Rokytnice v Orlick²ch horßch

Kostel - ChurchM∞sto bylo zalo₧eno ve 13. stoletφ a je nßstupnφm mφstem do Orlick²ch hor. Na mφst∞ b²valΘ tvrze byl postaven renesanΦnφ zßmek, ke kterΘmu pat°φ kostel ze 16. stol. a Anenskß kaple. D°ev∞nΘ domky s podloubφm, empφrovß kaÜna, Marißnsk² sloup a baroknφ kostel z let 1679 - 84 dopl≥ujφ ozdobu nßm∞stφ. Rokytnice je p°edurΦena turistickΘmu ruchu, p°edevÜφm pro ΦistΘ ovzduÜφ a dosud vß₧n∞ji nenaruÜenou p°φrodu, protkanou znaΦen²mi turistick²mi stezkami. Nejatraktivn∞jÜφ z nich je Jirßskova stezka po h°ebenech Orlick²ch hor, kterou lemuje linie Φs. opevn∞nφ jako historick² pamßtnφk z let 1935 - 38. Letnφ sez≤na nabφzφ sportovnφ h°iÜt∞, tenisovΘ kurty, p°φrodnφ koupaliÜt∞, ryba°enφ, projφ₧∩ky na konφch, vyu₧itφ horsk²ch kol, turistickΘ v²lety do sportovnφch a kulturnφch center regionu, v zim∞ pak kvalitnφ terΘny pro sjezdovΘ a b∞₧eckΘ ly₧ovßnφ.

Rokytnice in OrlickΘ mountains

Nßm∞stφ - SquareThe city was founded in the 13th century and is the gate to the OrlickΘ (Eagle) mountains. A Renaissance castle was built in 1553. There is also a 16th Century Renaissance church and St Ann┤s Chapel. Arcaded wooden houses, a Baroque church built between 1679 and 1684, an Empire fountain and a Maria Column decorate the square of Rokytnice which has a population of 2000. This town is ideal as a tourist centre because of the clean environment and unspoilt landscape which is full of marked tourist paths. The Jirßsek path on the ridge of the OrlickΘ mountains is a most attractive route, it follows the border fortification line as an historic memorial to the years 1935 - 1938. Sportsgrounds, tennis courts, natural swimming pools, horse-riding, mountain-biking and tourist trips to the sporting and cultural centres of the region are availablein summer time, and high quality terrains for skiing and crosscounty skiing winter.

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