Value プロパティの例 (VB)

この例では、FieldProperty オブジェクトを使って、Employee テーブルのフィールドとプロパティの値を表示することによって、Value プロパティの機能を示します。

Public Sub ValueX()

    Dim rstEmployees As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim fldLoop As ADODB.Field
    Dim prpLoop As ADODB.Property
    Dim strCnn As String

    ' Open recordset with data from Employee table.
    strCnn = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _
        "Data Source=srv;Initial Catalog=Pubs;User Id=sa;Password=; "
    Set rstEmployees = New ADODB.Recordset
    rstEmployees.Open "employee", strCnn, , , adCmdTable

    Debug.Print "Field values in rstEmployees"
    ' Enumerate the Fields collection of the Employees
    ' table.
    For Each fldLoop In rstEmployees.Fields
        ' Because Value is the default property of a 
        ' Field object, the use of the actual keyword
        ' here is optional.
        Debug.Print "    " & fldLoop.Name & " = " & fldLoop.Value
    Next fldLoop

    Debug.Print "Property values in rstEmployees"
    ' Enumerate the Properties collection of the
    ' Recordset object.
    For Each prpLoop In rstEmployees.Properties
        ' Because Value is the default property of a 
        ' Property object, the use of the actual keyword
        ' here is optional.
        Debug.Print "    " & prpLoop.Name & " = " & prpLoop.Value
    Next prpLoop


End Sub