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The Hidden Truth

- Celebrating the Roswell 50th anniversary!

ht Cover We are very proud to announce the release of 'The Hidden Truth'. Over the past year, we have been busy compiling what will be one of the most interesting and exciting CDROM releases of the year. Featuring well over 650MB of high-quality information concerning UFOs, Aliens and Science-Fiction etc.

This CD is a massive multimedia extravaganza! Featuring sound samples, movies, pictures, interesting text files and more. Covering a wide range of topics - ranging from UFOs to Serial Killers and Voodoo.

Review Scores and Comments:

  • A fantastic journey - UFO Reality Magazine (UK) (Read The Full Review From UFO Reality)

  • This CD is an amazing production... - UFO Reality Magazine (UK)

  • It packs over 650 megs of walloping material on it. This is an esoteric tour-de-force. - UFO Reality Magazine (UK)

  • The Hidden Truth made us sit up and take notice. - Uri Geller's Encounters (UK)

  • This excellent supernatural source book covers a wide range of paranormal topics. - Uri Geller's Encounters (UK)

  • As a reference tool, it's invaluable, and the multimedia presentations make it far more entertaining than the Encyclopedia Britannica. - Alien Encounters magazine (UK)

  • 86% - Out of this world comes everything you need to know about UFOs. - Ultimate PC (Vol 1,Iss 1) (UK)

  • 86% - The Hidden Truth stands out from the pack. - Ultimate PC (Vol 1,Iss 1) (UK)

  • 90% (CU Superstar) - There is enough here to keep an interested reader going for a VERY long time! - CU Amiga magazine. (UK)

  • 90% - Amiga Computing magazine (UK)

  • 90% (Format Gold) - Capable of sending a chill right up your spine. - Amiga Format (UK)

Main Hidden Truth Features:

Brilliant Music and Sound effects - From the incredible Canadian Sci-Fi rock and roll band - The Sci-Fi Prodigy. Including several exclusive tracks specially composed for the CD! Prepare to be amazed.

Massive Multimedia experience - Featuring Gif Animations, AVI animations, Javascript, WAV/AU Sound samples, JPEGS/GIF pictures, HTML documents, MPEG/QUICKTIME movies and more!

High-Quality artwork and packaging - You'll be more than impressed with the quality of the professionally-created artwork and packaging!

Very detailed Index System - We have fully indexed the topics present on The Hidden Truth making it very easy to find what you are looking for.

Subjects Covered:

Aliens and UFOs - This CD will be one of the best resources for anybody even remotely interested in Alien Life Forms, Unidentified Flying Objects, Alien abduction cases and Close Encounters etc. With hundreds of informative and interesting text files, a comprehensive UFO image gallery, some of the very best Web Sites, masses of quality animations and sound samples and more, this is a real multimedia experience. Seemlessly combines moving and static images, sound and text informtation.

Includes incredibly in-depth information about the following: Men In Black, Aurora Project and other 'Black' projects, Astronaut UFO Sightings, Roswell, Area51 (Groomlake), Hale-Bopp, famous UFOlogists, Rendlesham Forest incident, 'ET' in South America and loads more! Far too much to detail here!

Government Coverups and Conspiracies - Did you ever think that there were things that your goverment wasn't telling you?? Well, there is! Some of the most top-secret documents, pictures and files are here for you to see. Majic 12 UFO group documents, 'authentic' military UFO photos, and much more - like some of the most interesting theories on the JFK assassination.

Serial Killers, and mass murderers - We have collected information about some of history's most evil people - from Adolf Hitler to Jack the Ripper. Read all about their most unbelievable and gruesome crimes..

TV and Movie Science Fiction - From Independence Day to The X Files some of the most popular Sci-Fi is featured. See movie clips, samples and pictures from your favourite shows.

EBE scientific reports - Including detailed SETI information. Also, the very latest updates on the amazing news of fossilised Life signs found on a meteorite from Mars by NASA!

Plus much more! - Such as disasters, witchcraft, crop circles, assassinations, space, time travel, worm holes etc. etc.

System Requirements:

  • PC Compatible: 8MB RAM, Windows95/NT/OS2, 486 or higher.

  • Macintosh & Compatible: 8MB RAM, System7.1 or later, 68040 or PowerMac.

  • Amiga and Compatible: 4MB RAM, Workbench 3.0 or later, 68020 or higher.

  • Others: Any machine capable of reading ISO9660 CDROM discs (Acorn, Atari etc.)
Featured Site
Release Details:


  • RECOMMENDED RETAIL PRICE: �29.95 (29.95 UK Pounds Sterling)

  • SUPPORTED PLATFORMS: PC / Macintosh / Amiga




Page Last changed: 8-September-1997

�1997 Sadeness Software -

Sadeness Software - 13 Russell Terrace - Mundesley - Norfolk - NR11 8LJ - UK
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1263 722169