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GNOME/2 news

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30.11.1999 19:52:46 by Platon Fomichev 31
We are slowly moving to with English part. Go there and enjoy many new apps.

09.09.1999 19:45:03 by Platon Fomichev 30
Many new things happened recently in GNOME/2 area: I am pleased to present you all new GNOME apps frome GNOME/2 team: - good and useful utils like gfontsel ghex and some others - some beautiful games Please download them from Also be sure to get as new apps use only this libs! I encourage you to download this apps to more faster site!

27.08.1999 23:36:31 by Asbjorn Pettersen 29
GZILLA ported. Gzilla is a Web browser written in GTK. The design goals is a fast,small and extensible browser. It's still alpha software.

26.08.1999 15:22:36 by Asbjoern Pettersen 28
Gnotepad 1.2.0Pre1 ported with gnomelibs1012. With gtk-xmhtml build in.

11.08.1999 17:00:18 by Platon Fomichev 27
New patched Electric Eyes is available! You can download them here. Gnome libs 1.0.12 next to come! This EE is a bugfix to support Drag & Drop from Gmc and command line.

09.08.1999 19:11:07 by Platon Fomichev 26
BIG NEWS! OS/2 code will be soon integratated in gnome distribution so we will be able to compile evrth from box. I will update this page and GNOME/2 page this week. New libs 1.0.12 will be available too. Numerous patches will be added. GMC, new GMC aware EE, gnome-pim and gnome-games will follow. Help-browser is also 60% working. I fixed gtk-xmhtml lib so we can now browse web with GNOME's web browser.

31.07.1999 01:55:16 by Platon Fomichev 25
New version of development X-Chat(1.1.5) , GImpressionist Gimp/2 plugin and Alpha-2 of GMC probably on Monday. You may grab Alpha 1 now and test it. Please do not use Netscape for downloading GMC.

05.07.1999 18:23:05 by Platon Fomichev 24
New test-releases of GTK 1.2.3 and GLIB 1.2.3 by me. I am also heavily working on GMC. You may look at its screenshot here Beta version will be this week. You may also download Xchat release 1.0.0 here.

01.07.1999 13:12:19 by Platon Fomichev 23
Xchat-1.0.0 and very early gamma of irssi are ready and waiting for you at I am trying to push gtk & gnome libs forward but still without Mr.Hung-Chi it is very hard, seems he is on a vacation. Btw people if you have spare time - help project - there are many work for everybody!

30.05.1999 03:18:25 by Platon Fomichev 22
The project is a little bit paused now. Almost all active members are students and are having some problems with coming exams. Remember if you are reading this - you are interested in GNOME/2 - think and DO something too. For example gmc or gnome-core libs are still waiting for you, Mr. Hung-Chi Chu even has diff's for them on his homepage!

06.05.1999 04:13:19 by Platon Fomichev 21
You can download new xchat from here. Also sorry for long wait here is gnome-xml-1.0.0 lib. Also no news from Mr. Hung-Chi Chu. May be my mail services are again ruined?

02.05.1999 00:33:04 by Platon Fomichev 20
Heh.. long time and no news. Well GNOME/2 is still alive :) I have new xchat, 99% working gnumeric ( I still can not fetch some weird math functions) Also there is new gtk 1.2.2 on hobbes.

19.04.1999 19:55:28 by Platon Fomichev 19
I will port new Squid 2.2 now so I am out for 2-4 days. But gnumeric and balsa are almost ready. Gnumeric will be released on thursday surely.

17.04.1999 21:21:22 by Hung-Chi Chu 18
There are two diff files at my page: gnome-core-1.0.5 and gmc-4.5.30. They still have some problems, but I don't want to spend more time on them. I hope someone can take them over and continue.

17.04.1999 14:55:48 by Hung-Chi Chu 17
Updates: gnome-libs-1.0.8 and xscreensaver-3.09

(c) 1999. php3 script by Eugen Kuleshov. Last update: 08.04.1999

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