Lunch time launchers

Less personal than the above Conversation Deepeners, are 'Lunch Time Launchers', drawn up by the late Stan Chisman as a way of stirring up heated but thought-provoking conversations on ethical, philosophical, political and futuristic topics. Here are a few examples:

- What is the purpose of mankind?
- Down which paths should we take a conscious decision not to let or encourage our scientists to go?
- Are we at a stage that nothing should ever be created without arranging, in advance, for its disposal, eg. nuclear submarines, atomic power stations, car bodies, non-returnable bottles?
- If you were very rich what would you do with your time?
- What do you despise in others? Why? Are you justified?
- What questions could we use as a selection mechanism for a spouse?
- Is the world a better place than 1,000 years ago?
- What will be the addictions in 20 years' time?
- The ancient Egyptians had no concept of perspective - in what ways is our civilisation incapable of seeing what later generations will see as obvious?

'The ancient Egyptians had no concept of perspective - in what ways is our civilisation incapable of seeing what later generations will see as obvious?'

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