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onEscapee Logo

July 1997 - Sadeness Software sign their Second Amiga (First PC Game) game title! We decided to start as we intend to go on, by publishing only the very highest quality games! Without a doubt, onEscapee will set a new standard in Amiga action adventure games!

onEscapee is a new action adventure game for the Amiga and PC. The game will mix the styles of Flashback and Another World together with many new original ideas. onEscapee contains superb graphics, amazing atmospheric music and sound effects, the animation is superb and the gameplay is unreal! onEscapee is being coded by the Hungarian developers, 'Invictus Team' who are made up of:

onEscapee Dumping Ground

Members of Invictus Team In Order Of Joining

  • Akos Divianszky: Design, Programming
  • Tamas Kozak: Design, Graphic, Rendering
  • Levente Toth: Music, Sound Effects
  • Csaba Kemeri: Additional Graphics
  • Tibor Mester: Rendering
  • Laszlo Mudrony: PC Programming
  • Lajtos Mate: PC Programming

onEscapee Game Info and System Requirements

  • Most important features of our game in it's current state (AMIGA):

  • Coded in pure assembly to achieve maximum performance
  • Can be run on Amigas with at least M68020/AGA/2+2Megs/CD|HD
  • Graphics and animations drawn by hand
  • A few rendered elements like spaceship and complex figures' anims (E.G.: spider)
  • Many graphical effects (detailed in next section)
  • Music is digitized, and there are several even in the same level
  • Of course the music doesn't stop when playing animations onEscapee Quarry Cave
  • The intro is 9 Megs in size, and lasts 5 minutes
  • Controllable by joystick,keyboard or joypad!
  • Game saving to HD at any time
  • Uses Intuition Screens!
  • International: There is no text or speech except some in the intro
  • International: As screen size is 320x200 when playing it works well with NTSC but the animations are in 320x256
  • A new animation format has been developed which is best suitable for the game's animations and packs well
  • A special screen constructor has been written so that new screens and levels can be drawn relatively fast

onEscapee Game Specs, Special FX & Features

  • (Under Development) CGFX Support
  • (Under Development) The control of the swimming
  • (Under Development) Make IDCM input instead of by the InputHandler
  • Rain
  • Reflecting puddles
  • Beams of light:
    • Standing
    • Flashing
    • Sweeping
    • Tracking
  • Gleaming shields onEscapee UnderWater
  • Waving lights that filter through the surface of the ocean
  • Waving screen under water, rippling ocean-surface
  • Number of background animations
  • Many-many enemies with different levels of intelligence
  • Full-screen animations including the intro, during playing, when dying, etc.
  • Logical games (can be controlled with mouse [ even serial ones ] )
  • Labyrinth-like sections
  • The main character has more then 600 frames of animation, more then 50 types of movement. Nearly twice as large as the one in Flashback!
    He is controllable by keyboard, joystick or joypad. Basically, he can walk and swim. When swimming there's not much to do. Mainly the walking-form rich in movement types, for example 4 types for shooting.

New Features and Latest Changes

  • Main character reported sluggish
  • A lot of people complained about the reaction time of the 'Hero', especially when it turn from running. So problems like this have been eliminated.
  • New movement type!
  • Almost all of you wanted a jumping from running movement type, so we've included it.
  • You can run more, stop, or go rolling quickly after this new 'big jump'!
  • More new movement types!
  • It was also mentioned to us how stupid it was when someone hit you when you're aiming the Hero looses his gun... and he stands up from ducking too...
  • Now, after hitting the Hero continues aiming after the hit-frames, and won't stand up from ducking; now the game became more playable - thx for the suggestion!
  • Enemy hits... Another request to make enemies more 'responsible' when they are hit.


  • 'TURBO' Option added. Makes the speed 25fps instead of 18fps. (Faaaast!)
  • Automatic firing when ducking dropped.
  • The part at the Base part, where you left the screen on the left, and then arrive again on the left also dropped.
  • When another object (like an android) left the screen, a part of him remained on screen flickering. Now it's corrected.
  • The game can be paused now. Method: Amiga-M.... (you can also grab screens more precisely now :) ).
  • Objects on the ground now more noticeable!
  • At the cliff at first level now you can can jump into the chasm, you won't be stopped
  • At base level you can jump and run into the regenerators, and lifts.
  • Also, when a lift arrived, now you can jump into it without dieing.
  • Finally I've managed to get an original CD32 gamepad, and now it's buttons really meaningful. You even don't have to touch the keyboard when using that controller!

Levels and Screenshots

  • Dumping Ground
  • Quarry Cave
  • Quarry Cave II
  • Base Section onEscapee Base Section
  • Streets of the City
  • Underwater Part
  • Another, but different Cave Level
  • Space Dock Area

Want To Hear Latest News About onEscapee?

During the next few months, we will be letting all interested people know the status of onEscapee, and sending out info packs etc. If you'd like to receive one of these FREE mailings, please click HERE!

Pre-Order Your Copy of onEscapee NOW!

We are now taking early pre-orders for onEscapee. To order your copy, send us your credit/debit card details, or payment by cheque or postal order is also fine. We will not debit your card or cash your cheque until day of release. By ordering from us, more money will go to the developer. Release date is October 97. click HERE for orderform!

Demo available NOW!

At last, the demo is available (5.2meg), Click HERE

Download new screenshots NOW!

New screenshots of onEscapee are available by clicking HERE

Other onEscapee Links

Invictus Team HomePage - Developers of onEscapee.


Page Last changed: 2-October-1997

�1997 Sadeness Software -

Sadeness Software - 13 Russell Terrace - Mundesley - Norfolk - NR11 8LJ - UK
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1263 722169