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Alex Samorukov 18.09.2000
Russian version

XFRee86: RxStartx

Why this program?

This program appeared due to the fact that I absolutely disliked startx from the Xfree86/OS2 distribution. So I decided to write an alternative thereto.


In advantage of startx RxStartx:
  • more quickly launches XFree86 than startx does (makes no pause after xserver start),
  • before xserver launching it checks availability of the X11 port,
  • includes internal support for FONT server,
  • is simple in configuring and written on REXX which allows adopting it for your special needs.


To install RxStartx do the following:
  1. Unpack the files from the archive into your XFree86 directory.
  2. Edit the file \XFree86\bin\rxstartx.cmd specifying there the parameters of x-server, Window Manager and the path to your xmodmap file.
  3. If you don't use an external fontserver just miss this item!
    Specify your fontserver and the port it uses into the file \XFree86\bin\rxstartx.cmd. For xfstt following parameters will suit:
    fontserver='xfstt --once' /* fontserver name */
    fontserver.!port   = 7100 /* fontserver port */
  4. Launch the X-Server typing rxstartx in the OS/2 command prompt.

Additional information

The file \XFree86\lib\xinit\beforestart.cmd contains the list of programs launched before starting x-server, and the file \XFree86\lib\xinit\afterstart.cmd - the list of programs to be launched after starting x-server and WM. File E:\XFree86\lib\X11\xinit\afterexit.cmd - the list of programs to be launched after starting x-server shutdown.
The programs must be run with the "start" or "detach" commands.


You can mail all comments, bugreports and greetings to me. or write into the X11/OS2 forum.

Download the program

You can always download the newest version of RxStartx from our server.

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