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First images from ESO's Kueyen telescope
Deepest amateur image
The measure of Eros
Close-up on the Tarantula

Mars Observing Alert ! !
March 31 -- The sudden appearance of clouds near the region of Ascraeus Lacus and Nix Olympica is worth checking out. Here are the details.

Special Astronomical Event Updates
Our Special Sky Events page has information about selected astronomical events. See our occultations page for more information.

Martian Microbes in Meteorite?
The jury is still out. Here is an update on NASA's controversial announcement made some 2 1/2 years ago.
What's a Blue Moon?
A 53-year-old mistake in Sky & Telescope changed pop culture and the English language in unexpected ways. Here are the details.

Awaiting the Storm
After the excitement of the 1998 Leonid meteor shower, could the 1999 show be even better? Check it out here.

Pluto Reconsidered
What to call the "little planet with the big moon" has become a cause célèbre. J. Kelly Beatty gives us the scoop in our Moon and Planets section.

Press Release
Magazine Admits to "Blue Moon Blooper" A 53-year-old mistake in Sky & Telescope changed pop culture and the English language in unexpected ways.

Job Openings
Sky Publishing has openings in sales. See our Employment Opportunities page for more information..

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