• About FTE
  • Installation
  • OS/2
  • Files
  • Required files
  • Unix
  • Command Line Options
  • Options
  • Examples
  • Configuration Files
  • Compiling configuration
  • Configuration file syntax
  • Global Configuration
  • Global Settings
  • DefaultModeName
  • CompletionFilter
  • CompileRx
  • OpenAfterClose
  • SysClipboard
  • ScreenSizeX
  • ScreenSizeY
  • CursorInsertStart
  • CursorInsertEnd
  • CursorOverStart
  • CursorOverEnd
  • SelectPathname
  • ShowMenuBar
  • ShowVScroll
  • ShowHScroll
  • KeepHistory
  • LoadDesktopOnEntry
  • SaveDesktopOnExit
  • KeepMessages
  • ScrollBorderX
  • ScrollBorderY
  • ScrollJumpX
  • ScrollJumpY
  • C_*
  • REXX_Indent
  • CMode Smart Indentation
  • Event Bindings
  • Keybindings
  • Abbreviations
  • EventMap Settings
  • MainMenu
  • LocalMenu
  • Mode Configuration
  • Mode Settings
  • ExpandTabs
  • TabSize
  • AutoIndent
  • Insert
  • StripChar
  • LineChar
  • AddCR
  • AddLF
  • ForceNewLine
  • Hilit
  • ShowTab
  • IndentMode
  • Colorizer
  • EventMap
  • UndoLimit
  • UndoMoves
  • KeepBackups
  • MatchCase
  • BackSpKillTab
  • DeleteKillTab
  • BackSpUnindents
  • SpaceTabs
  • IndentWithTabs
  • WordWrap
  • LeftMargin
  • RightMargin
  • Trim
  • ShowMarkers
  • CursorTroughTabs
  • DefFindOpt
  • DefFindReplaceOpt
  • SaveFolds
  • CommentStart
  • CommentEnd
  • AutoHilitParen
  • Abbreviations
  • BackSpKillBlock
  • DeleteKillBlock
  • PersistentBlocks
  • InsertKillBlock
  • FileNameRx
  • FirstLineRx
  • RoutineRegexp
  • Loading files in various formats
  • Configuration of Tab options
  • Regular Expressions
  • Search/Match Operators
  • Replacement Operators
  • Status Line
  • Configuration of Syntax Highlighting
  • Settings
  • Configurable Syntax Parser
  • Colors
  • Macro Commands
  • Cursor Movement
  • MoveDown
  • MoveUp
  • MoveLeft
  • MoveRight
  • MovePrev
  • MoveNext
  • MoveWordLeft
  • MoveWordRight
  • MoveWordPrev
  • MoveWordNext
  • MoveWordEndLeft
  • MoveWordEndRight
  • MoveWordEndPrev
  • MoveWordEndNext
  • MoveLineStart
  • MoveLineEnd
  • MovePageStart
  • MovePageEnd
  • MovePageUp
  • MovePageDown
  • MoveFileStart
  • MoveFileEnd
  • MovePageLeft
  • MovePageRight
  • MoveBlockStart
  • MoveBlockEnd
  • MoveFirstNonWhite
  • MoveLastNonWhite
  • MovePrevEqualIndent
  • MoveNextEqualIndent
  • MovePrevTab
  • MoveNextTab
  • MoveTabStart
  • MoveTabEnd
  • MoveLineTop
  • MoveLineCenter
  • MoveLineBottom
  • ScrollLeft
  • ScrollRight
  • ScrollDown
  • ScrollUp
  • MoveFoldTop
  • MoveFoldPrev
  • MoveFoldNext
  • MoveBeginOrNonWhite
  • MoveBeginLinePageFile
  • MoveEndLinePageFile
  • MoveToLine
  • MoveToColumn
  • MoveSavedPosCol
  • MoveSavedPosRow
  • MoveSavedPos
  • SavePos
  • MovePrevPos
  • Deleting Text
  • KillLine
  • KillChar
  • KillCharPrev
  • KillWord
  • KillWordPrev
  • KillToLineStart
  • KillToLineEnd
  • KillBlock
  • KillBlockOrChar
  • KillBlockOrCharPrev
  • Delete
  • BackSpace
  • Line Commands
  • LineInsert
  • LineAdd
  • LineSplit
  • LineJoin
  • LineNew
  • LineIndent
  • LineTrim
  • LineDuplicate
  • LineCenter
  • Block Commands
  • BlockBegin
  • BlockEnd
  • BlockUnmark
  • BlockCut
  • BlockCopy
  • BlockCutAppend
  • BlockCopyAppend
  • BlockClear
  • BlockPaste
  • BlockKill
  • BlockIndent
  • BlockUnindent
  • BlockMarkStream
  • BlockMarkLine
  • BlockMarkColumn
  • BlockExtendBegin
  • BlockExtendEnd
  • BlockReIndent
  • BlockSelectWord
  • BlockSelectLine
  • BlockSelectPara
  • BlockPasteStream
  • BlockPasteLine
  • BlockPasteColumn
  • BlockPrint
  • BlockRead
  • BlockReadStream
  • BlockReadLine
  • BlockReadColumn
  • BlockWrite
  • BlockSort
  • BlockSortReverse
  • BlockUnTab
  • BlockEnTab
  • BlockMarkFunction
  • BlockTrim
  • Text Editing and Insertion
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Folding Text
  • FoldCreate
  • FoldCreateByRegexp
  • FoldCreateAtRoutines
  • FoldDestroy
  • FoldDestroyAll
  • FoldPromote
  • FoldDemote
  • FoldOpen
  • FoldOpenNested
  • FoldClose
  • FoldOpenAll
  • FoldCloseAll
  • FoldToggleOpenClose
  • Bookmarks
  • PlaceBookmark
  • RemoveBookmark
  • GotoBookmark
  • PlaceGlobalBookmark
  • RemoveGlobalBookmark
  • GotoGlobalBookmark
  • PushGlobalBookmark
  • PopGlobalBookmark
  • Character Translation
  • CharCaseUp
  • CharCaseDown
  • CharCaseToggle
  • CharTrans
  • LineCaseUp
  • LineCaseDown
  • LineCaseToggle
  • LineTrans
  • BlockCaseUp
  • BlockCaseDown
  • BlockCaseToggle
  • BlockTrans
  • InsertString
  • InsertSpace
  • InsertChar
  • TypeChar
  • InsertTab
  • InsertSpacesToTab
  • SelfInsert
  • WrapPara
  • InsPrevLineChar
  • InsPrevLineToEol
  • CompleteWord
  • FilePrev
  • FileNext
  • FileLast
  • SwitchTo
  • File Commands
  • FileOpen
  • FileOpenInMode
  • FileReload
  • FileSave
  • FileSaveAll
  • FileSaveAs
  • FileWriteTo
  • FilePrint
  • FileClose
  • FileCloseAll
  • FileTrim
  • DirOpen
  • DirGoUp
  • DirGoDown
  • DirGoRoot
  • DirGoto
  • IncrementalSearch
  • Find
  • FindReplace
  • FindRepeat
  • FindRepeatOnce
  • FindRepeatReverse
  • MatchBracket
  • HilitWord
  • SearchWordPrev
  • SearchWordNext
  • HilitMatchBracket
  • Window Commands
  • WinHSplit
  • WinNext
  • WinPrev
  • WinClose
  • WinZoom
  • WinResize
  • ViewBuffers
  • ListRoutines
  • ExitEditor
  • ShowEntryScreen
  • Compiler Support
  • Compile
  • RunCompiler
  • ViewMessages
  • CompileNextError
  • CompilePrevError
  • RunProgram
  • TAGS Commands
  • TagFind
  • TagFindWord
  • TagNext
  • TagPrev
  • TagPop
  • TagLoad
  • TagClear
  • TagGoto
  • Option commands
  • ToggleAutoIndent
  • ToggleInsert
  • ToggleExpandTabs
  • ToggleShowTabs
  • ToggleUndo
  • ToggleReadOnly
  • ToggleKeepBackups
  • ToggleMatchCase
  • ToggleBackSpKillTab
  • ToggleDeleteKillTab
  • ToggleSpaceTabs
  • ToggleIndentWithTabs
  • ToggleBackSpUnindents
  • ToggleWordWrap
  • ToggleTrim
  • ToggleShowMarkers
  • SetLeftMargin
  • SetRightMargin
  • ToggleSysClipboard
  • SetPrintDevice
  • ChangeTabSize
  • ChangeLeftMargin
  • ChangeRightMargin
  • Other commands
  • ShowPosition
  • ShowVersion
  • ShowKey
  • WinRefresh
  • MainMenu
  • ShowMenu
  • LocalMenu
  • ChangeMode
  • ChangeKeys
  • ChangeFlags
  • Cancel
  • Activate
  • Rescan
  • CloseActivate
  • ActivateInOtherWindow
  • ASCIITable
  • DesktopSave
  • ClipClear
  • DesktopSaveAs
  • ChildClose
  • BufListFileSave
  • BufListFileClose
  • ViewModeMap
  • ClearMessages
  • IndentFunction
  • MoveFunctionPrev
  • MoveFunctionNext
  • InsertDate
  • InsertUid
  • FrameNew
  • FrameClose
  • FrameNext
  • FramePrev
  • BufferViewNext
  • BufferViewPrev
  • ShowHelpWord
  • ShowHelp
  • ConfigRecompile
  • SetCIndentStyle
  • Performance Tips