Conversation deepening

For those who enjoy the new vistas revealed by occasional structured conversations, or for those brave enough to combat their own shyness: a paper, credited to Mr Hinely, but with no address or further details, found in the Institute's files, proposes that any group or any two persons wanting to deepen their knowledge of each other, could agree to a session where they select at random from the following 'conversation deepening' sentences, which they then complete and discuss.

'Any group or any two persons wanting to deepen their knowledge of each other, could agree to a session where they select at random from a menu of 'conversation deepening' sentences'

(1) I like best the type of work which... (2) Most bosses... (3) Modern woman... (4) People usually think I... (5) The thing that makes me mad is... (6) The people I wonder about are... (7) The trouble with most marriages is... (8) I feel happiest when... (9) I could be a better worker if... (10) My proudest moment was... (11) During my school days... (12) Most men... (13) I believe... (14) My future... (15) I frequently... (16) I feel miserable... (17) If I could only... (18) My family... (19) People of my age... (20) I often suffer... (21) I've always envied... (22) During my childhood, my father... (23) To me, love... (24) I admire... (25) What I need most is... (26) I am greatly embarrassed... (27) Failure... (28) Being alone... (29) Mother... (30) I do well... (31) To me, money... (32) I am... (33) My home... (34) People laugh... (35) I worry... (36) If I were not... (37) My friends... (38) At times, I feel... (39) I can't understand... (40) To me, death... (41) Secretly, I... (42) I can hardly wait... (43) Why do I... (44) I always try... (45) My moral principles... (46) Most quarrels in marriage... (47) I'd like to forget... (48) My favourite type of person... (49) Heavy drinking... (50) My greatest trouble... (51) If I could choose anything I wished, I would choose to be ..... because... (52) If I could make any one change in people's behaviour, it would be ..... because... (53) I wonder... (54) The things I enjoy most are... (55) The happiest time I can remember was when... (56) The things I'm best at are... (57) The thing I fear most is... (58) When I look at myself, I see... (59) I feel that other people usually think of me as being... (60) To me, sex... (61) School... (62) Friends...

'People usually think I.....'

This Conversation Deepening could provide sentences for an adult version of the Magic Circle scheme for primary school-children (described in this book in the chapter on Education).

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