Starting with V0.52, XFolder is capable of supporting other languages than just English. While XFolder versions before V0.82 containes NLS support for both English and German, German NLS support has now been placed into a separate package.

For languages other than English however, you will need an XFolder National Language Support (NLS) package. Such a package will contain a number of files, among them a new Dynamic Link Library (DLL) for XFolder itself, a new help file (.HLP) and a new Online Reference (.INF). Each of these files carries a three-digit language code in its respective file name, as defined in the OS/2 Online Reference. For example, the English files, which are already included with XFolder, all have a "001" code (for US English) in their names.

Please check my homepage for available NLS packages.

In order to install an NLS package after you have installed the main XFolder package, perform the following steps:

I don't have much influence on NLS DLLs, except for the German one. If you're interested in translating XFolder to your language, you can simply download the XFolder sources from my homepage, which contain everything neccessary for this. You don't have to be a programmer to do this, but it would be of great help if you knew HTML, since both XFolder's Online Reference and the help file were originally written in HTML and then simply converted to the IBM format, which I dislike very much. If you're interested in translating, please contact me, so I can add you to my mailing list to allow you to get news about changes in time.