Running Sisters

Alison Turnbull

The Reebok/Running Magazine Sisters Network began in 1983, when a group of journalists at Running Magazine were looking into the reasons why women seemed slower than men to discover the benefits of running for fitness. We asked for volunteers to come forward - 'Big Sisters' who were experienced women runners; and 'Little Sisters' - complete beginners who wanted someone to help them start a regular running programme. The response, nearly 900 replies, was amazing in view of the fact that we had placed the announcement at the back of the magazine - a magazine read mostly by men. With two 'Littles' to every 'Big' sister, 500 of these women, ages from 18-62, trained together for a 10 miles race.

'Big Sisters who were experienced women runners; and Little Sisters - complete beginners'

We tapped the Little Sisters while they were still glowing with pride after the race, and asked 'Would you now like to help someone else get started?' 98% ticked the 'yes' box. So began the Sisters Network which now has over 5,000 active members. We also pair up 'Twin' Sisters - women of the same standard who need each other's motivation to improve.

The Reebok Running Sisters Network, PO Box 3, Diss, Norfolk IP22 3HH.

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