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IBM TranslationManager
Translator's Reference

Part 1
Starting with TranslationManager

Version 2.5 - 32bit

26 Feb 1998

Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under "Notices".

First Edition, May 1996

This edition applies to IBM TranslationManager Version 2.0 (5622-999) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical newsletters.

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Table of Contents

  • Notices
  • Trademarks and service marks
  • About this book

  • Chapter 1. Before you start
  • Hardware requirements
  • Software requirements
  • What you get from IBM
  • Language-support files
  • Dictionaries
  • Reusing TranslationManager/2 Version 1.0 translation material
  • Installing TranslationManager
  • Installation components
  • Installation procedure
  • Reinstalling TranslationManager
  • Upgrading TranslationManager
  • Installing dictionaries
  • Installing more language-support files
  • Starting TranslationManager
  • Getting help
  • Backing up your translation material
  • Defining additional drives
  • Chapter 2. Working with the translation workbench
  • What the workbench is
  • Arranging the windows
  • Defining the view details
  • Saving the workbench
  • Chapter 3. Working with the Translation Environment
  • What the Translation Environment is
  • What the colors mean
  • How markup tags are displayed
  • Changing the display of markup information
  • Displaying the original of a translation proposal
  • Making a window active
  • Checking how segments were translated
  • Chapter 4. Working with the TranslationManager editor
  • What the TranslationManager editor is
  • Basic functions
  • Assigning keys
  • Finding and changing terms
  • Moving around the text
  • Moving around marked text
  • Working with bookmarks
  • Working with lines and words
  • Translation-specific functions
  • Manipulating segments
  • Manipulating documents
  • Configuring the editor
  • Customizing colors
  • Changing the font size
  • Setting margins
  • Setting up the profile
  • Initial settings

  • Notices

    References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any of IBM's intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, is the user's responsibility.

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    Trademarks and service marks

    The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both:

    BookMaster            IBM                   OS/2

    Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows 95 logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

    PC Direct is a trademark of Ziff Communications Company and is used by IBM Corporation under license.

    UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.

    C-bus is a trademark of Corollary, Inc.

    Other company, product, and service names, which may be denoted by a double asterisk (**), may be trademarks or service marks of others.


    About this book

    The Translator's Reference is for all users of IBM TranslationManager who are already familiar with the basic functions of this product.

    TranslationManager basics are explained in A Quick Tour and the Translator's Workbook.

    The Translator's Reference gives you information on the more advanced topics of translating with TranslationManager. It provides you with:

    An easy way to find information about a specific item is to look it up in the index. However, if you are not sure about the precise naming of a function, you can look through the table of contents to find a topic this function may belong to.

    In addition to this book, there are more TranslationManager publications that you may want to read:


    • Whenever the term menu is used, in an OS/2 environment this term applies to a pull-down.

    Part 1. Starting with TranslationManager

    Chapter 1. Before you start

    This chapter informs you about the prerequisites you need before you start working with TranslationManager.

    Hardware requirements

    To install TranslationManager you need the following hardware:

    Software requirements

    TranslationManager can run under any of the following operating systems:

    To use TranslationManager in a LAN (Local Area Network) environment, you need the appropriate LAN software. For example:

    To work with Microsoft Word 6.0 documents, you must have Win-OS/2 installed.

    What you get from IBM

    You receive diskettes or a CD-ROM containing:

    Language-support files

    Language-support files support the translation from a source language into a target language. You must have at least one language-support file installed for the source language from which you want to translate.

    TranslationManager can translate from the following source languages:

    TranslationManager accepts any target language that is supported by your operating system.


    TranslationManager offers integrated basic dictionaries. However, if your translation job requires more specific terminology or dictionaries in different languages, you are offered a selection of specialist and technical dictionaries other than those provided with the base product.

    Contact IBM Germany, Department 5412, FAX +49-(0)7031-16-6858 to receive a list of dictionary providers.

    If you already have a stock of technical terminology that you would like to use in TranslationManager, you can do this by creating a new dictionary in TranslationManager that contains your own terminology. To learn how to do this, see "Creating a new dictionary in TranslationManager".

    Reusing TranslationManager/2 Version 1.0 translation material

    If you used to work with TranslationManager/2 Version 1.0 and want to continue using the translation material from this product, follow these steps:

    1. Backup remote translation material
      Before you install TranslationManager Version 2.0 you must make backup copies from any Translation Memory databases and dictionaries that have been defined as remote under TranslationManager/2. You do this by exporting them within a folder (see "Exporting a folder"). This folder must have a reference to the Translation Memory or dictionary you want to back up. Store this folder in a save place. It is recommended to save one Translation Memory and one dictionary per folder. Note that only remote translation material must be backed up. You need not back up local translation material.

    2. Install TranslationManager Version 2.0
      See "Installation procedure" for the installation procedure.

    3. Restore backup copies
      After you installed TranslationManager Version 2.0 you can restore the saved translation material by importing the folders that you exported previously from TranslationManager/2 Version 1.0. The same procedure applies for any archived TranslationManager/2 folders, Translation Memory databases (in EXP format), and dictionaries (in SGML format). All remote translation material from TranslationManager/2 Version 1.0 is then ready to be used in TranslationManager Version 2.0.

      Note that before use you must organize not only the restored translation material but also your local Translation Memory databases and dictionaries (see "Organizing a Translation Memory" and "Organizing a dictionary"). Keep in mind that this translation material is not automatically defined as shared in TranslationManager Version 2.0.

    If you used to work with TranslationManager for Windows Version 1.0, you need not back up your translation material.

    Installing TranslationManager

    The TranslationManager installation program guides you through the installation.

    During the installation, you can request online help by pressing the F1 key.

    Before you start, make sure that code page 850 is set on your computer. TranslationManager requires this code page to perform all linguistic functions correctly. Refer to the documentation of your operating system to see how code page 850 is set.

    Note that some target languages require specific code pages and operating systems:

    Target language

    Code page 864, country code 785, OS/2 Warp Arabic

    Code page 869, OS/2 Warp Greek

    Code page 862, country code 972, OS/2 Warp Hebrew

    Country code 081, either of the following operating systems:

    Code page 866, OS/2 Warp Russian

    Installation components

    You can install the following components:

    IBM TranslationManager Base
    The TranslationManager base product (program and data files).

    Sample files necessary for working through the sample session described in Chapter 14. "Working with the samples".

    Basic Dictionaries
    Basic dictionaries containing general vocabulary (English-French, English-German, English-Italian, English-Spanish, French-English, German-English, Italian-English, and Spanish-English).

    Language-Support Files
    Morphological, monolingual data files for the source languages supported. To work with TranslationManager at least one of the available language-support files must be installed. To do a spellcheck on translated documents, you must install the language-support file for the target language.

    Note that these language-support files have no influence on the language in which TranslationManager windows and messages are presented.

    Installation procedure

    To install TranslationManager:

    1. Start your system (unless it is already started).

    2. Insert the OS/2 or Windows installation diskette or CD-ROM (depending on the operating system and medium you plan to work with) into the respective drive. Diskette users select the drive where they inserted the installation diskette. CD-ROM users go to subdirectory OS2 or WINDOWS respectively.

    3. Run the install.exe from the diskette or CD-ROM. You get a message telling you that the TranslationManager files are loaded.

    4. On the Install-directories window click on the TranslationManager components you want to install and type the letter of the drive where you want to install TranslationManager in the Installation drive field. If you have already installed a version of TranslationManager (such as TranslationManager for Windows Version 1.0), you must use the drive where you installed the previous version.

      You must have at least one language-support file selected for the source language from which you want to translate.

    5. Click on Install... and follow the instructions on the next windows.

    6. Click on Exit on the last installation window and remove the diskette or CD-ROM from the drive.
    TranslationManager has now been installed with the components you specified. Note the final message and reboot the system if told to do so.

    Refer to the Read Me file supplied with TranslationManager for last-minute information. You find this file in the subdirectory \EQF\ or by double-clicking on the Read me File icon in the IBM TranslationManager group window on your desktop.

    Installing TranslationManager in and from a LAN

    TranslationManager can be installed in a LAN (Local Area Network). Use the xcopy command to put all TranslationManager files from the diskettes on a LAN subdirectory.

    TranslationManager users logged on to this LAN can install the product from there and share translation material that is of common benefit, such as dictionaries and Translation Memory databases.


    After you installed TranslationManager you are requested to register the product with IBM (at the first startup). You can do this online. The software registration information is used to access and update the IBM Software Customer Profile. The customer profile section contains identification and demographic information about the user of each IBM software product.

    This information should be kept current and registered with IBM on an annual basis in order to receive the benefits of being an IBM customer. The IBM software registration section contains the information and the instructions on how to register IBM TranslationManager by modem, telephone, fax, or postal service.

    Reinstalling TranslationManager

    TranslationManager can be reinstalled if you wish to:

    Note: Before you start reinstalling, TranslationManager must not be running.

    To reinstall TranslationManager:

    1. Follow steps 1 to 3 described in "Installation procedure".

    2. After you are prompted with the message that components of TranslationManager have already been installed, select one of the following options to proceed:

    3. Follow steps 5 and 6 described in "Installation procedure".
    TranslationManager has now been reinstalled with the components you specified. You need not reboot the system.

    Upgrading TranslationManager

    TranslationManager lets you add more dictionaries and languages whenever you require them. To integrate them into the program, you must run the appropriate installation procedure described in the following chapters.

    Installing dictionaries

    Sometimes a new translation project requires that you use specific technical vocabulary. For this purpose IBM offers you a list of technical dictionaries on request. All of these dictionaries are compatible with TranslationManager. To install them, refer to the respective installation instructions delivered with these dictionaries.

    Also, if you selected a basic English-German dictionary when you installed TranslationManager, but another translation project requires translation from English into Italian, and the basic English-Italian dictionary is needed, you can add it to the program by running the installation procedure described below.

    Before you start installing an additional dictionary, you must stop TranslationManager, then do the following:

    You can check which dictionaries are currently installed by browsing the Dictionary List window.

    Installing more language-support files

    Sometimes a new translation project requires that you have to translate from a source language that you have not worked with before. For these cases TranslationManager offers additional language-support files that you can install whenever you need them.

    Note: Before you start the installation, you must stop TranslationManager.

    To install an additional language, diskette users do the following:

    1. To install one of the languages contained on the diskettes of your TranslationManager base product, insert the installation diskette in a diskette drive and follow the steps as described in "Reinstalling TranslationManager". When you get to the selection of components, select the desired language.

      To install a language other than those contained in the base product, insert the diskette with the appropriate language-support file in a diskette drive.

    2. Make the drive where you inserted the diskette the current drive (for example a:), type install next to the command prompt and press Enter.

    3. Follow the instructions.

    For CD-ROM users the following instructions apply for activating a language-support file:

    1. Insert the TranslationManager CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.

    2. Make the CD-ROM drive the current drive.

    3. Go to the subdirectory that matches the name of the language you want to install.

    4. Type install next to the command prompt and press Enter.

    5. Follow the instructions.

    You can check which languages are currently installed and active in your system by selecting Display language list from the Utilities menu on the TranslationManager main window. State active tells you that a language has been installed.

    Starting TranslationManager

    To start TranslationManager, double-click on the TranslationManager icon in the IBM TranslationManager group window.

    After TranslationManager is started, its main window is displayed. From here you start all tasks required for translating with TranslationManager. You find a description of the basic tasks in A Quick Tour.

    Getting help

    TranslationManager provides online help for each window. You can display these help texts by clicking on the Help button of the respective window, or pressing the F1 key. Read the help texts whenever you are not sure what to do on a window.

    TranslationManager comes with A Quick Tour and a Translator's Workbook. These books teach you how to perform the basic tasks. If you work through both of them before you start working with TranslationManager, it will be easier for you to become familiar with this program.

    A good way to learn about TranslationManager is to take the following approach:

    1. Read A Quick Tour to learn how to perform the first steps with TranslationManager.

    2. Work through the Translator's Workbook to learn how to do all tasks necessary for a translation project.

    3. Refer to the Translator's Reference if you want to know more about a certain function in TranslationManager.

    Note: If you installed TranslationManager from a CD-ROM, A Quick Tour, Translator's Workbook, and this manual are available in PostScript format on the CD-ROM (see the subdirectory \BOOKS).

    Backing up your translation material

    Make regular backup copies of your translation material, such as Translation Memories, dictionaries, and documents.

    Use the Export... command on the File menu of the TranslationManager main window to copy the respective files on any media (diskette, tape, or optical disks) and have them available as backups.

    Defining additional drives

    TranslationManager lets you define more drives in addition to the one where you installed the program (by selecting Configure Drives... from the Utilities menu). You can use this option when there is not much space left on the current drive. Files from this drive can then be transferred to the additional ones.

    Chapter 2. Working with the translation workbench

    What the workbench is

    The workbench is the first main window you see after you have started TranslationManager. With this window you start the actual translation and perform tasks closely related to translating, such as importing and exporting.

    The workbench is the environment for managing all TranslationManager components, such as:

    Each component is listed in an individual window. Usually you work with any of these components in the following way:

    1. Select the item you want to work with from the respective window. For example, a document.

    2. Select the task you want to perform with this item from the respective menu. For example, Import....

    3. Fill in the required information in the respective window. TranslationManager needs this information to correctly perform the task you selected.

    4. Press a button (for example, Import) to start the specified task.

    You find all TranslationManager components listed in smaller, subsidiary windows on the workbench. Sometimes these windows are minimized. You see them displayed as icons at the bottom of the screen. If you double-click on one of these icons, it is restored to its original size.

    When starting TranslationManager for the first time, the following windows are shown on the workbench:

    To work with other TranslationManager components, such as language list, terminology lists, or markup tables, open the respective window by selecting it from the Utilities menu.

    Arranging the windows

    You can position and size all subsidiary windows on the workbench as you find them most convenient to work with. When the workbench is displayed for the first time, TranslationManager has made a default arrangement for you.

    The defaults are usually good choices for many translators, but you are free to rearrange and resize the windows into whatever position and size you like.

    The window layout can best be determined by you according to your requirements and preferences. For example, have the windows positioned in a tiled way, overlaying each other, displayed as icons, or hidden behind other windows to reduce clutter on the screen.

    The easiest way to do this is by placing the mouse pointer in the window's title bar and dragging the window into the new position. This is a basic function of the operating system you use. If you do not know how to reposition or resize windows, refer to the appropriate user documentation of your operating system.

    Defining the view details

    Usually you just see the names of documents, Translation Memories, dictionaries, and so on, listed in the respective windows. For example, in the Document List window TranslationManager by default displays only the document names.

    However, if you are interested in more details about a specific list item, this information can be easily retrieved.

    You can view, for example:

    Because not every translator has the need for the same amount of detail, TranslationManager lets you choose individually what you want to display.

    You define this by selecting Change details... from the View menu. On the subsequent window Change View Details you select the details you are interested in.

    Saving the workbench

    When you have tailored the workbench layout and defined the view details as appropriate, you can save these modifications.

    When you leave TranslationManager, you are asked if you want to save the current workbench. If you confirm this, you get the same window layout on the workbench the next time you start TranslationManager.

    This saves you from rearranging windows for each TranslationManager session.

    Chapter 3. Working with the Translation Environment

    What the Translation Environment is

    When you selected a document for translation and opened it, TranslationManager takes you to the Translation Environment window. It is the environment where you:

    To save you from paper-shuffling, TranslationManager automatically looks up terms in dictionaries and retrieves previous translations. You see the findings on the screen and you can copy them if they are appropriate for your current context.

    To conveniently do this, the Translation Environment is divided into the following subwindows:

    Whenever you activate a segment for translation, the Translation Memory and Dictionary window reflect this by presenting appropriate translation proposals for this segment.

    To learn how to copy a dictionary proposal see "Translation-specific functions".

    What the colors mean

    TranslationManager shows the status of segments in the Translation window by different colors. The default settings are:

    Status Text Background Meaning
    Translated Black Grey Segment has already been translated.
    Active Black Yellow Currently active segment ready to be translated.
    Not translated Blue Grey Segment has not been translated yet.
    Not translatable Red Grey Segment contains no translatable information.

    How markup tags are displayed

    TranslationManager lets you choose how to display markup information in a translation document:

    Style Meaning
    Protect The markup tags are shown but you cannot change them (default).
    Unprotect The markup tags are shown and you can overwrite and change them.
    Hide The markup tags are not shown.
    Shrink All markup tags outside segments are not shown. A replacement character is shown instead.
    Compact All information that is not to be translated and all markup tags within a segment are not shown. A replacement character is shown instead.

    Changing the display of markup information

    You can change the tag representation style by opening the Style menu and selecting a style command of your choice.

    Figure 1 contains examples of a Microsoft WORD** document that show you how the text is presented, depending on the selected style. The following symbols are used to show information that is protected and cannot be translated:

    Appears when you select shrink and compact style. The symbol is a placeholder for information that cannot be translated.

    Appears when you select compact style. This symbol shows that there is information in a segment that cannot be translated.
    These symbols are protected and have the same color as markup tags (the default is red). You can change them as follows:

    1. Select Profile settings... from the Options menu of the Translation Environment.

    2. In the box Style abbreviations specify the respective symbols.

    The shrink and compact styles are useful when you translate documents containing numerous markup tags, such as RTF documents. The various style options let you display the text in a less cluttered form. The markup information is replaced by the symbols of your choice and you can concentrate on the text that is to be translated.

    If two or more markup tags appear after one another in a text, they are replaced by only one symbol depending on the style you chose.

    Figure 1. Markup display styles

    [style:heading 2]
    Planning Forms
    [paragraph: 0005,E8]
    While reading this chapter, you will complete one or more of the following
    planning forms, which are included in [italic]Planning Forms[/italic],
    [paragraph: 0005,F5]
    [field: 3913]SYMBOL 183 \.f "Symbol" \s 10 \h[field end: 0015] [efield]
    * Processor Configuration (Forms B3, B5, or B7)
    [paragraph: 0005,ED]
    [field: 3913]SYMBOL 183 \.f "Symbol" \.s 10 \h[field end: 0015] [efield]
    * Integrated DASD/Tape Devices (Form C2).

    Planning Forms
    While reading this chapter, you will complete one or more
    of the following planning forms, which are included in
    Planning Forms, GX24-4093:
    * Processor Configuration (Forms B3, B5, or B7)
    * Integrated DASD/Tape Devices (Form C2).

    Planning Forms
    While reading this chapter, you will complete one or more
    of the following planning forms, which are included in
    [italic]Planning Forms[/italic], GX24-4093:
    * Processor Configuration (Forms B3, B5, or B7)
    * Integrated DASD/Tape Devices (Form C2).

    Planning Forms
    While reading this chapter, you will complete one or more
    of the following planning forms, which are included in
    #Planning Forms#, GX24-4093:
    #Processor Configuration (Forms B3, B5, or B7)
    #Integrated DASD/Tape Devices (Form C2).

    Displaying the original of a translation proposal

    To view the source of a translation proposal double-click anywhere within the Translation Memory window. The Source of Proposal(s) window shows the original text of a fuzzy ([f]) proposal found in the Translation Memory. For example, the English original of a German translation. It also shows the segment that is currently active in the original document. The source of a fuzzy proposal match is displayed below the currently active segment. These segments are compared with one another and the differences are indicated by color.

    You can change the colors by selecting Colors and fonts... from the Options menu of the Translation window.

    TranslationManager indicates the correspondence and differences between the source text of a found proposal and the currently active source text. This helps you determine how strongly you can rely on a translation proposal. If the source of the proposal differs from the segment currently to be translated, do not take the match as is, but change it so that the translation matches the original you are currently translating.

    The following gives you an example how TranslationManager indicates differences:

    Text that is identical in the active segment and in the source of the proposal is not highlighted. However, you can have the identical parts displayed in a color of your choice.

    Making a window active

    The following windows are listed when you open the Window menu in the Translation Environment:

    All documents you opened for reference purposes, in addition to the document you translate are listed. You open another document by selecting Open... from the File menu of the Translation Environment.

    Use this option to quickly move to a certain window while working in the Translation Environment. It is especially helpful if a window is hidden behind another window. If you select this window from the list, it becomes immediately active and is displayed in the foreground.

    Checking how segments were translated

    Translated segments can have been translated from scratch, copied from a Translation Memory and changed, or copied from a Translation Memory and not changed.

    TranslationManager lets you know how many of the translated segments have been translated by one of these methods. When you save the translation, you can request a summary in the Document List window showing how many segments have been:

    In the Change View Details window you specify the level of detail you want when viewing the Document List window.

    This feature can be useful if translations are paid depending on the way they have been translated. Translated segments that have been translated from scratch may be paid higher than segments that have been copied from a proposal in the Translation Memory. It helps to find out how many segments have been translated in one of the above ways.

    Chapter 4. Working with the TranslationManager editor

    What the TranslationManager editor is

    TranslationManager has a built-in editor that assists you when translating. It supports all major editing functions and a set of functions especially adapted to translations.

    You can work with the editor when you have entered the Translation Environment.

    Basic functions

    Usually when you want to do a certain task with TranslationManager's editor, you select a menu that takes you to a window where you fill in the required information. For some basic editing functions TranslationManager offers you predefined key combinations that you can reassign to suit your individual needs. This is a quick way of performing tasks that you do frequently.

    Assigning keys

    For some functions you can define your own keys or key combinations by selecting Keys... from the Options menu. On the Assign Keys window select the function you want to define a key for. These are the functions for which no menu commands are available and no keys have been predefined. In the Assign Keys window they are indicated by *none*.

    Click on Assign new key. You are prompted to press the key or key combination you want to assign to a function. Then click on Assign to save your settings and leave the window.

    Clicking on Print lets you print all functions and their assigned keys.

    To remove a key assignment click on Clear key on the Assign Keys window after you have selected a function.

    Finding and changing terms

    If you wish to locate a specific term in your translation document, select Find and change... from the Edit menu in the Translation Environment. In the Find and Change window type the word you are looking for in the Find field and click on Search. You can define the following search criteria:

    If you wish to replace a word by another term, type the new term into the field Change to and click on Change. The term specified in the Find field is changed to the new term in all places where it has been found in the text. If you wish to change the term only in certain contexts, click on Confirm changes. When the term is found, you are asked if you want to change it or leave it as is.

    If you wish to locate a certain piece of text but do not know exactly the document where it originates from, you can search through a series of documents related to a folder. See "Searching and replacing text in documents" for details.

    Moving around the text

    When you have opened a document you can start using the editor. The text appears in the Translation window and the cursor is placed in the active text unit to be translated (shown with a yellow background). To view another part of the text in the Translation window, you must move the cursor. The following table explains how to move the cursor within a segment and within the complete translation and how to scroll text in windows.

     Move to...   Action   Comment  
     Active segment   Translate menu, "Go to active segment"   Positions the cursor on the first character of the active segment.  
     Beginning of line   Home   Positions the cursor at the beginning of the current line.  
     Beginning of segment   Alt+Home   Positions the cursor at the beginning of the current segment.  
     Bookmark   Translate menu, "Go to bookmark"   Positions the cursor on the bookmark previously set. To go to subsequent one, repeat action.  
     Bottom of document   Ctrl+End   Moves cursor to bottom of document.  
     End of line   End   Positions the cursor on the last character of the current line.  
     End of segment   Alt+End   Positions the cursor on the last character of the active segment.  
     Newly translated segment   To be assigned   Saves you from scrolling through whole text. Takes you directly to the segment.  
     Next changed segment   To be assigned   Saves you from scrolling through whole text. Takes you directly to the segment.  
     Next line   Enter   Positions the cursor at the beginning of the next line.  
     Next unchanged segment   To be assigned   Saves you from scrolling through whole text. Takes you directly to the segment.  
     Next untranslated segment   Translate menu, "Next untranslated segment"   Confirms a translation and positions the cursor in the next untranslated segment.  
     Next word   Ctrl+Right   Positions the cursor on the next word.  
     Previous word   Ctrl+Left   Positions the cursor on the first character of the previous word.  
     Tab backward   Backtab   Moves cursor to previous tab stop
    (tab = 8 characters).  
     Tab forward   Tab   Moves cursor to next tab stop (tab = 8 characters).  
     Top of document   Ctrl+Home   Moves cursor to top of document.  


     Scroll...   Action   Comment  
     Dictionary proposal down   Alt+down   Moves text 1 line down.  
     Dictionary proposal up   Alt+up   Moves text 1 line up.  
     Translation down   Shift+F4   Moves text 1 line down.  
     Translation left   Shift+F5   Moves text 1 character to the left.  
     Translation right   Shift+F2   Moves text 1 character to the right.  
     Translation up   Shift+F3   Moves text 1 line up.  
     Translation Memory
    proposal down  
     Ctrl+down   Moves text 1 line down.  
     Translation Memory
    proposal up  
     Ctrl+up   Moves text 1 line up.  
     Translation down   Page Down   Moves text 1page down.  
     Translation up   Page Up   Moves text 1 page up.  

    Querying and setting the cursor position

    Use the options Query line or Go to line... from the Cursor menu in the Translation Environment to query the line where the cursor is located or have the cursor move to a certain line within your document.

    Moving around marked text

    To copy, move, or delete a section of text within a segment, the TranslationManager editor provides key combinations. Selecting a section of the text is called marking. Marked text is displayed in reverse image.

    To work with a text section:

    1. Mark the text to be copied, moved, or deleted by using the respective key combination. The TranslationManager editor highlights the area to show you what you have marked.

    2. Move the cursor to the position where you want to copy or move the highlighted text.

    3. Use the respective key combination depending on what you want to do with the marked text (copy, move, or delete).

    To manipulate a block of text, use one of the following key combinations:

     Task   Action   Comment  
     Copy block   To be assigned   Copies a marked text section to the current cursor position.  
     Copy block to clipboard   Ctrl+Insert   Copies a marked text section to the Windows clipboard.  
     Cut block to clipboard   Shift+Delete   Copies a marked text section to the Windows clipboard and then removes the block.  
     Delete block   Key or command to be assigned   Removes a marked text section.  
     Find block   Cursor menu,
    "Find block"  
     Moves cursor to marked text section.  
     Mark block   Shift+Cursor, or mouse   Marks a text section.  
     Mark word   Key or command to be assigned   Marks the word where the cursor is positioned.  
     Move block   Key or command to be assigned   Moves a marked text section to another position.  
     Paste block from clipboard   Shift+Insert   Inserts marked text section from clipboard into text.  
     Unmark block   Edit menu,
    "Unmark block"  
     Removes marking from text section.  

    Working with bookmarks

    TranslationManager lets you set bookmarks in a text to temporarily indicate a place where you want to return to later.

     Task   Key or Menu   Comment  
     Set bookmark   Translate menu,
    "Set bookmark"  
     Sets a bookmark at the current cursor position. Makes it easier to return to this point in text later to complete the translation, for example.  
     Go to bookmark   Translate menu,
    "Go to bookmark"  
     Moves cursor to the position where you set a bookmark.  
     Clear bookmark   Translate menu, "Clear bookmark"   Removes a bookmark previously set.  

    Working with lines and words

    The TranslationManager editor provides default key combinations for manipulating lines and words within a document.

     Task   Key or Menu   Comment  
     Delete character   Delete or
    Backspace key  
     Deletes the character where the cursor is currently positioned, or the previous character.  
     Delete line   To be assigned   Deletes the line where the cursor is currently positioned.  
     Delete until tag   To be assigned   Deletes all characters from the current cursor position up to the next tag.  
     Delete word   To be assigned   Removes the term where the cursor is located.  
     Find and change   Edit menu,
    "Find and change"  
     Locates the required term and changes it as specified.  
     Insert line   To be assigned   Inserts a line after the line where the cursor is currently positioned.  
     Join lines   To be assigned   Joins the current line with the following one.  
     Split line   To be assigned   Splits the line at the current cursor position.  
     Truncate line   Ctrl+Delete   Deletes all characters from the current cursor position until the end of the line.  
     Undo   Alt+Backspace   Restores the original state as it was before an action was performed.  
     Wrap line   Edit menu,
    "Line wrap (toggle)"  
     Set wrapping at margin column on or off.  

    Translation-specific functions

    The TranslationManager editor particularly supports you when you translate in the Translation Environment.

     Task   Key or Menu   Comment  
     Add an abbreviation   Translate menu, "Add an abbreviation"   Adds the term where the cursor is positioned to your abbreviation list.  
     Automatic substitution   Translate menu, "Automatic
     Replaces segments for which a translation has been found in the Translation Memory by their previous translation. Automatic substitution stops when no exact match or more than one exact match has been found.  
     Change display style of markup tags   Style menu, "Protect", "Unprotect", "Hide", "Shrink", "Compact"   Displays the markup information in a document according to the selected style. To avoid overtyping by mistake, all markup tags are protected by default.  
     Copy dictionary proposal   Ctrl+letter of proposal   Inserts translation proposal at the current cursor position.  
     Copy Translation Memory proposal   Ctrl+number of
     Replaces active segment with translation proposal.  
     Delete Translation Memory proposal   "Delete" key while
    cursor is on
     Lets you remove translation proposals from the Translation Memory, for example, translations that have been added by mistake.  
     Display exact and fuzzy proposals   To be assigned   Displays fuzzy translation proposals in addition to an exact one in the Translation Memory window. Is useful for viewing more than one translation possibility for a segment.  
     Edit abbreviations   Translate menu, "Edit abbreviations..."   Enables the extension and update of abbreviations defined for the selected language-support file.  
     Edit addendum terms   Spellcheck menu, "Edit addendum terms..."   Lets you modify or remove terms which have been added to the spellchecker addendum (for example, terms that have been added by mistake).  
     Edit an entry in
    a dictionary  
     Translate menu, "Edit a term...", or positioning cursor on term in Dictionary window and double-clicking mouse button 2    Lets you edit a found entry or add a new one while translating. To edit a multiword term, all components of the term must be marked first.  
     Look up a sentence in the Translation Memory   Options menu, "Sentence lookup..."   Looks up a sentence in the Translation Memory while you translate.  
     Look up a term in
    a dictionary  
     Translate menu, "Look up a term...", or positioning cursor on term in Dictionary window and double-clicking mouse button 1   Looks up entry of term where the cursor is positioned. To look up a multiword term, all components of the term must be marked first.  
     Postedit   Translate menu, "Postediting"   Lets you revise what you translated. Whatever you change in the translation is automatically changed in the Translation Memory.  
     Spellcheck   Spellcheck menu, "File" or "Segment"   Checks the spelling of a translated document or an individual segment.  
     View another document   File menu, "Open..."   Opens another document for checking purposes while translating. Parts of this document can be marked for copying into the document you currently translate.  
     View original   Window menu,
    "Original window"  
     Displays the source document while translating.  
     View source of a translation proposal   Window menu, "Source of Proposal", or double-clicking mouse button 1 while being in proposal window   Displays the source of a translation proposal.  

    Manipulating segments

    TranslationManager divides the translation into individual text units (segments). The editor provides functions to conveniently work with these segments.

     Task   Key or Menu   Comment  
     Compress segment   To be assigned   Turns segments presented in a style other than compact into compact style again.  
     Delete segment   To be assigned   Deletes the active segment.  
     Expand segment   To be assigned   Turns a segment into protected style if it was compact before.  
     Join segments   Translate menu,
    "Join segments"  
     Combines the active segment with the following one, and changes the way a document file is segmented.  
     Mark segment   Key or command to be assigned   Marks the active segment.  
     Reflow segment   Edit menu,
    "Reflow segment"  
     The current segment is reflown
    (dependent on definition of right margin).  
     Spellcheck segments   Spellcheck menu, "Segment"   Checks the spelling of a segment.  
     Split joined segments   Translate menu, "Split joined segments"   Splits up previously combined segments at the current cursor position.  
     Translate segment   Translate menu, "Translate segment" or Ctrl+Enter   Confirms a translation and activates next segment. Alternative way to activate any segment in document where cursor has been positioned. Can be used to leave postediting mode.  
     Truncate segment   Alt+Delete   Deletes all text from the current cursor position to the end of the segment.  
     Untranslate segment   Translate menu, "Untranslate segment"   Deletes the translated segment from the Translation Memory. The original segment replaces the translated one.  

    Manipulating documents

    The following functions let you save your translation, print it, and leave the Translation Environment. There is also an option to spellcheck the complete translation.

     Task   Action   Comment  
     End-Save   File menu, "End-Save" or F4   Saves the translation and leaves the Translation Environment.  
     Next   File menu, "Next"   Toggles between original, translation, and any other open document.  
     Open   File menu, "Open..."   Opens another document.  
     Previous   To be assigned   Toggles between original, translation, and any other open document in the ring.  
     Print   File menu, "Print"   Prints the document displayed in the Translation window.  
     Quit   File menu, "Quit" or F3   Closes the Translation window.  
     Save   File menu, "Save" or F2   Saves the translation document.  
     Spellcheck file   Spellcheck menu, "File"   Checks the spelling of the document displayed in the Translation window.  


    To proofread an entire translation document or just a segment, select File... or Segment... from the Spellcheck menu while you are in postediting mode. Click on Skip when misspelled words are indicated (in the Misspelled word field) that you consider correct or unimportant.

    If a word turns out to be misspelled, either double-click on the right word in the Similar words listbox or type the correct word in the Change to field and click on Change. The misspelled word is then replaced with the correct word.

    To permanently add the correct word to the spellchecker, click on Addendum. If you want to add this word only temporarily, click on Temp add.

    This addendum can be edited at a later time. For example, to remove, change, or add more terms.

    If no more misspelled words are found, you receive a message.

    To practise handling the proofreading aid, refer to the Translator's Workbook, Lesson 11: Postediting translations.

    Viewing other documents while translating

    If you wish to view another document while translating, select Open... from the File menu.

    For a document already imported in TranslationManager, you can specify whether you want to browse the translation or the original. Then select the folder that contains the document from the Folders list. In the Documents list select the requested document and click on Open.

    For an external text file, first select the drive where this file is stored and the respective directory from the Directories list. In the Files list select the requested file and click on Open to view it.

    To leave this window, click on Cancel.

    Configuring the editor

    The following options help you tailor the Translation Environment and make translating easier for you.

    Customizing colors

    You can change the appearance of text in the Translation Environment to suit your needs. To change the color of text, select Colors... from the Options menu.

    This takes you to the Set Colors window. There you can select the type of text you want to change and the new color. In the Sample text box you see an example of how the changed text looks. When you are satisfied with your changes, click on Set to save them.

    If you want to have the initial settings again, click on Defaults.

    Refer to the lesson on customizing the Translation Environment in the Translator's Workbook to learn how to change colors.

    Changing the font size

    TranslationManager lets you change the font and font size in a Translation Environment window.

    To do this, select Fonts... from the Options menu in the Translation Environment.

    This takes you to the Set Fonts window. There you can select the window where you want to change the font type or the font size. In the Font and Font size list, select a font type and a font size of your choice. In the Sample text box you see an example of how the text with the changed font and font size appears. When you are satisfied with your changes, click on Set to save them.

    If you want to have the initial settings again, click on Defaults.

    Refer to the lesson on customizing the Translation Environment in the Translator's Workbook to learn how to change the font and its size.

    Setting margins

    Use the Set Margin window to change the right margin of the Translation window (option Margin... from the Options menu). The default is 70 characters. Type the changed number of characters in the Right margin field and click on Set to save it and leave this window.

    When you type more than the specified number of characters in a line, the line is wrapped automatically if the line wrap function is enabled.

    Setting up the profile

    You can customize some translation-specific functions in the editor according to your needs. Do this as follows:

    This takes you to the Customize Translation Functions window. The options you specify in this window become immediately active when you continue working with TranslationManager.

    You can customize the following options by double-clicking on the option of your choice:

    Initial settings

    In addition to the profile settings, you can customize the following options to make translating easier, and tailor the TranslationManager editor to your needs:

    You define these settings in the Set Initial Values window. You get to this window by selecting Profile initials... from the Options menu.

    When you are satisfied with your settings, click on Set to save them and return to the Translation Environment.

    Even if you change these settings again during translation, the next time you open the Translation Environment the settings are as you defined them in the Set Initial Values window.

    For example, during translation you changed the right margin of the Translation window to a value different from the one you defined in the Set Initial Values window. However, the next time you start a translation the value will be the one you defined in the Set Initial Values window.

    Refer to the lesson on customizing the Translation Environment in the Translator's Workbook to learn how to change the initial settings. .