The FTE command line syntax is:

fte [[options] [files] ...]


Go to line (and column) in next file specified on command line
Use mode MODE for remaining files. If no argument is specified, mode override is cancelled.
Use specified configuration file (compiled). If no argument is specified, the default builtin configuration is used.
Load/save desktop from file file.dsk. If no argument is specified, desktop loading/saving is disabled.
Load/save history from file <.his>. If no argument, disable history load/save.
Load tags file tags. The file must be in the format generated by the ctags program.
Lookup tag tag and display file containing it.
The rest of the arguments are not options, but filenames.
The next argument is not an option even if starting with a '-'.

Optional arguments are marked by [ and ] brackets.

There should not be any delimiter between option and it's arguments.


fte -mBIN fte.exe
load fte.exe in BIN mode
fte -l100,30 win.c
go to (100,30) in win.c
fte window.cpp
load file window.cpp
fte -mBIN fte.exe -m fte.cpp
load fte.exe in binary mode, window.cpp in default mode (C/C++)
fte -mBIN -+ -bla-
load file -bla- in BIN mode
fte -- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
load files -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6
fte -D -H fte.dsk fte.his
Disable desktop and history loading and saving and load files fte.dsk and fte.his.

Under OS/2,NT and DOS default history and desktop files are named FTE.DSK and FTE.HIS respectively. Under Unix they are named .fte-desktop and .fte-history. The global desktop and history files will be searched in program directory under OS/2 and in user home directory under Unix.