So, You Want To Walk On Hot Coals...

Well, first off, have your head examined. If there is no obvious organic malfunction or psychopathology, and your mother didn't drop you on your head when you were a child, then you must just be one of those adventurers interested in exploring the more unusal, exciting aspects of human experience. Welcome to the club!

Next, consider sponsoring a firewalk yourself. This is the very best way to insure access to a firewalk in your area. Organizing a firewalk is not only fun, it can be quite profitable for you as the sponsor. To find out the details of setting up your own firewalk, e-mail me at and request a Sponsorship Information Packet. Be sure to include your name, complete postal address, phone numbers and fax number (if you have one).

Who will be leading your firewalk? I will...

About Tom Margrave

Photo of Tom Tom Margrave is the founder, president and GHMM (Grand High Muckety Muck) of HeartFire Communications. Tom (I love writing about myself in the third person) has been firewalking since 1990 and completed his Instructor Training with F.I.R.E in 1991.

Prior to his involvement with HeartFire Communications, Tom was a partner in a training and consulting business in which he led workshops and seminars across the country in the areas of personal and spiritual growth, holistic health and stress management. Tom has presented firewalking programs as far away as Lake Garda, Italy.

"The essential, elemental nature of Fire is change, transformation and transmutation. I really love the Fire energy; it has been a very powerful teacher for me. You cannot help but be changed by the firewalk. Even simply observing someone else firewalking has a powerful, transformative effect. When you do, or watch someone else do, something that seems so impossible, it touches you at your core, your world view shifts and you will never be the same."

In addition to firewalking, Tom teaches another powerful, transformational process called Connected Breathwork. Tom's other interests include scuba diving, anything computer related, world travel, reading, cinema and egyptology. Tom and his wife Debra traveled to Egypt last November and are organizing a two-week tour, open to the public, in late October of '96. If you might be interested in the tour, e-mail Tom at for details.

Last updated: February 27, 1996
Questions or comments may be directed to:

© 1995 by Tom Margrave, Web site design by HeartFire Communications.