Ecological and Social Innovations in Germany

A charitable company for researching, supporting and publishing ecological and social innovations has been started in Germany. It is the idea of Professor Declan Kennedy and Professor Dr Margrit Kennedy, the couple who introduced Permaculture to Germany in 1981 and to many other European countries since. Declan is Irish and was a professor of urban infrastructure and former vice-president of the Technical University of Berlin. Margrit is German and a professor for resource-saving building techniques at the Architectural Department of the University of Hannover.

- DANA, Prof. Declan Kennedy, Ginsterweg 5, DW-3074 Steyerberg, Germany (tel 49 5764; fax 49 5764 2368).
- There is also a separate and rather quieter initiative in Giessen, called the German Society for the Development and Promotion of Social Inventions. Contact Hubert Meyer, Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Entwicklung und Forderung Sozialer Erfindungen e.v., Loberstrasse 25, D-6300 Giessen, Germany (tel 0641 75255).

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