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In a totally orignal move, Sadeness Software are giving you the chance to STAR in Foundation!

Yes, to be a featured in the game as either a Peasant or Maiden, simply follow the instructions below, which are straight from the author of Foundation:

Image Format: The image can be any format - GIF, IFF, PCX, BMP etc.. but I'd prefer no JPEGS due to the lossy compression. JPEGS will be okay if it's a large picture (see below)

Any number of colours although more than 16 is prefered and 256 or any true colour picture is better.

Size must be at least 80x80 and the file size must be less than 80k. If it's a JPEG then I'd prefer the face to be 128x128 or bigger but stick with the below 80k rule and avoid JPEG if possible.

an example of a perfect picture would be:-

128x128 PNG format in 24bit colour and any size below 80k.

See that pic above? Something like that would do. Thanks Steve ;-)

Other Important Info: The actual facial expression is up to he provider. As long as it's a good quality picture of *one person* and it doesn't break any of the obvious rules then I will use it. The picture idea must keep to a good level of quality and must be fairly consistant. I'm basically after normal basic face pictures similar to passport pictures but a little more freedom is given for the artistic types.

UPDATE: I'm also happy for people to send in *multiple* versions because each person will be used for their own named character as well as a few other random characters that don't have face of their own.

NOTE: I'd appreciate it is a full name was given for each picture so I can link them up in the game. This is not important but it will look good in the game itself.

Ohh, and finally.. I'm looking for faces to fit in for the Peasants and the Maidens so I'll need pictures for both sexes :)

NOTE: Due to the large response so far, we will be unable to reply to individuals. However, we plan to list those people who's mugshots will be used on this page in the near future!

So, have you read the above? Do you still want to star in Foundation??

If so, send images in the correct format (after fully reading the above!!) to

Please note: Please put 'Foundation Mug-Shot' in the subject line of your email!

Want to Star, but NO SCANNER??

Well, thanks to a kind and generous Amiga owner, you can now send photos via the post, and get yourself included in the game!

To read about it, click HERE!

Go back to main Foundation page by clicking HERE.


Site Last changed: 17-July-1997

�1997 Sadeness Software -

Sadeness Software - 13 Russell Terrace - Mundesley - Norfolk - NR11 8LJ - UK
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1263 722169