[The OS/2 Supersite: The New Web Site for OS/2 Shareware and Freeware.]

OS/2 e-Zine! Reader Survey

Have you ever wondered what your fellow OS/2 users are doing with their computers and how they're doing it?

Each month, OS/2 e-Zine! takes the pulse of the OS/2 community on a different question and presents the results to our readers.

Fill in the form on this page and check back next month to find out how "normal" you really are!

This month's question: What type of machine do you run OS/2 on?

(We require your name and e-mail address to count you in our survey.)
# of CPUs
OS/2 Version

1. Please describe the OS/2 system you most frequently use.
2. Only one entry per reader will be counted in our survey.
3. Information must be received by Haligonian Media by April 13, 1997.

The results of this month's survey will be printed next month (April 16th, 1997).

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[Our Sponsor: BMT Micro - Registration site for the best OS/2 shareware applications available.]

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