Women Welcome Women

Frances Alexander

Women Welcome Women, with some 500 members in 25 countries - including East Germany, China and Hungary - encourages women to visit others in their homes and their work. 'We suggest visits should last only a few days, unless some payment is made. There will be the occasional disastrous visit, but we expect the majority to be pleasant and happy.'

The organisation is constituted as a non-profit-making trust. It makes no charge, depending on donations. Founded in 1984 by Frances Alexander, as 'a little contribution to bringing about more friendship in a troubled world, with something for the housebound mother as much as the feminist or company executive', it is run from an Amstrad PCW computer in her spare bedroom. Each year, besides occasional newsletters, there are reunions for the members - planned in 1990 for England, Hungary, Sweden, Canada and Belgium.

Sample quotes from satisfied users of the network:

'When travelling abroad one misses so much if you have no chance of visiting homes as well as historic buildings'

'When travelling abroad one misses so much if you have no chance of visiting homes as well as historic buildings.' (Judith, Blackpool).

'Excellent, especially in times when people haven't got so much money to stay in a hotel.' (Christa, Bielefeld).

'I especially enjoyed going to Vicki's school for a couple of days.' (Susan Doxtator, Wisconsin).

Women Welcome Women, c/o Frances Alexander, 'Granta', 8a Chestnut Avenue, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 1DJ (tel 0494 439481).

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