Compulsory computerised house selling

Steven Burkeman

A perfect market depends on perfect knowledge, and this scheme would use computer technology and a measure of compulsion to produce perfect knowledge as follows:

'A perfect market depends on perfect knowledge, and this scheme would use computer technology and a measure of compulsion to produce perfect knowledge'

When you wanted to sell a house, you would be obliged to fill in a form which would give details of your house and its location, the number of bedrooms, the garden, the garage, etc as well as a broad price range (e.g. L30,000-L40,000). You would also pay a small fee such as L5 to finance the system. All these details would go on to a computer.

When you wanted to buy a house, you would indicate your requirements on a similar form, and the computer, which would cover properties nationwide, would print out particulars for your selected neighbourhood. You would then view your shortlist, and the role of a third party would be limited to negotiating on price. This negotiation might reasonably be carried out by the agencies responsible for financing the purchase or sale - usually building societies.

Steven Burkeman, 8 Whitby Avenue, York, YO3 OET (tel 0904 425499 h; 0904 627810 w).

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