A fund for tenant improvements

Groups such as tenants and landlords (or employees and employers) should have some money for long-term improvements set aside for use by the tenant (or employee). The landlord could only refuse if it was for something silly, unsafe, etc.

The reason for this is that many tenants put little thought into long-term improvements to their property. They just complain. This approach might help considerably. The government could encourage it with tax relief or similar.

Mark Dunn, 96a Cowlishaw Road, Sheffield, S11 8XH.

Response by Nicholas Saunders

In Denmark something along the above lines does happen: landlords have to set aside 10% of the rent into a fund for internal decorations and repairs. This may be drawn on by tenants.

This money can be used either towards paying outside contractors; or for materials only if the tenants wish to do the work themselves. In practice it is only enough if the tenant does do the work.

Nicholas Saunders, top floor, 14 Neal's Yard, London WC2H 9DP (tel 071 836 9404; fax 081 379 0135).

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