Ulrich Möller
     e-mail: ulrich.moeller@rz.hu-berlin.de
     www:    http://www2.rz.hu-berlin.de/~h0444vnd/os2.htm

The above WWW address always carries both the newest release of XFolder and its complete source code. You can also find other software there, including the OS/2 CommandPak, which will enhance your command line environment.

Please read through the "Frequently Asked Questions" section before contacting me; maybe you will already find what you're looking for in there.

I am also now maintaining a public bug list on the XFolder homepage.

Important note: I will not respond to mails any more which address problems which are already described at the above locations. XFolder is just becoming too popular by now, and I keep spending half of the time which could go into enhancing XFolder writing to people who are too lazy to read the documentation. Sorry.

Reporting bugs:

If however you still wish to contact me, either because you think you have found a new bug or you think you have found a solution (which is still very welcome), please include the following information:

If you're a programmer, you might want to take a look at the source code also. Maybe you can find a bug yourself.