AIDS treatment self-help

'New Realities' (available from Box 26289, San Francisco, CA 94126, USA) recorded the suggestions of San Franciscan William Calderon, a young AIDS sufferer who believes he is now cured, having had a remission of all symptoms for the previous two years. Here is what Calderon advised fellow sufferers:

'For any cure, you need the support of other people. It can be a spouse, friend or relative, but you need someone who loves you'

- For any cure, you need the support of other people. It can be a spouse, friend or relative, but you need someone who loves you and believes you can get well. I could not do it alone. There were days when I was too tired. Then Henry, my partner, would make sure I'd meditate, eat more or take vitamins.
- Lead your life as normally as you can. Make the extra effort to dress, to work, to live each day and not give in to the disease.
- You can't get well unless you forgive everyone. You don't have to love them, but actively put in good thoughts for them.
- The fear of the disease is worse than the disease itself. In that fear is hopelessness which seems to make an illness worse.
- Take EST (Erhard Training Seminars) or some similar mind-training course to develop the conviction that it is possible to change your life and to look objectively at other people's programming.
- Learn what Carl Simonton says about changing negative attitudes and using visualisation techniques. Simonton is the author of 'Getting Well Again' and his cassettes, 'The Role of the Mind in Cancer' and 'Mental Imagery as applied to Cancer Therapy' are available through the Cancer Counselling Centre, Box 1055, Azle, Texas 76020, USA.
- Good nutrition and vitamins. I took massive doses of Vitamin C (16 to 24 grams per day), B12, calcium, Vitamin E and concentrated vegetable capsules, and followed an anti-cancer diet - eating large amounts of broccoli, bell peppers, tomatoes, cantaloupes and carrots. This approach is described in 'The Lifelong Anti-Cancer Diet' by Carmel Herman Reingold (Signet Books 1982).
- Lots of rest.
- Love.
- Humour.
- Love.

This article featured in the American Readers Digest of the alternative press, the Utne Reader, Box 1974, Marion, Ohio, 43305, USA, $4 for current issue, $18 subs.

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