OS/2 e-Zine! -- The on-line OS/2 magazineCONTENTS
vol. 2, no. 3
March 16, 1997


From the Editor
Chris' Rant
the Rave:
... FileFreedom
Java: The Future


the Beta File
Answers fr. e-Zine!
ColorWorks Tips
Obj. Desktop Tips
Need for Speed
the REXX Files
How Do I?

-End Notes-

Help Desk
Harry Martin
John Ominor
Top Software:
... Indelible Blue
... J3 Computer
... BMT Micro


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Max Mikhanosha - David C. Guttormsen
David C. Guttormsen chats with Max Mikhanosha, author of the highly acclaimed OpenChat/2.
-Reader Survey-
OS/2 e-Zine! Reader Survey: Hardware!
Answer these 4 simple questions and find out how you compare to other OS/2 users.
SyQuest EZFlyer 230 - Christopher B. Wright
PlusPak! for OS/2 - Jon Cochran
InJoy IP Masquerading - Jon Winters

Getting Updated, Staying Updated - Nenad Milenkovic

What's New from EurOS/2 - Martin Brampton

Warp 5 and Other Rumours - Martin Alfredsson

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