CMDbar -- Getting Started

 Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 Pitrinec Software, All Rights Reserved. (Developed by Lukas Rovensky.)


Getting Started with CMDbar

CMDbar Window
Enter Your First Commands
Open Sample File
CMDbar Help File
Home page

CMDbar Window

cmdlinedescr.gif (10716 bytes)

Current Path edit control contains always the current path.  User can select the path and copy it to clipboard.
Command Combo Box is place when user enters commands.  Entered command (the command history) are stored inside the combo box's list box.  User can go through the history list either using keys <Up> and <Down> or display it using <Alt + Up>, <Alt + Down> or by clicking on the combo box arrow.
Toolbar contains icons for navigation among folders, browse, Command Browser and favorites menu.

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Enter Your First Commands

Commands are entered inside the Command Combo Box.  After a command is entered user has to press <Enter> and command is performed.  Note, that Quick Help window tells you command parameters and description and that you do not have to enter whole command because of Smart Command Complete.

Enter: dir and <Enter> -- Explorer window with current directory appears.

Enter: * and <Enter> -- File Management window appears.

Enter: options and <Enter> -- Options property sheet appears.

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Open Sample File

Enter: menu and <Enter> -- Main menu appears.

Go to: File/Open and inside the File Open dialog select folder 'Example' and inside this folder select file 'example.pcb'.  Shortcut for CMDbar defined inside the example file is 'Alt + \'.

You can try some of the filters (.bat, .documents, etc.), scripts for unit conversions (cnv_i2cm, cnv_p2k, etc.), links (yahoo, SoftwareUtilities, microsoft, etc.).  All predefined commands and settings can be explored by entering options command.

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