
Enhanced E Editor for OS/2 Warp  Updated 15 April 2001


    What's New?   Updated 15 April 2001

    Translation templates etc.

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    Danish Translation

    Dutch Translation

    French Translation 

    German Translation

    Russian Translation

Screenshots       New! 30 March 2001

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Enhanced E Editors v2.2

The Enhanced E - "FREE" clone
BY: PillarSoft Registration fee: Postcard
The Enhanced E is a Freeware version of the OS/2 "E" System Editor that allows you to do a few things the "E" doesn't, like printing? Why that wasn't included in the "E" I'll never know. But now it's yours for the cost of a download. (and maybe a nice postcard) Check out the list of features and download your FREE copy.

"FREE" clone of the OS/2 "E" System Editor looks and acts the same as the "E" but gives you;

Printing                    Print Selected Text

Printer setups              Popup menus

Time Insert                 Date Insert

Multiple language support   Html Code stripping

Drag and drop               Import

Download: (both editors included in zipfile) Dated: 04/14/2001Size: 829k

The Enhanced EE
BY: PillarSoft Registration fee: $25
The Enhanced EE Editor is a Shareware text editor that builds on the functionality of the Enhanced E. Productivity is the #1 priority in the Enhanced EE. A file history gives you quick access to recently used files. You can print a small section of a large file by highlighting it and choosing "Print selected". Save a few tidbits from a file or two? A piece of cake for the Enhanced EE. Insert time, date, your name, a signature file or maybe you want to drop in a clipping you've saved earlier. Easy, just hit the hotkey for it or pick it off of the menu, right click pops the menu, left click picks it. Code templates, plug-ins, IPF and Html conversions, presentation mode and more await you. Naturally you get the functionality that OS/2 users expect and others don't know exist.

The Enhanced E has the strongest set of text formatting tools found anywhere in it's class. You can reflow text, paragraph it, strip leading or trailing characters and words or do any of a number of other operations with just a point and click.

New! Registered users of SpellGuard can now use it from the editor "on demand" for a word, selected text or for the complete document.

Here are some of the Enhanced EE's features;

Printer Setups              Undo                        Time Insert

Print Title & Footer        Toolbar                     Date Insert

Choose Printer Font         Configurable Autosave       Name Insert

Print Selected Text         File History                Signature File Insert

Save Selected Text          Bubble Help                 Presentation Mode

Find By Line #              Import                      Spawn New Session

Drag And Drop               Line & Char Number          Multiple Language Support

Popup Menus                 Code Template Tool          Text To Ipf Conversion

"Run" Command               Html Code Stripping         Text To Html Conversion

Line Sorting                Space Stripping             Mime Conversion

Plugins                     Ring Edit                   Case Conversions

Auto Indent                 Text Formatting             Spell Check (spellguard)

File Encryption             Clipboard Viewer            Line Numbering

BookMarks                   Disaster Recovery           Insert Clippings

Clipboard viewer            And More...

Download: (both editors included in zipfile) Dated: 04/14/2001Size: 829k

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What's new?

Changes in version 2.2

Changes in versions 2.0 and 2.1

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Ordering the Enhanced E Online

Click here to order the Enhanced E online.

The Enhanced E (EE.EXE) is free and requires no registration other than a postcard or an email to the author. This is my only reward for offering the Enhanced E to the OS/2 community.

The Enhanced EE (EEE.EXE) may be registered for $25 USD. Registration will turn off the expiration date and allow the history list (last used files) to grow to your specification. It will also allow the Code template to be used.

Contrary to the way the help file info and this website made it sound, registration goes well beyond version 1.0. We have no intention of ever charging for an upgrade to a newer version. Once you purchase the Enhanced E, you will receive all future updates.

The editor can be registered directly from PillarSoft but for your convenience and the fastest service we have made arrangements with BMT Micro to handle online registration. BMT is a full service registration depot available 24 hrs/day, 365/days a year. They are able to accept registrations in almost any form you could imagine. Check the "Order.frm" included in the archive for ordering information or click on this link to BMT's site and your registration can be handled in a matter of minutes!

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Translations etc.

Multiple language support for the Enhanced E's is here! Translations will work for the menus, flyover help and the actual help files. The translation kit includes a template that may be translated for reading by the editor as it loads. Mnemonic keys can also be assigned to work within the host language character set.

We are offering a "Free Registration" to persons who will undertake the task of translating the menuitems and help files for the Enhanced E's to create working translations of selected languages. The kit is available now. If you are interested and no one else has nailed down the first chance at the language you are able to translate, please contact us to confirm your intentions. Only one person per language translation will receive this offer.

All translations will be archived here and will be freely available for download. The 30k Translation Template is available now for those of you that want to get started right away (check with us first to make sure someone isn't already doing this work). Languages with people working on them include - Italian, Romanian, Portuguese (Brazilian flavor) and Swedish.

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Danish Translation. (34k) Derly Lytken
Dutch Translation. (34k) Piet de Geus
French Translation. (5k) Pierre Alarose (MenuItems only, so far)
German Translation. (2k) Klaus Fuchs (MenuItems only, so far)
Russian Translation. (6k) Zeus Panchenko (MenuItems only, so far)
Download the Enhanced E Translation Template (30k)

Download Code template extensions. (HTM, REXX, IPF, RXMATH, VREXX) (8k)
Download Otto Raeders Htm2Txt. (30k)
Download Daniel Hellersteins Html_Txt. (120k)

If you would like to make the Enhanced E the default system editor you may want to try Henk Kelders "Association Editor". It will create, delete or just change almost any association on your system. You can download it here or from the Hobbes archive.

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Due to the addition of a great number of new MenuItems over a period of time, the language files are seriously out of date. We are working on a program to update these files automatically so they will remain up to date. In the meanwhile... If you are using a translation file, you can convert the english versions of the terms in the language file very easily. Just type the new word(s) over the old lines in and click "Save". Don't press the enter key or the file will no longer be properly laid out.

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