Can't find it here? Try our directory. The top-level of the directory is here and the ODBC section starts here.

Looking for an ODBC Driver? Try this link.

Looking for an ODBC Driver Manager for Unix? Try this link.


FreeODBC Mailing List
If you would like to subscribe to the FreeODBC mailing list, simply send a message containing the word "SUBSCRIBE" to Once you have subscribed to the list, you can send messages to the list at

Crude Mailing List Archive
A quick CGI hack to read the SmartList archives is available at

Drivers and Driver Managers

unixODBC Project
The unixODBC Project is a free ODBC kit that includes a GUI administration tool, data source explorer, driver manager, sample drivers, and other tools. unixODBC also includes reusable code that you can develop your own drivers with.
iODBC Driver Manager
Ke Jin has appointed OpenLink Software as custodians of the iODBC driver manager. The new release of iODBC is covered by the GNU LGPL, and is available at OpenLink's iODBC maintainer, Patrick van Kleef can be reached at


freeodbc++ is a C++ class library for accessing SQL databases that resembles Java's JDBC.
FreeTDS Project
FreeTDS is an ongoing effort to provide a freely redistributable implementation of TDS, the protocol used by Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server.

Xbase Library
The Xbase library provides C++ programmers a class and function library for manipulating Xbase type datafiles and indices.

Databases for Free Operating Systems

PostgreSQL is the most advanced open source database I have seen. Check it out at If you are running Linux, you may already have it and not even know it...

Mini SQL
Mini SQL is a shareware database server that is free for certain purposes.

MySQL is an open source database server that packs a lot of features into a lightweight database.

Sybase is available as a free download for Linux.

Oracle is available as a free download for Linux at the Oracle Technology Network.

Informix Available for Linux
Informix makes INFORMIX-SE for Linux available for free download.

See Also

Other, Possibly Older, Information