Creating Titles

By placing a title clip on a T track, you can display a title over the video clips at the same position on VA tracks.

The source data of a title clip is an ICG file created with the titler. If the title clip is already available in the Bin window, you can create a title by dragging the clip to a T track. If you have not yet prepared the title, you can create a title clip by starting the titler (Inscriber TE RT 2.0) from the Bin window.
To start the titler, click the Add Title button in the Bin window.

You can use filters to apply special effects to titles.
For details, see "Applying Effects to Clips".
See "Title Mixers" in "Appendix" of the reference manual for more information about the features and parameters of the title mixers.
For using titler, refer to the Inscriber opertion manual.