DeleteRule プロパティの例 (VB)

この例では、Key オブジェクトの DeleteRule プロパティの機能を示します。コードは、新しい Table を追加し、それに新しい主キーを定義し、DeleteRuleadRICascade を設定します。

DeleteRule Prop

Sub DeleteRuleX()
    Dim kyPrimary As New ADOX.Key
    Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
    Dim tblNew As New ADOX.Table

    ' Connect the catalog
    cat.ActiveConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
                     "data source=c:\Program Files\" & _
                     "Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\Northwind.mdb;"

    ' Name new table
    tblNew.Name = "NewTable"
    ' Append a numeric and a text field to new table.
    tblNew.Columns.Append "NumField", adInteger, 20
    tblNew.Columns.Append "TextField", adVarWChar, 20

    ' Append the new table
    cat.Tables.Append tblNew

    ' Define the Primary key
    kyPrimary.Name = "NumField"
    kyPrimary.Type = adKeyPrimary
    kyPrimary.RelatedTable = "Customers"
    kyPrimary.Columns.Append "NumField"
    kyPrimary.Columns("NumField").RelatedColumn = "CustomerId"
    kyPrimary.DeleteRule = adRICascade
    ' Append the primary key
    cat.Tables("NewTable").Keys.Append kyPrimary
    ''Delete the table as this is a demonstration
    cat.Tables.Delete tblNew.Name

End Sub