CMDbar Help File

 Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 Pitrinec Software, All Rights Reserved. (Developed by Lukas Rovensky.)

  1. Overview
    About CMDbarr
    Major Features
    Current version
  2. Using CMDbar
    Main Window
    Repositioning and Resizing
    Tracking Main Menu
    Switching Between Modes
    Customize CMDbar
    Using Tray Icon
    Command Line Mode
    Entering Commands
    Quick Help
    Smart Command Complete
    Using folder navigation
    Using Command Browser
    Using File Management Dialog
    How to Access File Management Dialog
    Example and Description
    Using Log
    Synchronization with Internet Explorer
    Using Expression Calculator
    Customizing the Command Line
    User Defined Commands
    Property Pages for User Defined Commands
    Using Aliases
    Using Scripts
    Using Favorites
    Using File Filters
    System Settings and Info Mode
  3. Built-in Command Reference
    User Interface Commands
    Shell Commands
    CMDbar Object for Scripts
  4. Support
    License agreement
    Price List
    On-line Registration
    Home page
  5. Frequently Asked Questions

1. Overview

About CMDbar

Welcome to CMDbar, the utility to control Windows from the keyboard.  It can speed up every day work of every user and does not require any special knowledge or to be a command expert.   CMDbar gives user the power to type commands fast and easily perform routine task as in command-line oriented environments (DOS, Unix) while retaining all advantages of the Windows environment and graphical user interface.

CMDbar differs from other command line utilities because it integrates with Windows whenever possible.  For example, command del (erase, delete) deletes files or folders using Recycle Bin.  When user types dir then Explorer window exploring current folder appears (not the inconvenient MS-DOS prompt box).  User defined aliases, file filters and favorites are available in addition to built-in commands.

CMDbar is also ActiveX Scripting Host (another common scripting hosts is, for example, Internet Explorer).  This means that CMDbar can host popular scripting language engines (like VBScript, JavaScript, PythonScript, PerlScript) and run scripts written in a scripting language.  Visaul Basic for Applications (VBA) like scripting capability is also available (like VBA macros in Microsoft Office), so, all CMDbar commands can be called within scripts.  This feature makes possible to prepare powerfull scripts to automate various tasks.

User does not have to remember all commands and their syntax because of  two important features: Quick Help (displays command syntax and description in a small tool tip window as user types) and Smart Command Complete (offers possible commands or files from current folder matching typed text in similar way as Internet Explorer does for links from history combo-box).  These features makes usage of the CMDbar extremely easy and convenient and speed up every day work in Windows.

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Major Features

The following list briefly describes all major features of the CMDbar:

Efficient User Interface makes CMDbar's main window as small as possible while retaining all needed controls (current path, command editor and small toolbar).  The main window can be either docked or floating, in auto-hide mode and in always-on top mode.
User defined hot-key makes possible to access CMDbar in a one keystroke.
Quick Help displays a tool tip window with short command description and parameters of currently typed command.
Smart Command Complete offers possible commands or files from current folder matching the typed text and speeds up significantly command entering.
Built-in commands:
Common commands with multiple names to satisfy both MS-DOS and Unix users, like copy (cp), del (delete, erase, rm, remove), etc.
Commands to integrate with Windows, like scrsaver (runs screen saver), rbin (shows or empties Recycle Bin), time, date (displays date and time applet from Control Panel), etc.
Commands to control CMDbar itself, like, menu (tracks main menu), dock (docks CMDbar window on bottom or top), options (opens Options property sheet), etc.
Extensive folder navigation support allows user to quickly go back and forward among folders (like in MS Internet Explorer), select folders from back, forward and up menus and easily browse for new folder.
Multi-command aliases for most often used commands and simple tasks
Favorites -- shortcuts to user's favorite:
User defined scripts -- depending on installed ActiveX Scripting Engines and version of Internet Explorer (4.x or higher) user can write and run scripts in the following scripting languages: VBScript, JavaScript, PerlScript and PythonScript.  CMDbar commands can be called within scripts.
File Management offers useful file management features in simple Explorer-like window, including possibility to select files and folders by multiple user defined wild-card patterns.
File Filters make possible to predefine most often used file filters (for example, '*.h; *.cpp' for C++ development, '*.doc; *.xls; *.ppt' for MS Office documents, etc.) and use them in cooperation with the File Management window.
Command Browser displays all built-in commands and user defined aliases, favorites, filters and scripts.
Log window shows all entered command and displays error messages.
Math expression calculator makes possible to evaluate various math expressions directly from the command line.

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Current Version

Current version is 2.10.  CMDbar is shareware -- it can be evaluated for 30 days and after this period it has to be registered or removed from the system.  We appreciate to hear every user's feedback, comments or suggestions to improve CMDbar and make next versions as useful as possible.

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2. Using CMDbar

Main Window

Main CMDbar Windows consist of the following parts:

Left-sided title bar makes possible to keep the main window as small as possible.
Mode Toolbar switches between modes (<Alt + PgDn> and <Alt + PgUp> shortcuts can be used as well).
Minimize and Close buttons.
Mode window -- is the area between Mode Toolbar and Minimize button.   Two modes are supported today -- Command Line mode (the main one) and System Settings and Info mode.  In future versions of CMDbar more modes may appear.

 maindescr.gif (9502 bytes)

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Repositioning and Resizing

Title bar area is located in the left side of the window to spare space and make main window as slim as possible.   User can reposition CMDbar (in floating state) just as any other window -- move mouse cursor over the title bar area, hold mouse left button down and drag window to the desired position.

CMDbar window can be resized only horizontally.   Horizontal resizing works as usual in Windows -- user positions mouse cursor either on left or right border, cursor changes to horizontal double-sided arrow and when holding mouse left button the window can be resized.

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Tracking Main Menu

Main menu is hidden when it is not needed but can be tracked very easily.  User can either type command menu and press <Enter> or move mouse cursor over the title bar area and press mouse right button and main menu appears.  Main menu hides itself when a command is selected or <Esc> key is pressed twice or when another application gets focus.

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Switching Between Modes

CMDbar provides today two modes (in a future more modes may appear).  The Command Line mode is the main one and the second is the System Settings and Info mode.  Each mode has one icon inside the mode toolbar (see Main Window).  User can switch between modes either by selecting mode using mouse (left click over required icon) or by shortcuts <Alt + PgDn> and <Alt + PgUp>.

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Customizing CMDbar

CMDbar can be easily customized to conform users habits and requirements.  Inside this paragraph are discussed global options, for other, more specific, customizations follow one of the links: Customizing the Command Line, Using Aliases, ...

Basic settings (Always on Top, Dock, and Autohide) are available both inside the main menu (under item 'View') and inside the tray icon menu.  They can also be also set, as well as other options, in the first page (General) of the Options property sheet (go to 'Tools/Options...' inside main menu or type command 'options').   Description of all general options are in the following list:

When user selects Always on Top (command ontop) then CMDbar becomes an always on top window, so it is always visible and is may not be overlapped (even partially) by any other window.
If Autohide mode is on (command autohide) then CMDbar automatically hides itself when it looses focus.  Visible aspect of the autohidden toolbar depends on docking mode.  When docking is on then autohidden CMDbar shrinks itself to very low line along the border of the screen when it is being docked.  If CMDbar is floating then it autohides itself to a small rectangle about the size of the title bar area.  Select 'Left border' to shrink floating CMDbar to its left border and select 'Right border' to shrink it to its left border.
Dock option (command dock) switches between floating and docking modes.  CMDbar can be docked either on top (select 'Top') or bottom (select 'Bottom') border of the screen.  Docked window is similar to the task bar window.  It can not be neither moved to another position nor minimized.
Save Changes on Exit radio button makes possible to set if user is asked to save changes on exit or if changes are saved without asking or changes are never saved on exit.
Set Hot Key button opens a simple dialog box used to select a unique hot key to quickly access CMDbar from keyboard.  User is recommended to select such hot key that can be easily and conveniently pressed at any time.
Application Contex Folders make possible to assign a (context) folder to an application.  Once application with listed title becomes active then also corresponding context folder is automatically set as current folder.

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Using Tray Icon

CMDbar places a small icon inside the tray area of the task bar.  The icon has two main functions:

Click on tray icon with mouse left button brings the CMDbar on top.
Click on tray icon with mouse right button tracks a small popup menu containing favorites submenu, basic view settings, options, help and exit items.

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Command Line Mode

The Command Line mode is the main working mode of the CMDbar.  The Command Line mode window consist of three parts:

Current Path edit control contains always the current path.  User can select the path and copy it to clipboard.
Command Combo Box is place when user enters commands.  Entered command (the command history) are stored inside the combo box's list box.  User can go through the history list either using keys <Up> and <Down> or display it using <Alt + Up>, <Alt + Down> or by clicking on the combo box arrow.
Toolbar contains icons for navigation among folders, browse, Command Browser and favorites menu.

cmdlinedescr.gif (10716 bytes)

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Entering Commands

Commands are entered inside the Command Combo Box.  After a command is entered user has to press <Enter> and command is performed.  Entering of commands simplifies and make very easy two important features Quick Help and Smart Command Complete.

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Quick Help

Quick Help tracks users typing and tries to recognize known commands.  Once a command is recognized a small tool tip window is displayed.  This window contains command parameters and description.  The Quick Help feature prevents user from the necessity to remember all possible parameters of each command.  Quick Help can be disabled inside the Options property sheet, page Command Line (see Customizing the Command Line).

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Smart Command Complete

Smart Command Complete as well as Quick Help tracks users typing and tries to match partially entered commands or command parameters against the following (in the listed order):

  1. Commands from command history list, that is, previously entered commands.
  2. All built-in commands, aliases, favorites and filters.
  3. Names of files and folders from current directory.

This  technology can extremely speed up command typing because for unique commands and files is usually sufficient just type the first two characters, command/file is recognized and offer, so user can hit immediately <Enter>.   User can disable or enable all described options (1, 2 or 3) inside the Options property sheet, page Command Line (see Customizing the Command Line).


User types:


Smart Command Complete offers:


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Using Folder Navigation

Folder navigation works as navigation inside MS Internet Explorer 4.x.  User can use shortcuts <Alt + Left> and <Alt + Right> (commands back and forward) to go back and forward among already entered folders.  Except these shortcuts is also available shortcut <Alt + U> (command up) to go up one level inside the directory hierarchy.  Right click on appropriate icon inside the toolbar displays either back, forward or up menu (m parameter of the back, forward and up commands).  User can also specify number of steps to go back, forward or up as a parameter of these commands.

Command browse folder displays Browse for Folder dialog box inside which user can easily select a new current folder.

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Using Command Browser

Command Browser is a special window displaying in a tree view all built-in commands and also user defined aliases, favorites and filters.  User can search inside the tree for required command and once a command is found or just manually selected then its parameters and description are displayed.

cmdbrowse.gif (16449 bytes)

Selected command may be copied to the edit control 'Resulting Command', and then finally used as new command (when users closes the Command Browser dialog using 'Use Resulting Command' button.

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Using File Management Dialog

The File Management Dialog provides functionality to easy copy, move, delete, open and rename files.  The window has look and feel similar to Windows Explorer. 

How to Access File Management Dialog

Track main menu and select item View/File Management.
Type character '*' and press <Enter>.
Type any wild-card string, e.g., '*.txt' or 'doc_?_*.*', etc., and press <Enter>.
Type filter shortcut and press <Enter>.

Example and Description

The following picture shows example of File Management Dialog opened displaying content of directory 'C:\WINNT\system32' using user defined filter 'text' to filter out all files except the text ones.

 fm.gif (17993 bytes)

Directory tells currently displayed directory.
Toolbar on the right/top corner provides buttons for navigation (back, forward, up, the functionality is the same as in the command line toolbar), refresh, browse for folder and view type selection (Large Icons, Small Icons, List and Details).
Current filter combo box shows currently used filter.   File Management Dialog remembers last used file filter and uses it as the default one if it is possible but user can select another filter using the Current filter combo box.
Show folders combo box makes possible to disable or enable folders inside the view.
Open button opens selected files (user can also double-click or use context menu to open a file).
Copy button opens Copy dialog box -- user can concurrently copy and rename files and folders.
Move button opens Move dialog box -- user can concurrently move and rename files and folders.
Delete button deletes selected files and folders.
Properties button displays system property dialog for selected files and folders.
Rename button makes possible to type new name of selected file or folder.
Select button opens Select dialog box -- user can enter one or more (semi-colon separated) wild-card filters used to select matching files, e.g., 'm*.txt; m*.doc', etc.
Deselect button opens Deselect dialog box -- user can enter one or more (semi-colon separated) wild-card filters used to deselect matching files, e.g., 'm*.txt; m*.doc', etc.
Close button closes the File Management Dialog.

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Using Log

Inside log is stored (logged) all user activity, that is, entered commands, error messages, etc.  When an error appears (usually wrong or missing command parameters) then log dialog box automatically opens itself.  Use command log to open log dialog box or clear the log.  Log window has two tabs -- List View and Text View.  List View provides better view to a log with icons distinguishing between information messages, erros and entered commands.  Tex View makes possible to copy log content to clipboard and use for some further processing.

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Synchronization with Internet Explorer

CMDbar is able to run a special instance of (IE) Internet Explorer (on command ls, dir or explore) and synchronize current folder with it.  When user changes folder in CMDbar then folder is automatically changed in IE and vice versa.  Internet Explorer 4.x or higher is required for this feature.

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Using Expression Calculator

CMDbar can evaluate math expressions.  Expressions are computed via VBScript, so the VBScript ActiveX engine has to be installed (Internet Explorer 4.x or higher is also required).  Command = is used to evaluate arbitraty math expression, e.g.,

= 3 *(2345 - 789) / 12

The result is automatically displayed in log.   Commands -=, +=, *= and /= can be used to evaluate an expression and subtract, add, etc., it to the last result.

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Customizing the Command Line

The command line options can be set in the Options property sheet, page Command Line.  The following options can be set:

Save log between sessions -- makes possible to store log records to the CMDbar data file, so they are not deleted on exit.
Quick Help -- enables or disables the Quick Help.
Delete through Recycle Bin -- if checked then all delete operations (commands del, erase, etc.) will go through Recycle Bin, so they can be undone.
Show Tree in Explorer -- it checked then commands ls, dir and explore will display Explorer window with the folder tree view otherwise without this view.  This option cannot be used when synchronization with Internet Explorer is selected.
Synchronize with Internet Explorer 4.x and higher -- this option enables current folder synchronization with special instance of Internet Explorer.
Set Hot Key to Activate IE Window -- user can set a hot key to activate the special 'synchronized' instance of the Internet Explorer.
Log Buffer Size -- makes possible to increase or decrease maximal number of records inside the log.
History Buffer Size -- makes possible to increase or decrease maximal number of items inside the history list of the Command Combo Box.
Smart Command Complete -- Complete Entered Command with -- this group makes possible to customize behavior of the Smart Command Complete feature.  User can set categories to be used to search for possible command.  Preferred extensions are used to tell the CMDbar which file should be offered if one or more files with the same name but different extension match current typing.  Excluded extensions are used to exclude files which user does not want to get offered.

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User Defined Commands

CMDbar supports various user defined commands -- aliases, favorites and file filters.  Each category of user defined commands is discussed in a separate paragraph.

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Property Pages for User Defined Commands

All user defined commands can be defined inside the Options property sheet, pages Aliases, Scripts, Favorites and Filters.  Because all these property pages have identical look and feel they can be described together.  The following picture contains a Favorites property page.

ppfavprg.gif (13516 bytes)

Toolbar inside top/right corner provides buttons for view type selection (Large Icons, Small Icons, List and Details).
List view contains selected user defined commands.
Buttons on top are special to the Favorites property page and makes possible to select type of favorites to be displayed.
Add New button opens add dialog where user can add new item to the list view.
Edit button opens edit (property) dialog where user can modify selected item.
Add Copy button adds copy of currently selected item.
Remove button removes selected item from the list view and deletes it.
Up button moves selected item up in the list view.
Down button moves selected item down in the list view.

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Using Aliases

Aliases provide easy way to create shortcuts to various commands (instead of forward user can create and use alias fwd, etc.).  Each alias can consist of multiple commands (that is, built-in commands, other aliases, favorites, filters and file or program names), so simple batches can be written using aliases as well.  Alias cannot be reentrant and this is the only limitation.  Alias can take up to 9 parameters.  Strings '%1', '%2', ..., '%9' are replaced by actual parameters before an alias is performed.

Alias description and first command of alias definition are displayed inside Quick Help  window and inside the Command Browser window.

Aliases are defined inside the Options property sheet, page Aliases.   This property page is described inside the paragraph Property Pages for User Defined Commands.  User can also use Command Browser inside Alias Properties dialog box.

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Using Scripts

Scripts can be written in one of the following scripting languages: VBScript, JavaScript, PerlScript and PythonScript (proper script engines have to be installed as well as Internet Explorer 4.x or higher, see FAQ's for information about getting PerlScript and PythonScript).   CMDbar can run a script either via Internet Explorer or via internal ActiveX Script Host.   The second option is recommended because it is usually faster and also makes possible to invoke any CMDbar command using methods of object 'CMDbar'. 

Add New button displays simple dialog inside which user can select type of the script (only the currently installed scripting languages are enabled) and decide if he wants to generate a sample 'Hello, world !' script.

Scripts are defined inside the Options property sheet, page Scripts.  This property page is described inside the paragraph Property Pages for User Defined Commands.

Script properties dialog looks like the following:

scriptprop.gif (9156 bytes)

Script -- name of the script.
Description -- script description (appears inside the Quik Help window).
Script Type -- select your favorite scripting language.
ActiveX Script Host -- select which script host will be used to run the script.
Show Internet Explorer Window -- select this option if you want to see IE window.
Show Internet Explorer Toolbar -- enabled only if the browser window is visible, switch on/off the toolbar.
Script Definition -- the script itself.
Entry Point -- name of the script function to be called on script start.
Insert CMDbar Command -- insert a CMDbar command using Command Browser.
Insert Full Path File Name -- insert a file name with full path.
Insert Path -- insert selected path.
Test -- test the script behaviour.
Show Generated HTML Page -- show the automatically generated HTML text used to run the script.

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Using Favorites

Favorites represent user's favorite folders, programs, files and WWW links.  Each favorite has assigned a unique shortcut which is used for fast access.  Favorites can be also accessed from main menu.

Favorites are described by category in the following list:

Folders make possible to explore your favorite folders.   When user types shortcut for a folder then new Explorer window browsing the folder is created.
Programs make possible to launch fast your favorite programs.  When user types shortcut for a program then the program is immediately launched.
Files make possible to open fast your favorite programs (e.g., most often used documents, projects in MS Visual studio, etc.).  When user types shortcut for a file and the file is associated with a program then the program is launched and edits the file.
WWW Links make possible to quickly open your favorite WWW links.  When user types shortcut for a link then current browser starts to browse address defined by the link.
Others is special category of favorite items which do not conform to any category above.

Favorite description and definition are displayed inside Quick Help  window and inside the Command Browser window.

Favorites are defined inside the Options property sheet, page Favorites.  This property page is described inside the paragraph Property Pages for User Defined Commands.

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Using File Filters

User can define various File Filters for most often used files (for example, '*.h; *.cpp' for C++ development, '*.doc; *.xls; *.ppt' for MS Office documents, my*.* for all 'my' files, etc.).  Each filter has a shortcut and when user types it then File Management window with the filter set as active appears.   User can also switch between all file filters inside the File Management window.

Filter description and definition are displayed inside Quick Help  window and inside the Command Browser window.

File Filters are defined inside the Options property sheet, page Filters.  This property page is described inside the paragraph Property Pages for User Defined Commands.

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System Settings and Info Mode

The System Settings and Info mode is an add-on working mode of the CMDbar.  It provides buttons with shortcuts to most important system settings and information (usually Control Panel applets).

The System Settings and Info mode window consist of one part -- button style tab window:

sysinfodescr.gif (5661 bytes)

User simply clicks on required button to open appropriate settings or information window or special folder.

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3. Built-in Commands Reference

Inside this paragraph are briefly described all built-in commands.

User Interface Commands

User interface commands makes possible to control the CMDbar user interface and call functions available in the main menu.


[on | off]

Switches auto hide mode on or off.


[top| bottom | off]

Docks main window (the toolbar) top or bottom or leaves docking mode (off) and makes CMDbar floating.

exit, quit

Exits CMDbar.


[open | save | saveas]

Opens a CMDbar data file or saves (saves with different name) current data file.


Opens default browser window with this help file.



Shows log file and eventually clears it.


Track main menu.


Minimize CMDbar main window.


[on | off]

Switches the Always On Top mode on or off.


Opens the Options property sheet.



Displays simple pause message box with default or user defined text.  User has to close this message box to continue.  This command is useful for multi-command aliases.


Restores main window to its original position, see also command minimize.


Activates currently selected screen saver.

Shell Commands

Shell commands provide main functionality.  Among shell commands are both well known commands, like del (integrated with Recycle Bin), and new commands like up, back, etc.



Evaluate a math expression and display the result in log.   Expression is evaluated via VBScript, so VBScript ActiveX Engine has to be installed (it comes automatically with Internet Explorer 4.x and higher).  If expression is not entered then the last result is displayed only.



Evaluate a math expression, add it to the last result and display the result in log.  If expression is not entered then the last result is displayed only.



Evaluate a math expression, add subtract it from the last result and display the result in log.  If expression is not entered then the last result is displayed only.



Evaluate a math expression, multiply it by the last result and display the result in log.  If expression is not entered then the last result is displayed only.



Evaluate a math expression, divide the last result by it and display the result in log.  If expression is not entered then the last result is displayed only.

back, forward

[N | m]

Back and forward commands navigate between already visited directories.  They both go one (default) or N steps back or forward.  Parameter m invokes back or forward menu.


[file | folder | command]

Browse makes possible to browse either for a file or folder or command (opens Command Browser).

cd, chdir


Sets new current directory or displays (inside the log window) current directory.

copy, cp

[drive:][path] source    [drive:][path] destination

Copies source files or folders to specified destination.


Open Control Panel window.

ctxmenu, contextmenu


Display context menu for the specified file or folder or for current folder if no parameter is supplied.

date, time

Displays date and time properties.

del, delete, erase, remove, rm

[+rb | -rb] [drive:][path] name

Deletes specified files or folders either directly or through Recycle Bin.  The default behaviour is specified inside the "Command Line" property page.  Parameters +rb and -rb can be used to explicitly specify if the Recycle Bin is to be used (+rb) or not (-rb).


Explores the desktop folder.

dir, explore, ls

[[drive:][path] | [/cp] [/p] [/rc] [/nn] [/mc] [/f] [/i] [/d] [/sm] [/su]]

Opens Explorer window browsing the specified folder.   Parameters are described in the following list:

cp -- Control Panel
p --  Printers folder
rc -- Recycle Bin
nn -- Network Neighborhood
mc -- My Computer folder
f -- Favorites folder
i -- Internet
d -- Desktop folder
sm -- Start Menu folder
su -- Startup folder


Opens display properties.


Disconnects a network drive via Disconnect Network Drive dialog.



Opens MS-DOS command line window in current directory or performs a command using default command interpretter (cmd.exe for Windows NT and for Windows 9x).



Ejects a removable media like CD-ROM disk or ZIP disk, etc.   Note, that media may not be used by any other application when it is to be ejected.


Tracks favorites popup menu (this menu is also part of the main menu).


Invokes the Find: Computer dialog which is used to search for computers on the network.


Invokes the Find: All Files dialog which is used to search for files or folders.


Opens keyboard properties.


Logs off current user.


Invokes Map Network Drive dialog which is used to map a network drive.

md, mkdir


Creates a new directory.  Multiple (multi-level) directories can be created as well.  For example, mkdir d1\d2\d3 will create all directories from d1 to d3 in oposite to default 'MS-DOS' behavior where sequence of five commands (mkdir d1, cd d1, mkdir d2, etc.) was required.


Opens mouse properties.

mv, move

[drive:][path] source    [drive:][path] destination

Moves source files or folders to specified destination.


Explores the My Computer folder containing everything on the local computer: storage devices, printers, Control Panel, network drives, etc.


Explores Network Neighborhood.


Shutdowns system and switches off power.  Note, that system has to support the power-off feature (old systems usually does not support it).


[drive:][path] file_name

Prints files using associated programs, e.g., files with extension .doc are printed via MS Word, etc.


Shows installed printers -- explores special folder Printers.



Displayes properties of file, folder or current folder when no parameter is specified.


[info | empty]

Opens Recycle Bin or shows number of items inside (info) or clears it up (empty).

rd, rmdir


Removes specified directory.  Note, that command del can be used as well.


Shutdowns and reboots the system.

ren, rename

[drive:][path]old_name   new_name

Renames the specified file or folder.


Invokes the standard Run dialog.  This dialog can be used to run programs if they cannot be for some reason run directly from CMDbar.



Sets, modifies or gets value of environment variable(s).  Only environment variables for current process (CMDbar) and child processes (programs run from CMDbar) can be set using this command.


Shutdowns the system.


Popus and tracks the Start Menu.


Opens system properties.


[N | m]

Goes up one (default) or N levels.  Parameter m invokes up menu.


Tells name of current user.

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CMDbar Object for Scripts

A default CMDbar object is automatically available inside scripts run by CMDbar ActiveX Script Host.   The object does not have to be declared and it provides the folowing methods:


string with command

A generic method to invoke any CMDbar command including aliases and other scripts.  String with command should contain also all required parameters.


string to be displayed

Invokes command pause without possible syntax problems with embeded quote (parameter for pause is quoted string).

Scripts run via Internet Explorer can use object window provided by IE.  This object is not available to scripts run via CMDbar but three usefull methods are also provided by the CMDbari object:



Display an Alert dialog box with a message and an OK button.



Display a Confirm dialog box with a message and Yes and No buttons.  The method returns TRUE if user chooses Yes and FALSE if user chooses No.


message, input_default

Display  a Prompt dialog box with a message, input field and OK and Cancel buttons.  The input_default string is displayed in the input field.  The method returns the value that user types in when OK button is choosen or empty string when Cancel butten is choosen.

4. Support


Support is provided on and is free for all registered users and users evaluating the CMDbar.

When reporting bugs or problems please include:

Your name:
Registration number:
Operating system (Win95/98/NT, installed service packs, version of Internet Explorer, etc):
PC configuration (Processor, RAM):
Problem description:

Please, keep in mind that more information you provide us about your problem give us better chance to find a solution.

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License agreement

Upon your acceptance of this Agreement, Pitrinec Software (Author) grants to you a nonexclusive license to use the CMDbar software (Software).

A. Use of the Software.

The Software has been released for distribution as a SHAREWARE and may be distributed at no cost.

You may install the Software on a hard disk or other storage device; install and use the Software on a file server for use on a network for the purposes of (i) permanent installation onto hard disks or other storage devices or (ii) use of the Software over such network; and make backup copies of the Software.

B. Restrictions.

Unregistered use of the Software after the 30-day evaluation period is in violation of international copyright laws.

You are not allowed to modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software.

The number of the (licensed) Software instances running at the same time may not exceed the number of licenses purchased.

You are not allowed to redistribute or provide to 3rd party already registered versions of the Software as well as you may not publish the registration number(s) that unlock the Software.

The Software can be distributed only as the package provided by the Author.This package cannot be changed in any way without written Author's permission.

C. No Warranty.


Unpublished-rights reserved under international copyright laws.

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Price List

As stated in "License Agreement" part of this document, the CMDbar is a shareware program and must be registered if user decides to keep it.  There are several ways how to register it.  User can either use on-line registration or send registration form via e-mail or snail mail (in such a case there is a Register.exe program provided with the package allowing user to generate registration form).  User can choose among several payment methods including credit cards, cash, money order, etc.

CMDbar Price List:

License: Price (US $):
1 User (copy) 19.00
5 Users (copies) 65.00
10 Users (copies) 99.00
25 Users (copies) 199.00
50 Users (copies) 299.00
* Site license  520.00
** World-wide license 1500.00
* Site license (educational organizations) 190.00
** World-wide license (educational organizations) 329.00

* Site license is for unlimited number of users at one organization, and within a radius of 100 miles (160 km) from one central location. 
** An organization that has offices further than that and wants to use the product in these distant locations, should buy a world-wide license 

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5. Frequently Asked Questions

This section is supposed to grow up in future releases of CMDbar.

Question:  Why many of build-in command names are rather long ?

Answer:  The command names should be descriptive and if the Smart Command Complete is on then usually typing of the first two characters is sufficient and the command is found and offered.   Aliases can be also used to make shortcuts for long commands.

Question:  Some features are available only if the InternetExplorer 4.x or higher is installed.  I want to use these features but I use Netscape Navigator as my web browser I do not want to browse with IE ?

Answer:  You can have installed Internet Explorer 4.x or higher and still hapilly browse the web with Netscape Navigator.  Only the IE 4.x and higher provides features and API that can be used to implement the 'IE 4.x features'.

Question:  I have Internet Explorer 4.x or higher installed but can use only VBScript and JavaScript.  PythonScript and JavaScript are disabled.  Why ?

Answer:  JavaScript and VBScript engines are part of the IE installation.  The other scripting engines have to be downloaded from the third party vendors.  The following information was true in time of writing this answer (June 1999):

PerlScript can be downloaded at:   and it is part of the ActivePerl installation.

PythonScript can be downloaded at: (look for link windows/win32com).

Question:  How differ favorites and aliases ?

Answer:  Aliases make possible to create shortcuts to command, write simple batches, etc.  The favorite items can directly launch a program, show special folder, etc.  User can use both aliases and favorites very well together.  For example, MS Word can be added to your favorite programs and several aliases launching the most used Word documents (using the same favorite) can be prepared, etc.

Question:  For what are the Favorite/Other items good for ?

Answer:  The simple answer is that they are good for all non-categorized favorite items, for example emails.  User can create 'other favorite' like:

Shortcut: support
Description:  CMDbar support

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