pro.

Creation Flux is the Photoshop plug-in for Apple Mac platform for viewing and creation of WBMP files.

Very interesting alternative is a creation of WBMP files by the on-line conversion. It is offered for example by Applepie Solutions. Thanks to their on-line convertor you needn't to install any product but you can only input the URL address of a picture and download the converted file (WBMP).

Similar services are offered also by WapTiger. But - you can also download its off-line version (both for Windows and Linux).

When you are looking for a utility for PBM conversion to WBMP you can try PbmWbmp. Its available for Linux platform including its source codes.

WAP gateways

One of the most popular products in the area of WAP gateways is RealGewi. It was in a point of beta testing for a long time but now the final version was unveiled too. Only time-limited versions are free to download. Its prices are defined according to a number of users who will use it.

For Linux platform is very popular the project Kannel which gives access also to source codes of its gateway. Documentation and other informations for developers and users are available there too.

The next product in this area is WAPLite which is available in several versions. It can offer professional Enterprise version as well as more simple ISP WAP Server version. Here you can obtain also detailed informations about its technological aspects and supported types of WAP enabled phones.

If you are not going to use a gateway commercially and 30-day version is enough for you then you should try the product AudiCode WAP Server. But it doesn't support secured communication (WTLS).

Nokia WAP Server is one of the professional solutions. It is free to download (time-limited version). For its running you must have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed.

Complete solutions in WAP area are offered by the most of big telecommunications producers. So there cannot miss neither Motorola. Its product is not available for free. But it comprises also functions for billing and remote administration over SNMP protocol as well as secure communication (WTLS).

Just a little specific solution is Melody WAP Gateway. It is adapted for companies whose would like to access data from its information systems by the mobile phone and WAP anytime and anywhere.