March 1999

While previous XFolder versions were "plain" freeware, all XFolder versions since V0.80 have been placed under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) Version 2.

You can find the full text of the GPL in the plain-text file COPYING in the XFolder installation directory. I have added a formatted version of this on the next page of this document.

By installing XFolder on your system, you declare your agreement to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public Licence, Version 2, as contained in the file COPYING in the XFolder installation directory.

The GPL means more Legalese, but also more rights for you as a user and, if applicable, developer. The most obvious change is that XFolder's source code is now also released.

The following brief explanations are intended as an introduction to the terms and conditions of the GPL only. They are not part of the licence agreement, for which only the terms and conditions in the COPYING file shall prevail.

This licence does not necessarily cover future releases. Ulrich Möller retains the right to modify the licence agreement for future versions.

And now: have fun with XFolder!

(C) Copyright 1997-99 Ulrich Möller.