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IBM TranslationManager
Translator's Reference

Part 4.
Technical information

Version 2.5 - 32bit

26 Feb 1998

First Edition, May 1996

This edition applies to IBM TranslationManager Version 2.0 (5622-999) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical newsletters.

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Table of Contents

  • Appendix A. TranslationManager menus overview

  • Appendix B. Working from the command area
  • Analyzing a document or folder
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Creating an Initial Translation Memory
  • Exporting documents
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Importing documents
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Creating a folder
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Exporting a folder
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Importing a folder
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Creating a Translation Memory
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Deleting a Translation Memory
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Exporting a Translation Memory
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Importing a Translation Memory
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Importing a dictionary
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Reversing a Translation Memory
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Changing m-flagged segments
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Opening a document
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Counting words
  • The command syntax
  • Example
  • Performing several tasks in one step
  • Appendix C. Editor functions reference
  • Editor functions inside the Translation window
  • Cursor movement in window
  • Scrolling
  • Edit functions
  • Modes of editing
  • Changing the presentation of control tags
  • Document overall functions
  • Switching to other windows
  • Editor functions outside the Translation window
  • Using the Clipboard
  • Switching to other windows
  • Functions in the Translation Memory window
  • Functions in the Dictionary window
  • Appendix D. Format files for printing a dictionary
  • Sample format files
  • Defining your own format file
  • Tags for defining the format of a dictionary printout
  • The <set...> attributes
  • The <repeat...> attributes
  • The <var...> attributes
  • Appendix E. What you can do with external markup tables
  • Markup table SGML tags
  • Examples
  • Appendix F. Displaying markup information for Word documents
  • Markup data that can be changed
  • Markup data that must not be changed
  • Markup data outside translatable segments
  • Appendix G. Exchanging data with other TranslationManager products
  • Untranslated segments file
  • Chapter 15. Glossary of terms and abbreviations

  • Index

  • Appendix A. TranslationManager menus overview

    The following table shows which tasks can be selected for which menu items.

    Note that for every list window you can open a list-specific menu where you can select the same items as from the TranslationManager menu bar. You open this menu by pressing the right mouse button. The menu shows only the selection of tasks that can be started from the list window for which you opened the menu.

    Documents Folders Translation Memory databases Dictionaries Markup tables
    Open Open Open Open -
    - New... New... New... -
    Properties... Properties... - Properties... -
    Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete
    - - Merge... - -
    - - Organize Organize -
    Analyze... Analyze... - - -
    - - - Print... -
    Export... Export... Export... Export... Export...
    Import... Import... Import... Import... Import...
    Global find and change... Global find and change... - - -
    Select all - - - -
    Deselect all - - - -


    New terms lists Found terms lists Exclusion lists Language list
    Open Open Open Open
    - - New... -
    Delete Delete Delete Delete
    Print... Print... Print... -
    Export... Export... Export... -
    Import... Import... Import... -

    Appendix B. Working from the command area

    Using the TranslationManager windows is only one way of performing translation tasks with this product. An alternative way is to type instructions directly in the system's command area.

    To start a task from the command area:

    1. Type a command and its parameters in your operating system's command area (next to the command prompt) according to the command syntax described in the following chapters.

    2. Press Enter.

    Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed. A mixture between uppercase and lowercase letters is allowed. However, a muddled letter sequence like in OVerWRiTe must not be used. The parameters can be entered in any order whatever.

    To process several commands in sequence, type the individual commands into a batch file (*.BAT or *.CMD) using any text editor. You can execute these commands by starting the batch file.

    To avoid retyping of long text strings in commands, you can also type a command and its parameters in a text editor, which is capable of the Copy to clipboard function. You can then paste the text string from the clipboard directly into your system's command area and start the task.

    How to Read Syntax Diagrams

    In this chapter diagrams are used to illustrate the programming syntax. To use a diagram, follow a path from left to right, top to bottom, adding elements as you go. In these diagrams, all spaces and other characters are significant.

    Each diagram begins with a double right arrowhead and ends with a right and left arrowhead pair. Lines beginning with single right arrowheads are continuation lines. keyword = variable_value

    Keywords are all in lowercase, but can be entered in uppercase or in lowercase. Variable values that you provide are shown in italics and are usually in lowercase. Where values are shown in uppercase, they should be entered as they appear.

    In a choice of items, the default item is always shown above the main line: keyword= default_value other_value other_value

    Optional syntax elements are shown below the main line: keyword = value

    A repeat arrow shown above an item or a stack of items indicates that you can specify the item multiple times or specify more than one of the items. A character (such as a comma) on the repeat arrow line indicates that the items must be separated by that character. A repeatable operand is shown like this: keyword = ( , variable_value )

    Syntax diagrams can be broken into fragments. A fragment is indicated by vertical bars with the name of the fragment between the bars. The fragment is shown following the main diagram, like so: / KEYWORD = ITEM1 ITEM1 variable1 variable2 variable3

    Analyzing a document or folder

    To analyze a document or a set of documents it might be more convenient to use a command instead of TranslationManager windows. It it particularly useful if you have many large documents or folders that you want to analyze overnight.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how you analyze documents from the Windows or OS/2 command line. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFCMD / TAsk = ANALYSIS / FLD = folder / FIles = document_name ( , document_name ) @ list_file_name / OPtions = option ( , option ) / MEm = memdb mandatory only when OPtions=ADDTOMEM ( , memdb ) / OVerwrite = NO YES / QUIET option ADDTOMEM AUTO AUTOLAST AUTOJOIN UNTRANSLATED


    ANALYSIS specifies that you want to analyze documents.

    folder specifies the name of a folder that contains the documents that you want to analyze.

    document_name specifies the name(s) of one or more documents to be analyzed. You might want to work with a list file if you have several documents that you want to analyze. If you refer to this list file, its name is to be preceded by the @ symbol (@list_file_name). If you do not specify the FIles option, all documents of the folder are analyzed.

    This parameter is particularly useful if you have Translation Memory databases available from previous translations. It specifies the following:

    TranslationManager can search existing Translation Memory databases for segments that match segments in the document being analyzed. Segments that match exactly or almost exactly are copied into the Translation Memory associated to the document or folder being analyzed.

    In that way, you can start to fill a document-specific Translation Memory even before its translation has begun.

    You can choose to have Translation Manager automatically replace sentences with matches that already exist in the Translation Memory. This substitution is done only for exact matches. The document is then already partially translated when you start working with it, enabling you to focus on the translation of new segments.

    See the explanation for AUTO. However, if more than one exact match has been found, the most recent translation of the segment is to be taken.

    Joins neighboring segments. This can be useful if you want to analyze a document that you have worked with before and where you joined neighbouring text segments before you translated them. During a new analysis run these segments are treated as separate units again. However, in the associated Translation Memory there is a match (translation) for the joined segments only. To find this match more easily during automatic substitution, this option joins neighbouring segments in the document to be analyzed. Note that neighbouring segments are only joined if for the first segment a fuzzy match has been found.

    All untranslated segments are to be stored in a separate file.

    memdb specifies a Translation Memory or a list of Translation Memory databases that is to be searched when ADDTOMEM has been specified.

    Specifies if an existing document will be overwritten when its translation has already been started. (NO is the default).

    If you specify this parameter, you are not prompted with any message window. If you do not specify this parameter, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when the task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to analyze a document using the EQFCMD command.
    eqfcmd /task=analysis /fld=myfol /files=16.scr /options=(addtomem,auto,untranslated) /mem=oldmem
    In this example, the document to be analyzed has the file name 16.scr and is stored in folder myfol. Any matches found in the Translation Memory oldmem are to be added to the Translation Memory of folder myfol. Any original segment for which an exact match has been found is to be replaced with its corresponding translation segment. All the remaining segments that are not translated are to be stored in a separate file.

    Creating an Initial Translation Memory

    If you need to create Initial Translation Memory (ITM) databases frequently, you might find it more convenient to use a command instead of the procedure described in "Creating an Initial Translation Memory".

    The correctness of the aligned segment pairs in an internal ITM can be checked with a text editor as described in "The Initial Translation Memory editor"or "Revising an Initial Translation Memory from the command area".

    When you consider the Initial Translation Memory to be correct, you can begin using it for your translations.

    The EQFITM command has additional options compared to the window version:

    The EQFITM command has the following format. Command syntax EQFITM / MEm = memdb mandatory, but not filled if /TYPE=NOTM / FIles = file_pairs @ list_file_name - mandatory except for /TYPE=NOANA / MArkup = markup / SGmlmem = mem_file / SRclng = source_language / TGtlng = target_language / TYpe = type ( , type ) file_pairs ( , file_name_original , file_name_translation ) type NOANA NOTM NOCONF PREPARE VISUAL


    memdb is the name of a previously created TranslationManager Translation Memory (without the file extension). This Translation Memory can still be empty. It can be filled with original segments and their corresponding translations.

    file_pairs lists the names of the files to use when creating the ITM (original1, translation1, original2, translation2). You can also include all files in a list file following the syntax of file_pairs described previously. You might want to use a list file if you have several files. If you refer to this list file, its name must be preceded by the @ symbol.

    markup is the name of the markup table that the selected texts use (mandatory except for /TYPE=NOANA). See Chapter 12. "Working with markup tables" for the names of the markup tables.

    mem_file is the name you want to give to the external ITM and the path where it is to be located. The ITM is in SGML format and can subsequently be imported into TranslationManager after you have checked it.

    source_language is the language of the original documents

    target_language is the language of the translated documents

    One or more of the following:

    The following examples show how to use the EQFITM command.

    eqfitm /mem=wpitm /files=(d:\eng\text.doc,d:\ger\text.doc) /markup=eqfwp
           /srclng=English(U.S.) /tgtlng=German(national)

    Note: For better readability, the command is shown on two lines here. However, it must be typed in one line.

    In this example, the original WordPerfect document text.doc is located in the directory d:\eng\. The German translation is located in the directory d:\ger\. eqfwp is the name of the TranslationManager markup table used for this document. All matching sentence pairs are put into Translation Memory wpitm. No external Translation Memory (SGML format) is created.

    eqfitm /mem=myitm /files=@itm.lst /markup=eqfami /sgmlmem=xx.out /type=notm
           /srclng=English(U.S.) /tgtlng=German(national)

    Note: For better readability, the command is shown on two lines here. However, it must be typed in one line.

    In this example, a Translation Memory myitm is used to find out the source language. The files to be analyzed are contained in itm.lst. itm.lst looks as follows:


    d:\eng\text1.doc, d:\ger\text1.doc,
    d:\eng\text2.doc, d:\ger\text2.doc

    The ITM created is placed into an SGML Translation Memory named xx.out, not into myitm (because type notm is specified). The markup table to be used is eqfami because the documents were originally created with Ami Pro.

    You must type the command in one line. You can type it in uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or mixed case. You cannot use any wildcard characters, such as asterisks (*).

    Note: It is recommended to proofread the external ITM before using it in TranslationManager . Because it has not been created during translation, but consists of machine-generated matches, the alignment of original and translated segments might not be completely correct. This could be the case where two original segments have been combined into one translated segment.

    Exporting documents

    If you have many large documents that you want to export, using the command area of your operating system instead of TranslationManager windows might be more convenient.

    Before exporting, ensure that:

    The properties of the folder or of the documents give information on the used markup table and other document-related information that is necessary when exporting the respective documents.

    To work from the command area, use the EQFCMD command. Its syntax is described in the following chapter.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagrams describe how you export a document from the Windows or OS/2 command area. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFCMD / TAsk = DOCEXP / FLD = folder / FIles = file_name ( , file_name ) @ list_file_name / OPtions = TARGET SOURCE / OVerwrite = NO YES / QUIET


    DOCEXP specifies that you want to export a document.

    folder specifies the name of the folder containing the documents that you want to export.

    file_name specifies the name of the document you want to export. It specifies the drive and directory where the file exported is to be placed. The subdirectory specified here must already exist. The file list_file_name can contain a list of documents to be exported together.

    Specifies whether you want to export an original document (SOURCE) or a translation (TARGET). This parameter is mandatory.

    Specifies whether an existing document is overwritten when exporting a document with the same name (NO is the default).

    If you specify this parameter, you are not prompted with any message window. If this option is omitted, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when the task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to export a document using the EQFCMD command with the TASK option.
    eqfcmd /task=docexp /fld=pharma /files=c:\med.txt /options=target /overwrite=yes
    In this example, the document to be exported is called med.txt. It is contained in folder pharma. The translation of med.txt is exported to the root directory of drive C. If med.txt already exists, it is overwritten.

    Importing documents

    If you have many large documents that you want to import, using the command area of your operating system instead of TranslationManager windows might be more convenient.

    Before importing, ensure that:

    The properties of the folder give information on the used markup language and other document-related information that is necessary when importing the respective documents.

    To work from the command area, use the EQFCMD command Its syntax is described in the following chapter.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how to import from the command area of your operating system. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed. Command syntax EQFCMD / TAsk = DOCIMP / FLD = folder / FIles = file_name ( , file_name ) @ list_file_name / OVerwrite = NO YES / QUIET


    DOCIMP specifies that you want to import a document.

    folder specifies the name of the folder where the documents imported are to be placed.

    file_name specifies the name of the document you want to import. It specifies the drive and directory where the file to be imported is found. You might want to work with a list file if you have several documents that you want to import. If you refer to this list file, its name is to be preceded by the @ symbol (@list_file_name).

    Specifies if an existing document will be overwritten when importing a document with the same name (NO is the default).

    If you specify this parameter, you are not prompted with any message window. If this option is omitted, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when the task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to import several documents using the EQFCMD command.

    eqfcmd /task=docimp /fld=pharma /files=@medlist.lst /overwrite=no

    In this example, the documents to be imported are listed in file medlist.lst. medlist.lst looks as follows:
    (d:\medset.doc, d:\medfrm.doc, d:\medb01.doc, d:\medb02.doc)

    The file medlist.lst must be located either on the current directory, or (if it is not in the current directory) you must specify the complete path where it is located. For example, @d:\test\medlist.lst.

    Note: There is a @ sign before the drive letter.

    All files contained in medlist.lst are to be imported into folder pharma and are located in the root directory of drive D. If one of the files already exists in the specified folder, it is not overwritten and you get a message.

    Creating a folder

    If you need to set up new folders frequently, using the command area of your operating system instead of TranslationManager windows might be more convenient.

    To work from the command area, use the EQFCMD command. Its syntax is described in the following chapter.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how you create a folder from the Windows or OS/2 command area. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFCMD / TAsk = FLDCRT / NAme = folder / DEsc = desc / TOdrive = drive / MEm = memdb / MArkup = markuptable / EDit = editor / DIct = dict ( , dict ) / SRclng = source / TGtlng = target / QUIET


    FLDCRT specifies that you want to set up a new folder.

    folder specifies the name of the new folder.

    desc specifies the description of the new folder (up to 40 characters). If none is specified, the folder will have no description and will be more difficult to relate to a specific project later on.

    drive specifies the drive where the new folder is to be placed. It must be either the main drive or a drive that has been configured as additional drive.

    memdb specifies the name of an existing Translation Memory that is to be related to the new folder.

    markuptable specifies the name of a markup table that is to be related to the markup language of the documents that will be stored in the new folder.

    editor specifies the name of an editor that is to be associated with the new folder (only STANDARD is possible).

    dict is the list of dictionaries to be associated with the new folder. This parameter is optional, that is, it is not required that a dictionary is specified.

    source is the source language of the documents stored in the new folder.

    target is the target language of the documents stored in the new folder.

    If you specify this parameter, you are not prompted with any message window. If you do not specify this parameter, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when the task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to create a folder using the EQFCMD command.
    eqfcmd /task=fldcrt /name=proj1 /desc="new folder" /todrive=e /mem=ibmmem /markup=eqfbook
    /edit=standard /dict=(ibmterm,ibm2) /srclng=German(national) /tgtlng=English(U.S.)
    In this example, the folder to be created is called proj1 and is described as new folder. It will be located on drive E and will have the following translation resources attached to it:

    The source language of the folder's documents will be German(national), the target language will be English(U.S.).

    Exporting a folder

    If you need to set up new folders frequently, using the command area of your operating system instead of TranslationManager windows might be more convenient.

    To work from the command area, use the EQFCMD command. Its syntax is described in the following chapter.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how you export a folder from the Windows or OS/2 command area. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFCMD / TAsk = FLDEXP / FLD = folder / FIles = document_name ( , document_name ) @ list_file_name / TOdrive = drive / OPtions = option ( , option ) / OVerwrite = YES NO / DEsc = desc @ desc_file_name / QUIET option DICT MEM DELETE


    FLDEXP specifies that you want to export a folder.

    folder specifies the name of the folder that you want to export.

    document_name specifies the list of selected documents to be exported. If no documents are specified, all documents stored in the folder are exported. If you specify a list of files, you must enclose the file names in brackets and separate them by a comma.

    drive specifies the drive where the folder is to be exported to.

    Specifies whether you want to export the folder with its dictionaries (DICT), with its Translation Memory (MEM), or whether you want to delete the folder after it has been exported (DELETE). If you specify more than one option, you must enclose them in brackets.

    Specifies whether an existing folder is overwritten when exporting a folder with the same name (NO is the default).

    desc specifies the description that you want to add to the exported folder, or the name of a file containing the description. The text that gives more information about the folder must be enclosed in quotes. If you specify a file that is containing the text, the name of the file must be preceded by the @ symbol.

    If you specify this parameter, you are not prompted with any message window. If you do not specify this parameter, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when the task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to export a folder using the EQFCMD command.
    eqfcmd /task=fldexp /fld=pharma /files=(161.scr,1500.scr) /todrive=e /options=(dict,mem)
    /desc="This is information on the folder"
    In this example, the folder to be exported is called pharma. It is exported to drive E with the documents 161.scr and 1500.scr, with its associated dictionary and Translation Memory. The note This is information on the folder is added to the folder.

    Importing a folder

    It might be more convenient to use a command instead of TranslationManager windows to import a folder. This is especially useful if you have many folders that you want to import.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how you import a folder from the Windows or OS/2 command line. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFCMD / TAsk = FLDIMP / FLD = folder / FRomdrive = drive / OPtions = option ( , option ) / TOdrive = drive / QUIET option DICT MEM


    FLDIMP specifies that you want to import a folder.

    folder specifies the name of the folder that you want to import.

    drive specifies the drive where the folder is imported from.

    Specifies whether you want to import the folder with its associated dictionary (DICT) or Translation Memory (MEM). If you specify more than one option, you must enclose them in brackets and separate them with commas.

    drive specifies the drive where the folder is to be imported to. If nothing is specified, the folder is imported to the drive where the TranslationManager program files are located.

    If you specify this parameter, you are not prompted with any message window. If you do not specify this parameter, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when the task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to import a folder using the EQFCMD command.
    eqfcmd /task=fldimp /fld=pharma /fromdrive=a /todrive=e /options=(dict,mem)
    In this example, the folder to be imported is called pharma. It is imported from drive A to drive E together with its associated dictionary and Translation Memory.

    Creating a Translation Memory

    To set up a new Translation Memory, it might be more convenient to use a command instead of using TranslationManager windows.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how you create a Translation Memory from the Windows or OS/2 command line. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFCMD / TAsk = MEMCRT / NAme = memdb / DEsc = desc / TYpe = SHARED LOCAL / TOdrive = drive / SRclng = source / QUIET


    MEMCRT specifies that you want to set up a new Translation Memory.

    memdb specifies the name of the new Translation Memory.

    desc specifies the description of the new Translation Memory (up to 40 characters). If this parameter is not specified, the new Translation Memory will have no description.

    Specifies whether the new Translation Memory is to be shared among several TranslationManager users (SHARED) or if it is a local one which can be used only by you (LOCAL). If you omit this parameter, LOCAL is assumed.

    drive specifies the drive where the new Translation Memory is to be located.

    source is the source language of the text segments stored in the new Translation Memory.

    If you specify this parameter, you are not prompted with any message window. If you do not specify this parameter, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when the task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to create a Translation Memory using the EQFCMD command.
    eqfcmd /task=memcrt /name=medmem /desc="new memory" /type=local /todrive=e /srclng=English(U.S.)
    In this example, the new Translation Memory medmem is a local one and will be located on drive E. The source language of the stored text segments is English(U.S.).

    Deleting a Translation Memory

    If you want to delete a Translation Memory, using a command typed in your system's command area instead of TranslationManager windows might be quicker and more convenient.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how you delete a Translation Memory with the EQFCMD command. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFCMD / TAsk = MEMDEL / MEm = memdb / QUIET


    MEMDEL specifies that you want to remove a Translation Memory.

    Specifies the name of the Translation Memory that you want to remove.

    If you specify this parameter, you are not prompted with any message window. If you do not specify this parameter, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when the task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to delete a Translation Memory using the EQFCMD command.
    eqfcmd /task=memdel /mem=medmem
    In this example, the Translation Memory medmem is deleted. You will be prompted with a message window.

    Exporting a Translation Memory

    If you want to export a Translation Memory, using a command typed in your system's command area instead of TranslationManager windows might be more convenient.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how you export a Translation Memory from the Windows or OS/2 command line. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFCMD / TAsk = MEMEXP / OUT = mem_file / TYpe = EXTERNAL / MEm = memdb / OVerwrite = NO YES / QUIET


    MEMEXP specifies that you want to export a Translation Memory.

    mem_file specifies the name (along with the drive and directory) of a file where the Translation Memory specified in memdb is to be exported to. The file must have the extension EXP.

    EXTERNAL specifies that it is an external Translation Memory that you want to export. This parameter is optional.

    memdb specifies the name of the Translation Memory that you want to export.

    Specifies whether an existing Translation Memory file is to be overwritten when exporting the Translation Memory.

    If you specify this parameter, you are not prompted with any message window. If you do not specify this parameter, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when the task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to export a Translation Memory using the EQFCMD command.
    eqfcmd /task=memexp /out=d:\mymemo.exp /type=external /mem=oldmemo
    In this example, the Translation Memory oldmemo is exported to the file d:\mymemo.exp.

    Importing a Translation Memory

    To import a Translation Memory, you might find it more convenient to use a command instead of TranslationManager windows. You might want to do this if you have many Translation Memory databases that you want to import.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how you import a Translation Memory from the command area. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFCMD / TAsk = MEMIMP / FIles = mem_file / TYpe = EXTERNAL / MEm = memdb / QUIET


    MEMIMP specifies that you want to import a Translation Memory.

    mem_file specifies the name of the Translation Memory that you want to import along with the drive and directory where it is located.

    EXTERNAL specifies that it is an external Translation Memory (in SGML format) that you want to import. This parameter is optional.

    memdb specifies the name of an existing Translation Memory to which the Translation Memory specified in mem_file is to be imported to. The contents of these Translation Memory databases will then be merged.

    If you specify this parameter, you are not prompted with any message window. If you do not specify this parameter, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when the task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to import a Translation Memory using the EQFCMD command.
    eqfcmd /task=memimp /files=d:\mymemo.mem /type=external /mem=oldmemo
    In this example, the Translation Memory mymemo.mem, which is in external format, is imported to the Translation Memory oldmemo.

    Importing a dictionary

    If you want to import a dictionary, using a command typed in your system's command area instead of TranslationManager windows might be more convenient.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how you import a dictionary from the Windows or OS/2 command area. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFCMD / TAsk = DICIMP / FIles = dict_file / DIct = dict_name / OPtions = COMBINE REPLACE IGNORE / PAssword = password / QUIET


    DICIMP specifies that you want to import a dictionary.

    Specifies the name of the SGML file containing the dictionary that you want to import along with the drive and directory where it is located.

    Specifies the name of an existing dictionary to which the dictionary specified in FIles is to be imported to. It can be a local or a shared dictionary.

    This parameter is particularly useful if the existing dictionary already contains entries. It specifies the following:

    password specifies the password of the dictionary to which the SGML file is to be imported (if this dictionary is write-protected). If the dictionary is write-protected and no password is entered, processing stops.

    If you specify this parameter, you are not prompted with any message window. If you do not specify this parameter, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when the task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to import a dictionary using the EQFCMD command.
    eqfcmd /task=dicimp /files=d:\mymemo.sgm /options=replace /dict=newmemo
    In this example, the dictionary file mymemo.sgm, which is in external (SGML) format, is imported to the existing dictionary newmemo. The entries in mymemo.sgm replace the entries in newmemo.

    Reversing a Translation Memory

    TranslationManager provides a command to reverse a Translation Memory. The reversed Translation Memory is saved in a new Translation Memory file. This means that the source language of the Translation Memory you want to reverse is turned into the target language. The target language of the reversed Translation Memory is now becoming the source language. This can be useful when you are working in a company which does translations from any to any languages. Or, when a document was initially written in English, translated into German, revised in German for a second release, and now must be translated back into English.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how you reverse a Translation Memory from your system's command area. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFREVM / MEm = memdb / REv = revdb / TYPE = NOCONF


    memdb specifies the name of the Translation Memory that you want to reverse.

    Specifies the name of the Translation Memory where you want to place the reversed Translation Memory specified in memdb.

    No confirmation message is displayed. This is useful if you do not want to be interrupted by progress messages while you are working.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to reverse a Translation Memory using the EQFREVM command.
    eqfrevm /mem=archive /rev=std1
    In this example, the Translation Memory archive is reversed into the existing Translation Memory std1.

    Changing m-flagged segments

    Segments that have been translated by machine are prefixed with an [m]. TranslationManager provides a command to have these m-prefixes removed from machine-translated segments in a Translation Memory. Alternatively, this command lets you add m-flags to segments that did not have such a flag before.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how you change the m-flags in a Translation Memory with the EQFCMM command. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFCMM / MEm = memdb / SEt = NO YES / CLear = NO YES / TYpe = NOCONF


    memdb specifies the name of the Translation Memory that you want to work with.

    Specifies whether you want to remove the m-flags in the specified Translation Memory. This option is only required if you do not specify the SET option.

    Specifies whether you want to add new m-flags to segments in the Translation Memory specified. This option is only required if you do not specify the CLEAR option.

    No confirmation message is displayed. This is useful if you do not want to be interrupted by progress messages while you are working.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to change an m-flag in a Translation Memory using the EQFCMM command.
    eqfcmm /mem=biotext /clear=yes /type=noconf
    In this example, the m-flags that preceded the segments in the Translation Memory biotext are removed. You are not prompted with a confirmation message.

    Opening a document

    Instead of using TranslationManager windows to open a document, you might find it more convenient to use a command.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how you open a document from the Windows or OS/2 command line. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFCMD / TAsk = DOCOPEN / FLD = folder / NAme = document_name / QUIET


    DOCOPEN specifies that you want to open a document.

    folder specifies the name of the folder that contains the document you want to open.

    document_name specifies the name of the document to be opened.

    If you specify this parameter, you are not prompted with any message window. If you do not specify this parameter, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when the task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to open a document using the EQFCMD command.
    eqfcmd /task=docopen /fld=sample1 /name=device.scr

    This command opens the document DEVICE.SCR which is stored in folder SAMPLE1.

    Counting words

    Translators are usually paid for translated words or lines. To prepare the payment it is necessary to count the words that have been translated for a specific project. Also, to plan for a translation project it is necessary to know how many words will have to be translated.

    Instead of using TranslationManager windows to count words in a document, using a command might be more convenient.

    The command syntax

    The following syntax diagram describes how you start to count words from the Windows or OS/2 command area. Note that lowercase letters in a parameter name are optional and need not be typed.

    Command syntax EQFCMD / TAsk = WORDCNT / FLD = folder / FIles = document_name ( , document_name ) @ list_file_name / OUT = cnt_name / OVerwrite = NO YES / OPtions = SOURCE TARGET / QUIET


    WORDCNT specifies that you want to count words in a document.

    folder specifies the name of the folder that contains the document of which you want to count words.

    document_name specifies the names of the document of which you want to count words. You might want to work with a list file if you have several documents that you want to count the words of. If you refer to this list file, its name is to be preceded by the @ symbol (@list_file_name). If this parameter is omitted, the words of all documents in the folder are counted.

    cnt_name specifies the name of the file where the count result is to be stored (along with the drive and directory information).

    Specifies whether the file specified in cnt_name is to be overwritten if it already exists (NO is the default).

    option specifies whether you want to count the words in the translated document (TARGET) or in the original document (SOURCE). SOURCE is the default.

    If you specify this parameter, you are not prompted with any message window. If you do not specify this parameter, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when the task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).


    The following example shows how to count words using the EQFCMD command.
    eqfcmd /task=wordcnt /fld=newfld /files=161.scr /options=target /out=e:\161.cnt

    All words in the translated document 161.scr, which is contained in folder newfld, are counted and the result is stored in the file 161.cnt on drive E.

    Performing several tasks in one step

    Instead of typing all parameters in one line, you can use the /TASKLIST option and specify the parameters for any task in a separate file.

    Command syntax with /TASKLIST option EQFCMD / TASKLIST = list_of_tasks / QUIET


    list_of_tasks is the name of a file containing a task description on each line, for example, parameters for several import or export requests (see examples).

    Can only be specified with the /TASKLIST option to suppress messages. If this option is omitted, a message window pops up whenever an error occurs or when a task has successfully completed.

    Note: You can type the commands in uppercase, lowercase, or in mixed case letters. You may not use any wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*).

    The following example shows how to specify the export parameters in a separate file (taskexp.fil) to export several documents (med1.txt and med2.txt) and then call the EQFCMD command with a reference to this file.
    :\med1.txt /options=target /overwrite=yes
    /task=docexp /fld=pharma /files=c:\med2.txt /options=target /overwrite=yes

    Enter the EQFCMD command as follows:
    eqfcmd /tasklist=taskexp.fil

    This lets you export more than one document with one command. All EQFCMD tasks can be combined.

    The next example shows how to specify the import parameters in a separate file (taskimp.fil) to import several documents listed in two files (@meddoca.lst and @meddocb.lst) and then call the EQFCMD command with a reference to this file.
    lst /overwrite=no
    /task=docimp /fld=pharma /files=@meddocb.lst /overwrite=no

    Enter the EQFCMD command as follows:
    eqfcmd /tasklist=taskimp.fil

    This lets you import more than one document with one command. All EQFCMD tasks can be combined.

    Appendix C. Editor functions reference

    To assign a function to a key or a key combination click on Keys... in the Options menu, select the function and assign it to a key.

    To call an editor function that is assigned to a key combination, click on Commands... in the Options menu, select the command to be executed, and click on Run.

    On the following pages, you find the complete list of the functions available in the Translation Environment. They are grouped as follows:

    Editor functions inside the Translation window

    Cursor movement in window

    Function Menu Default key
    Bottom Cursor Ctrl+End
    Top Cursor Ctrl+Home
    Cursor down
    Cursor up
    Cursor left
    Cursor right
    Start of line Cursor Home
    End of line Cursor End
    Start of segment Cursor Alt+Home
    End of segment Cursor Alt+End
    Query (active) line Cursor
    Go to line dialog Cursor
    Next line
    Next word
    Previous word
    Tab backward
    Tab forward
    Go to active segment Translate
    Go to changed segment

    Go to newly translated segment

    Go to unchanged segment

    Go to bookmark Translate


    Function Menu Default key
    Scroll down
    Scroll up
    Scroll page down
    Scroll page up
    Scroll left
    Scroll right

    Edit functions

    Function Menu Default key
    Delete character or marked block
    Delete character and move cursor left
    Delete until tag

    Delete line

    Insert line

    Join line(s) Edit
    Split line Edit
    Truncate line
    Delete word

    Mark word

    Compress current segment

    Expand current segment

    Truncate segment
    Delete segment

    Join segments Translate
    Split joined segments Translate
    Mark segment

    Next untranslated segment Translate
    Reflow segment Edit
    Spellcheck segment Spellcheck
    Translate segment Translate Ctrl+Enter
    Untranslate segment Translate
    Copy block

    Delete block (Clear) Edit
    Find block Cursor
    Mark block

    Move block

    Unmark block Edit
    Find (and change... ) Edit
    Undo Edit Alt+Backspace
    Set bookmark Translate
    Clear bookmark Translate

    Modes of editing

    Function Menu Default key
    Line wrap (toggle) Edit
    Insert toggle
    Add an abbreviation Translate
    Edit abbreviations Translate
    Postediting Translate
    Automatic substitution Translate
    Spellcheck file Spellcheck
    Spellcheck segment Spellcheck
    Edit addendum terms Spellcheck

    Changing the presentation of control tags

    Function Menu Default key
    Compact (document) Style
    Hide tags Style
    Protect tags Style
    Shrink tags (in segment) Style
    Unprotect tags Style

    Document overall functions

    Function Menu Default key
    File (End_Save) File F4
    Open File
    Quit File F3
    Print (document) File
    Save File F2
    Next (document in the ring) File
    Previous document

    Switching to other windows

    Function Menu Default key
    Set Colors window Options
    Set Fonts window Options
    Run Command window Options
    Assign Keys window Options
    Set Margin window Options
    Set Initial Values window Options
    Customize Translation Functions window Options
    Sentence Lookup window Options

    Editor functions outside the Translation window

    Using the Clipboard

    Function Menu Default key
    Copy (to clipboard) Edit Ctrl+Insert
    Cut (to clipboard) Edit Shift+Delete
    Paste (from clipboard) Edit Shift+Insert

    Switching to other windows

    Function Menu Default key
    Dictionary window File
    Original window File
    Source of proposal window File
    Translation Memory window File F8
    Translation window File
    Look up a term Translate
    Edit a term Translate

    Functions in the Translation Memory window

    Function Menu Default key
    Scroll proposal down
    Scroll proposal up
    Display (also) fuzzy matches

    Functions in the Dictionary window

    Function Menu Default key
    Scroll dictionary down
    Scroll dictionary up

    Appendix D. Format files for printing a dictionary

    To print dictionary data, you must first define the layout of your print output in format files that you edit with a text editor. In the format print file you define the entry fields to be printed and how to arrange them in the printout. For general information on printing, see "Printing a dictionary".

    Sample format files

    TranslationManager provides several sample format files. The following contains an introduction to format file statements.

    The print program assumes a page size with a default of 72 lines per page. To modify this layout you can insert printer-specific characters in the format files according to the syntax provided.


    This format file prints each headword and its translation. It uses the following format statements to achieve this:

    Part of FORMAT1.FRM
    <var name=Headword>
      <var name=Translation>

    Between <entryprt> and </entryprt> you specify which entry fields you want to be printed for each entry. The names following var name= must be the same names that are defined as entry field names in the dictionary you want to print. To see which entry field names are in a dictionary, select Properties... from the File menu when the Dictionary List window is active and the respective dictionary selected.

    <var name=Translation> means that the translation for the headword is printed. If there is more than one translation, only the first translation is printed.

    Nontagged information that you type between the <entryprt> and </entryprt> tags is printed for each iteration. In the example above, the ========== is used as a separator line between the entries on your printout.

    The following is an example of what your dictionary printout would look like. Assume that the dictionary is English-German and the sample format FORMAT1.FRM has been used for formatting. Two entries (rule and run) are extracted.
    Sample printout


    This format file is prints the templates for each entry without formatting. A template is all entry field information on all levels (entry level, homonym level, sense level, and target level) relating to one specific translation of a headword. The following is an illustration of a dictionary entry.

    FORMAT2.FRM looks as follows:

    Part of FORMAT2.FRM
    <var name =Headword>
    <repeat name=Headword>
      <var name='Part of Speech'>
      <var name=Translation>
      <var name=Abbrev./Fullform>

    <var name=Headword> means that the headword is printed. <repeat...> means that the Part of Speech, the Translation, and the Abbrev./Fullform entry fields are printed until a different headword is found. If the fields for Part of Speech, Translation, or Abbrev./Fullform in the dictionary are not filled, an empty line is printed.

    The following sample shows how your dictionary printout would look. Assume that the dictionary is English-German and the sample format FORMAT2.FRM has been used for formatting. Two entries (rule and run) are extracted.
    Sample printout



    This format file prints all templates for each entry.

    It is designed to be formatted with BookMaster outside TranslationManager before you print it. If you print the file without BookMaster, you see a mixture of dictionary entry data and BookMaster tags. Formatting with BookMaster produces a printout resembling entries in printed dictionaries.

    The tags used in this format file are described in "Tags for defining the format of a dictionary printout". You must use them in the same sequence as listed there.


    This format file prints a dictionary extract with the following structure:

    FORMAT4.FRM contains comments on most of the tags used. It is recommended that you read these comments to understand the results the tags produced on the printout.

    If you want to see the results of such a printout, print dictionary DICTPRT, which is contained in sample folder SAMPLPRT.

    Note: You must first import SAMPLPRT into TranslationManager .

    Defining your own format file

    To print a dictionary or an extract from it, you can use one of the format files provided by TranslationManager . You find them on the drive where you installed TranslationManager in the subdirectory \EQF\PRTFORM.

    These format files provide a predefined layout for printing dictionary information. They serve as sample files. You must replace all the generic information they contain with your personal data, such as your address, and your name. It is useful to select a format file that contains entry fields that match those of the dictionary you want to print.

    To get an idea of how the printout will turn out when using one of these format files, read the explanation that is given after the <comment> tag in each file. However, if you want to print a dictionary with a layout other than those provided, you can define your own format file. You do this as follows:

    1. Copy one of the format files provided or create a new file. It must be in ASCII format.

    2. Give it the extension FRM (for example, MYFORM.FRM).

    3. Edit this file with a text editor of your choice. You can use any of the tags given in "Tags for defining the format of a dictionary printout" to create an individual layout.

    4. Place this file in the subdirectory \EQF\PRTFORM on the drive where you installed TranslationManager .

    5. Use the new file name as format file name in the Print Dictionary window.

    The selected dictionary is printed at the printer that is defined as LPT1 in your operating system (default setting).

    The following is an example of an individual format file and how it looks on the printout.

      This is my private format file.
      It prints entries from dictionary MYDICT in the following way.
      The front page gives administrative information about the
      printout, such as title, date, and my name.
      Then two entries of MYDICT follow.
      These entries contain the fields I specified:
      Part of Speech, Translation, Synonym, and Context.
      Each page has the dictionary name MYDICT in its header section.
      The page number is printed at the bottom of each page.
    <set sysname=$page_length value='61'>
    <set sysname=$page_eject value=''>
                Title: Dictionary <var sysname=$Dictname>
                Date:  <var sysname=$Date>
                Author: Betty Miller
    <var sysname=$Dictname $Min=45 $Right>
    <var name=headword $first_on_page>
    The term "<var name=Headword>" has the following meaning:
    <repeat name=Headword>
      Part of Speech: <var name='Part of Speech'>
    <repeat name='Part of Speech'>
          Translation:    <var name=Translation>
              Synonym:        <var name=Synonym>
              Context:        <var name=Context>
                                         - <var sysname=$Page_No> -

    If you used this format file when printing dictionary MYDICT, you would get a printout with the following information on its title page:

    Title: Dictionary MYDICT
    Date: 04/01/94
    Author: Betty Miller

    After the title page, the entries found are printed in the following way:

    The term "assist" has the following meaning:
          Part of Speech: verb
            Translation:    helfen
            Translation:    assistieren
                Context:    to assist sb
    The term "access" has the following meaning/s:
          Part of Speech: noun
            Translation:    Zugriff
            Translation:    Zutritt
          Part of Speech: verb
            Translation:    zugreifen
                                  - 1 -

    Tags for defining the format of a dictionary printout

    Each data element to be printed is defined between a start and an end tag (except for <set> and <var>). The end tag always starts with "</". If you use any multiterm words as entry-field names, for example, Part of Speech, you must enclose them in single quotes (for example: <var name='Part of Speech'>). You may type these tags in either uppercase or in lowercase letters. Some of the tags have attributes (<set...>, <repeat...>, <var...>).

    You can control the layout of your printout by placing the variables at the appropriate position. The printing of a text or a data element starts where the opening pointed bracket (<) has been placed.

    Start tag, end tag Meaning

    Here you can describe what your printout contains. These tags are optional and have no effect on the layout of your printout. This description is shown in the Print Dictionary window.

    Contains administrative information related to the printed dictionary, such as the name of the dictionary and the date of printing. This information is printed once at the beginning of your printout before any entries are printed. These tags are optional.

    Here you can specify the information that you want to be printed on the top of each printed page. These tags are optional.

    Here specify the structure and contents of the entries you want to be printed. These tags are mandatory.

    Here you can specify the information that you want to be printed at the bottom of each printed page. These tags are optional.

    Contains information related to the printed dictionary. This information is printed at the end of your printout after all entries have been printed. These tags are optional.

    Within the format files the tags must follow the same sequence as specified here. To modify the layout of your printout, you can use the following additional tags:

    Start tag, end tag Meaning

    Here you can specify information that you do not want to appear on your printout. These tags are optional. They can occur anywhere within a format file, but not between another start and end tag.

    This tag lets you specify the length of a line and the length of a page of your printout. It can occur anywhere within a format file, but not between another start and end tag. For more information, see "The <set...> attributes".

    The information specified here is repeated until all information belonging to the specified entry field is printed. These tags are optional and can only occur between <entryprt> and </entryprt>. For more information, see "The <repeat...> attributes".

    This tag can have the attribute "name=". It can occur only between the <pagehead>, <pagefoot>, and <entryprt> tags and their end-tags.

    If it has the attribute "sysname=$..." it can occur only between the <dictfront>, <pagehead>, <entryprt>, <pagefoot>, and <dictback> tags and their corresponding end tags. For more information, see "The <var...> attributes".

    The <set...> attributes


    Specifies the length of a single line on your printout. If you do not use this attribute, 80 characters per line are printed. This attribute must be used together with the value attribute, for example:
    <set sysname=$line_length value='70'>.

    Specifies the number of lines that are to be printed per page. If you do not use this attribute, 72 lines per page are printed. If your printer prints less than 72 lines per page, you must specify the correct number here. This attribute must be used together with the value attribute, for example:
    <set sysname=$page_length value='62'>

    Specifies which page number is to be printed on the first page of your printout. If you do not use this attribute, the starting page number is 1. This attribute must be used together with the value attribute, for example:
    <set sysname=$page_no value='7'>

    Specifies a character string that is inserted when the printer is supposed to make a page eject. You must specify the value that is used by your printer, otherwise no page eject is made. Refer to your printer manual for the page eject character that is used by your printer (for example the ª character = ASCII character 12). If you do not use this attribute, no character is used. An automatic page eject is done within the <dictfront> and <dictback> section. This attribute must be used together with the value attribute, for example:
    <set sysname=$page_eject value='ª'>.

    This attribute is mandatory. It must be used in combination with the attributes listed here for the <set...> tag. You use it to specify the line length, the page length, the page number, and the page eject string.

    The <repeat...> attributes


    Specifies that the information between <repeat...> and </repeat> is repeated as long as the contents of the xxx entry field is the same while processing the templates of an entry.

    Specifies that the information between <repeat...> and </repeat> is repeated as long as the contents of all fields of the specified level is the same. For a description of the individual levels, refer to "Dictionary entry structure".

    The <var...> attributes


    Specifies which entry field (xxx) of a dictionary entry is to be printed. It can be used together with one of the following attributes:

    Specifies the name of the file your printout is to be written to.

    Specifies the name of the dictionary that you selected for printing.

    Prints the current date at the specified position.

    Prints the current time at the specified position.

    Specifies the format of the date and time information. This attribute is mandatory for sysname=$date and sysname=$time. For example: <var sysname=$date format=''> or <var sysname=$time format='hh:mm:ss'>

    Prints the current page number.

    Makes a page eject at this position.

    Specifies the maximum number of characters that is to be printed from the information in the specified entry field. If the information exceeds the specified number of characters, the rest is not printed.

    Specifies the minimum number of characters to be printed from the information in the specified entry field. This tag lets you define a minimum amount of space for an entry field. You may want to use it if you wish to print the contents of entry fields in two columns. If the information in the entry field is less than the specified number of characters, the rest is filled with blank characters.

    If both $max and $min are specified, the value for $min must be lower or equal to the value of $max.

    The printed text of the specified entry field is justified at the left edge. This attribute only works in combination with the $min attribute. For example:
    <var sysname=$dictname $min=45 $left>.

    The printed text of the specified entry field is justified at the right edge. This attribute only works in combination with the $min attribute. For example:
    <var sysname=$dictname $min=45 $right>.

    Appendix E. What you can do with external markup tables

    You can create your own markup table by exporting an existing markup table in external SGML format, modifying it with any text editor, and importing it back into TranslationManager under a different name.

    Notice that an exported markup table contains only the nondefault entries.

    If you want to create a completely new markup table, you must follow the SGML syntax. For a complete description of SGML refer to ISO 8879, Information Processing - Text and Office Systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).

    A markup table must begin with <TAGTABLE> and end with </TAGTABLE>.

    When you have exported one of the provided markup tables of TranslationManager you may see as second tag in the second line <SEGMENTEXIT>text</SEGMENTEXIT>. This tag calls a TranslationManager function to give the analysis and export functions more information on the supported word-processing system. If you want to modify this markup table to create a new one for your special word processing system you must delete this entry.

    The description of a markup tag always starts with the start tag <TAG> and ends with the corresponding end tag </TAG>. To specify additional characteristics of a markup element you can use attributes. For example, a markup tag for lists can have additional information on the type of this list, like numbered or compact.

    This additional information can be stored as an attribute. In a markup table the description of an attribute starts with the start tag <ATTRIBUTE> and ends with the corresponding end tag </ATTRIBUTE>.

    Markup tables must have the following layout:

      insert your tag definition here, depending
      on the following markup table SGML tags,
      you may insert up to 1000 entries
      attributes are optional
    All SGML tags must be enclosed in "<" and ">". There is always a start tag and an end tag.

    If a markup tag contains variable parts, you can substitute them by a question mark ("?") for single substitution or by a percentage sign ("%") for multiple substitution.

    Markup table SGML tags

    The following table contains the definition of the SGML tags that you can use to create or change a markup table.

    SGML tag Definition
    STRING Specifies the name of the markup tag or of an attribute.
    The specification of STRING is required for an entry in the markup table.
    ENDDELIM Specifies one character as end delimiter of the markup tag, if it has any. You can enter more than one end delimiter. TranslationManager checks for all possible string combinations to determine the end of the tag. A string as end delimiter is not possible.

    When a markup tag has an end delimiter, the specification of its length is omitted or can be set to 0. If a markup tag has no end delimiter , its length must be specified.

    The specification of ENDDELIM is required for an entry in the markup table, if LENGTH is not defined.

    TYPE Defines the type of the markup tag. If TYPE is not specified, STDEL is taken as the default.

    The following types are possible:

    • STDEL
      Indicates the start of a new text segment.

    • ENDDEL
      Indicates the end of a text segment.

    • SELFC
      The markup tag is self-contained, that is, it is a text segment by itself.

      The markup tag is a start tag, which has no influence on segmenting.

      The markup tag is an end tag, which has no influence on segmenting.
    SEGINFO Determines whether the text following the markup tag is to be segmented. If SEGINFO is not specified, SEGNEUTRAL is taken as the default.

    • SEGOFF
      Sets segmenting off, that is, no segmentation is done until the next markup tag is found that sets segmenting on again. If two tags follow each other that set segmenting off, it needs two tags that set segmenting on to start segmentation again.

    • SEGON
      Sets segmenting on again.

      Does not influence the segmenting status.

      Resets the segmenting status to on, even if the segmenting level requires more than one SEGON tag to set segmentation on.
    ASSTEXT Defines types of text following the markup tag. If ASSTEXT is not specified, NOEXPL is taken as the default.

    • TSNL
      Text follows on the same or the next line and will be associated with the markup tag.

    • TSL
      Text follows on the same line and will be associated with the makup tag.

    • NOEXPL
      No special processing for associated text is required.
    ATTRINFO Specifies if a markup tag has attached attributes (YES/NO). NO is the default. If YES is specified, the ATTRIBUTE SGML tag must be used to specify the attributes.
    LENGTH Defines the length of a markup tag. It must be specified only if the length of the tag cannot be determined by a delimiter specified by ENDDELIM.
    COLPOSITION Specifies the column position where the markup tag starts. If a markup tag has no special start position and can occur anywhere in a line, COLPOSITION is omitted or can be set to 0. The default is 0.
    TRANSLATEINFO Specifies whether the segment associated with the markup tag must be translated or not (YES/NO). If TRANSLATEINFO is not specified, NO is taken as the default.

    The minimum requirements for the specification of an SGML markup tag or attribute are STRING and ENDDELIM, or STRING and LENGTH.

    After editing the SGML file, you can import it into TranslationManager . If you import it into an existing markup table, this table is overwritten.


    The markup data [soft line feed] is in most cases defined as a so-called inline tag. This means it is contained in the segment:

     <STRING>[soft line feed]</STRING>
    The markup table tag ENDDELIM is omitted because the length is defined. All other markup table SGML tags will be set to the default and therefore need not be specified. To indicate this with this markup tag a new segment starts you change the TYPE:
     <STRING>[soft line feed]</STRING>

    The following table lists some imaginary markup data with a description.

    Markup data Definition
    [bold]text[/bold] The text following this tag (until the end tag) is printed bold; this tag is part of the segment and has no influence on segmenting.
    [Heading x]text This tag describes a heading; the heading text must follow on the same line; x is the level of heading and goes from 1 to 9; this tag ends the previous segment and starts a new segment.
    [page: even] A page break; the following text starts on an even page; this tag always starts on the first column and has no text following in the same line; a blank must separate the attribute even from the tag. [page: odd] A page break; the following text starts on an odd page; this tag always starts on the first column and has no text following in the same line; a blank must separate the attribute odd from the tag.
    [paragraph] A paragraph; this tag ends the previous segment and starts a new segment; the tag occurs at the end of the previous paragraph.

    This markup data would lead to the following markup table definitions. The defaults will not be shown.

    Markup definition Explanation

    The markup tag should be part of the segment, therefore STNEUTRAL is used; both examples have the same result, you can specify this markup tag by its length or end delimiter.
     <STRING>[Heading ?</STRING>

    Single substitution is used for the heading level; the end of the tag is ]; the heading requires the reset of segmenting with SEGRESET; the text associated with the tag occurs on the same line; the text associated with the tag is translatable.

    The markup tag ends with a blank; attributes may follow; the tag always starts at the first column in a line.

    The tag ends with ] or is defined by its length; the tag should end the previous segment, therefore ENDDEL is used.

    This is an attribute; it ends with ].

    This is an attribute; it ends with ].

    Appendix F. Displaying markup information for Word documents

    The following table contains all markup tags that are used for Microsoft Word for Windows. The first column gives the tag name, the second column indicates whether the tag has an end tag or not, and the third column gives a brief description of the tag.

    It may be necessary to insert highlighting tags like bold, italic, or underline if the sentence changes its structure in the target language. If you insert a highlighting tag, the corresponding end tag must be inserted, too. The first table lists the tags that reflect such highlighting that may be changed.

    Most of the used markup tags for Microsoft Word for Windows have a start tag and an end tag. The end tag has the same name as the start tag, with a slash in front of the tag name. When the end tag is different from the start tag it is given in addition to the start tag.

    Markup data that can be changed

    The following table lists markup data that may be deleted, inserted, or moved depending on the structure in the target language. These tags are parts of a segment that is to be translated.

    Tag name End tag Description
    [-] no Required hyphen.
    [blank] no Required blank.
    [bold] yes The text is printed in bold.
    [caps] yes The text is printed as capital letters.
    [color: code](2)
    yes The text is printed colored; the code is the color used.
    [condensed: space](2)
    yes The text is printed in condensed form, the respective space between the characters is coded with space.
    [extended: space](2)
    [expanded: space](3)
    yes The text is printed in expanded form, the respective space between the characters is coded with space.
    [font: name](2)
    yes The text is printed in a special font; the font name is given with name.
    [fontsize: size](2)
    yes The text is printed in a special size; the fontsize is coded with size.
    [italic] yes The text is printed in italic.
    [lid: lid code](2)
    yes The text has a specific language reference; refer to your Microsoft Word for Windows documentation for the meaning.
    [line break] no Soft line feed.
    [page] no Start of a new page.
    [rev mark] yes The text is revised.
    [rev strike] yes The text is revised by strikethrough.
    [small caps] yes The text is printed as small capital letters.
    [strike] yes The text is printed strikethrough.
    [subscript: size](2)
    [lowered: size](3)
    yes The text is printed in subscript; the amount of space the text is lowered is given in size.
    [superscript: size](2)
    [raised: size](3)
    yes The text is printed in superscript; the amount of space the text is raised is given in size.
    [subscript](3) yes The text is printed in subscript.
    [superscript](3) yes The text is printed in superscript.
    [underline: code](2)
    yes The text is printed underlined; the type of underline is given with code.
    yes The text is not printed because it is hidden; the text is not to be translated.

    The following markup has been added to support MS Word 6.0:

    [shadow] yes The text is printed shadowed.
    [bkf: attribute](2) no A bookmark starts at this position in text; where attribute is an index to the bookmark end entry.
    [bkl: attribute](2) no A bookmark ends at this position in text; where attribute is the value to which the bookmark start points to.
    [rev auth: attribute](2)
    [/rev auth]
    yes Used when revision marking was set to on in Word; is indicator for the author who did the revision.
    [DTTM: attribute](2)
    yes Used when revision marking was set to on in Word; is indicator for date and time when revision took place.
    [symb font: name char](2) no Indicates that the character given with char is to be printed in the font given with name.
    [csty: name](2)
    yes For the run of text enclosed in start and ending tag the style given with name is used.
    [kerning: value](2)
    yes For the run of text enclosed in start and ending tag automatic kerning was used; where value is the kerning distance.

    Markup data that must not be changed

    The following table lists markup data that must not be changed. It is essential that the markup data remains in its original form. Only the position within the segment may change.

    When you copy a Translation Memory proposal that contains one of these tags and there the source segment does not contain such a tag, you must delete this tag after you have copied the Translation Memory proposal.

    If your source segment contains such a tag, keep this tag, no matter which type of tags are contained within your Translation Memory proposal.

    The variables var1 and var2 are relevant only for TranslationManager .

    Tag name End tag Description
    [auto footnote:ref var1,var2] no An autonumbered footnote is inserted; ref is the reference number of the footnote.
    [auto endnote:ref var1,var2](3) no An autonumbered endnote is inserted; ref is the reference number of the endnote.
    [efield] no The end of a field, even after all nested fields.
    [field end: code] no The end of the previously inserted field; fields may be nested, the code indicates the type of end field.
    [field sep] no Field separator.
    [field sep: var1,var2] no Field separator of embedded objects.
    [field: code] no Anything that can be inserted with Insert Field or Insert Symbol in Microsoft Word for Windows; code indicates the type of field.
    [fld](3) yes A field entry follows.
    [footnote:ref var1,var2] no A custom footnote is inserted; ref is the reference mark of the footnote.
    [endnote:ref var1,var2](3) no A custom referenced endnote is inserted; ref is the reference mark of the endnote.
    [comment ref: var1,var2](3) no An annotation is inserted.
    [index entry] yes An index entry follows.
    [index field]
    [ix fld](3)
    no An index entry follows.
    [picture: offset] no A graphic or picture is inserted in the document; where offset is used by TranslationManager internally.
    [object: offset] no An object link is inserted in the document; where offset is used by TranslationManager internally.
    [toc entry] yes A table of contents entry follows.
    [toc field]
    [toc fld](3)
    no A table of contents entry follows.
    [toa entry] yes A table of authority entry follows.
    [toa fld] no A table of authority entry follows.

    Markup data outside translatable segments

    The following table lists markup data that is outside of translatable segments. They must not be changed.

    The variables var1 and var2 are relevant only for TranslationManager .

    Tag name End tag Description
    [Annotation Subdoc] no The annotation texts follow.
    [column] no The start of a new column if the text is written in columns (as in a newspaper).
    [comment](3) no An annotation text follows.
    [comment text: var1,var2](3) no An annotation text follows.
    [drawn obj: attributes](3) no A drawing object is inserted.
    [endnote text:ref var1,var2](3) no The endnote text for the endnote reference with ref follows.
    [Endnote Subdoc] no The endnote texts follow.
    [footnote text:ref var1,var2] no The footnote text for the footnote referenced with ref follows.
    [Footnote Subdoc] no The footnote texts follow.
    [hdr textbox](3) no A header textbox entry.
    [header/footer] no One header/footer.
    [Header/Footer Subdoc] no Header/footer texts follow.
    [Header Textbox Subdoc] no The header textbox texts follow.
    [index] yes The index follows, it is not translatable. For more information on rebuilding the index, see "Microsoft Word for Windows documents".
    [lf](3) no Hard line feed.
    [next cell: var1,var2] no The next cell in a table starts.
    [paragraph: var1,var2] no Start of a new paragraph.
    [row] no A new row starts in a table.
    [section: var1,var2] no A new section starts.
    [style: name] no Occurs after the paragraph tag and gives the style name for the next paragraph with name.
    [subdoc](3) no The current document is a master document and has as subdocument inserted at this text position.
    [textbox](3) no A textbox entry.
    [Textbox Subdoc] no The textbox texts follow.
    [toa] yes The table of authorities follows, it is not translatable. For more information on rebuilding the table of authorities, see "Microsoft Word for Windows documents".
    [toc] yes The table of contents follows, it is not translatable. For more information on rebuilding the table of contents, see "Microsoft Word for Windows documents".

    Appendix G. Exchanging data with other TranslationManager products

    In general, all types of translation material can be exchanged with other TranslationManager products. For example, it is possible to exchange folders between a TranslationManager Version 2.0 user who runs the product under OS/2 and a user who has TranslationManager Version 2.0 installed under Windows.

    This table shows which data types you can export to and import from TranslationManager Version 1.0.

    Data type Export to Import from
    (including documents, dictionaries, Translation Memory databases) *)
    yes yes
    Document yes yes
    External Translation Memory *) no yes
    External dictionary yes yes
    External markup table yes yes
    External terminology list yes yes

    *) Use the Export in TranslationManager/2 Version 1.0 format option in the Export Folder window.

    This table shows which data types you can export to and import from Personal TranslationManager.

    Data type Export to Import from
    (including documents, dictionaries, Translation Memory databases)
    yes yes
    Document yes yes
    External Translation Memory yes yes
    External dictionary yes yes

    Untranslated segments file

    During export, you can generate a file with the untranslated segments of a document. This file can be processed by other systems, such as a machine translation system. This file format is similar to an external Translation Memory. The following sample contains three segments:

    <Source>Selecting Your Rack-Mounted Devices
    <Source>Some items to consider are:
    <Source>This publication assists you in selecting a hardware configuration.

    Chapter 15. Glossary of terms and abbreviations

    This glossary defines all new terms and abbreviations used in this manual. It does not include all terms previously established for IBM operating systems. If you do not find the term you are looking for, refer to the index or to the Dictionary of Computing, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994.

    The extension of a language-support file that contains individually added spellings of terms. For example, terms which have been indicated as misspelled by the spellchecker although spelled correctly.

    The process of combining source segments with their corresponding target segments in an Initial Translation Memory (ITM).

    A process for dividing text into segments. It checks the text against specific exclusion lists and dictionaries, and produces on your request, a new terms list and a found terms list.

    American National Standards Institute.

    automatic lookup
    During translation, TranslationManager performs an automatic lookup in the referenced Translation Memory and in the referenced dictionaries. For each segment, matching segment translations from the Translation Memory are displayed as translation proposals in the Translation Memory window, translations of its terms are displayed in the Dictionary window.

    automatic substitution
    An option in the Translate menu. It lets you start the automatic substitution process, which translates those segments that have been previously translated by you or another translator and are stored in the Translation Memory. It is particularly useful for translating updated text. However, you still must translate new text manually.

    company code
    Abbreviation for a particular area of usage a translation applies to. For example, certain terms are used differently depending on the companies or clients you do translations for.

    See view details.

    A database that contains terms, their translation, and other related information.

    dictionary entry
    All data relating to a headword in a dictionary

    dictionary filter
    A method to select specific entries from a dictionary or only parts of these entries. The filter conditions that must be met if an entry is to pass the filter can be individually defined when printing or searching a dictionary.

    dictionary print format
    Specifies the layout of a printed dictionary. TranslationManager provides standard formats described in format files that can be tailored individually. The format files are on the same disk where TranslationManager is installed under the subdirectory EQF\PRTFORM.

    document file
    A generic term used to describe all types of files containing information that is to be translated. Document files can be analyzed and opened for translation in the Translation Environment. The source of the document file you translate is called the original document. The document file that you edit during translation is referred to as the translation document.

    document type
    Depending on the different types of markup used to describe the layout of document, TranslationManager differentiates between different document types.

    entry fields
    The various fields and styles of an entry in a dictionary, such as meaning, usage, context, abbreviation, idioms, and grammatical information. For example, the entry field Abbr. would contain the abbreviation of a headword. The combination of all entry fields of a specific headword makes up the headword's entry in the dictionary.

    entry level
    The information that applies to all the templates of an entry. For example, the term itself, the author, and the date the entry was created.

    entry section
    Section in a dictionary. Contains all dictionary entries appearing one after another.

    exact match
    Each segment in the translation document is compared with the selected Translation Memory. If an identical segment is found, an exact match has occurred and the corresponding translation proposal is shown in the Translation Memory window. It originates from a previous translation.

    exclusion list
    A list containing common words such as articles, prepositions, proper nouns, and terms that occur frequently. These words are ignored when creating new terms lists and found terms lists during analysis, and are not shown in the Dictionary window during translation. Exclusion lists can be edited.

    To copy folders, documents, dictionaries, and Translation Memory databases to the DOS file system to make them available to another user.

    Contains documents belonging to one project and references to the Translation Memory databases and dictionaries you want to use during translation.

    format file
    A file that contains the specification of a dictionary print format. It can be created and changed with a text editor.

    found terms list
    A list of all terms in the documents being analyzed that were found in the selected dictionaries. The list is used to update dictionaries and exclusion lists. Found terms lists can be edited, that is, terms can be deleted, moved to a dictionary, or to an exclusion list. A found terms list can be used to fill a separate dictionary related to a document.

    fuzzy match
    Each segment in the translation document is compared with the selected Translation Memory. If an almost identical segment is found, a fuzzy match has occurred and the corresponding translation proposal is shown in the Translation Memory window with a preceding [f]. It originates from a previous translation.

    header section
    Section in a dictionary. Contains general dictionary information such as source language, target language, and creation date of the dictionary.

    Word or term placed at the beginning of an entry in a dictionary.

    Words that are spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning. For example, the noun conduct and the verb conduct are homonyms.

    homonym level
    Part of a dictionary entry. Contains grammatical and syntactic information, such as part of speech, hyphenation, and abbreviation information.

    Hypertext Markup Language.

    Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
    A subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) allowing the presentation of electronically stored information within the World Wide Web (Internet).

    A small graphical symbol. Icons can represent windows that you want to work with (such as Folder list, Document list, Dictionary list, Translation Memory list, Terminology lists) or tasks that you want to perform.

    To copy folders, documents, dictionaries, and Translation Memory databases from the DOS file system to make them available to TranslationManager .

    Initial Translation Memory (ITM)
    A Translation Memory created from existing translations and their corresponding originals. Proposals originating from an ITM are shown in the Translation Memory window with a preceding [m] like machine-generated matches.

    Initial Translation Memory.

    language support files
    Source languages supplied with TranslationManager . Language support files are required when looking up dictionary entries during analysis of document files and during spellcheck.

    See automatic lookup and search.

    machine-generated match
    Originates from an Initial Translation Memory and is displayed in the Translation Memory window with a preceding [m]. Can be used in the same way as a fuzzy match.

    maptable section
    Section in a dictionary. Determines the structure of dictionary entries. Contains the total of all allowed entry fields in a dictionary.

    Information added to a document, for example, formatting tags, to enable a system to process it. It describes the document characteristics or specifies the actual processing to be performed.

    markup language
    The language specific to a word-processor that describes a document layout.

    markup table
    Contains all tags and attributes of a particular markup language. Is used in TranslationManager during analysis and translation.

    The fact that a source segment in a Translation Memory and a source segment in a document to be translated at least resemble each other (fuzzy match or replacement match). If they are completely identical, it is an exact match if the translation was done by a translator, or a machine-generated match if the translation is generated by a program.

    Combining information of either two dictionaries or two Translation Memory databases. When merging dictionaries, TranslationManager preserves the structure of the destination dictionary.

    model dictionary
    An already existing dictionary whose structure can be taken as a sample when creating a new dictionary.

    model folder
    An already existing folder whose properties can be taken as a sample when creating a new folder.

    new terms list
    A list of all the terms found in the documents being analyzed but not found in the selected dictionaries during analysis. New terms lists can be used to update dictionaries and exclusion lists. New terms lists can be edited, that is, terms can be deleted, moved to a dictionary, or to an exclusion list.

    Internal restructuring of frequently changed dictionaries and Translation Memory databases to shorten search times.

    original document
    The source of the document that you translate. You cannot edit this document but you can display it and use it for comparison or checking purposes.

    Editing an already translated document. Any changes cause an automatic update of the already translated segments in the Translation Memory.

    A summary of the different characteristics of a folder or a document, such as a description, the markup language used in documents, and references to Translation Memory databases and dictionaries.

    replacement match
    A match where all language independent text, such as dates and proper nouns, has been automatically replaced to reflect the active source segment. It is displayed in the Translation window with a preceding [r].

    Turning source segments contained in a Translation Memory into target segments and vice versa.

    revision marks
    Characters at the beginning and end of a segment that can be individually defined and indicate that the enclosed segment has been translated from scratch, or by copying a translation proposal and changing it, or by copying a proposal without changing it.

    In the Look up a Term window, you can search for terms in a dictionary using predefined search criteria and user-definable dictionary filters. See also automatic lookup.

    A translation unit produced during analysis. It is usually a sentence, part of a sentence, an element of a list, or a citation.

    sense level
    Part of a dictionary entry. Contains semantic variations of a headword such as varying areas of meaning and usage.

    Standard Generalized Markup Language.

    shared translation material
    A dictionary or Translation Memory file located on a shared disk. It can be concurrently accessed by all TranslationManager users who are connected to the same LAN.

    source document
    See original document.

    A proofreading aid to identify unrecognized or misspelled words in translation documents. Lists possible corrections for misspelled words.

    Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
    A set of rules that allows the format specification of a markup language independent of any individual processing system. The external file formats created during export are based on SGML.

    The part of an inflected word that remains unchanged except by phonetic changes or variations throughout an inflection.

    subject code
    Abbreviation for a particular subject area a translation applies to.

    Statement used to determine the format of a document file. Is contained in a markup table.

    target document
    See translation document.

    target level
    Contains all information applying to one translation variant of a headword, such as definition and usage.

    Dictionary entry information on all levels (entry , homonym , sense , and target ) relating to one specific translation of a headword.

    terminology list
    A generic term for the following types of lists: exclusion lists, found terms lists, and new terms lists.

    translation document
    The document that you translate.

    Translation Environment
    Environment where the actual translation is performed. It consists of a window where you can edit the document file, a window with proposals from the associated Translation Memory, and a window with translations for terms in the document. All translation proposals can be copied into the translation document.

    Translation Memory
    A database that contains previously translated segments added during translation and analysis.

    Translation Memory databases
    More than one Translation Memory.

    translation proposal
    The translation of a segment found in a Translation Memory during translation, where the source segment is identical to the current segment (exact match) or almost identical to the current segment (fuzzy match).

    view details
    Contents of the list windows displayed on the main window. You can define how detailed the contents of these lists is to be displayed. The default is to display only the names of the individual list items.

    word count
    Utility to count words (words to be translated, words already translated, markup tags) in original documents or translation documents.

    The TranslationManager main window.



    (1) 1 MB equals 1 048 576 bytes.

    (2) Do not change the variables, because they are calculated automatically by Microsoft Word for Windows.

    (3) Changed or added markup data when dealing with documents originated in Microsoft Word 6.0.