Swedish social inventions

Hans Lavonius, of the Swedish Institute for Social Inventions (SISU), wrote to the UK Institute in 1987:

'Some friends of mine read in a Swedish newspaper about Nicholas Albery's visit to Stockholm. We became very inspired by learning about the work your Institute has done in the field of social inventions. We feel strongly that this is a challenging field with enormous possibilities of achieving positive changes in this world of ours.

'So now, inspired by your work, we have begun to found a Swedish Institute for Social Inventions. Everything is about to start, with a few ideas to date and a lot of work to do to get things going. We are considering ways of raising money, ways of evaluating inventions, the appropriate form for our organisation and so on.'


The Swedish Institute is going strongly. It has awarded prizes in its own competition each year, it has issued 16 magazines, and it has evolved a two-pronged organisational structure of a foundation and a members' association.

Amongst its many initiatives, it has brought the theory and practice of permaculture to the Scandinavian countries and has formed the Swedish Global Action Programme committee. The latter is concerned with mobilising individuals to modify their life-styles in order to achieve the aims set out in the Brundtland report on the environment.

'Mobilising individuals to modify their life-styles'

Marilyn Mehlmann, SISU, Peter Myndes Backe 12, 5 tr, 118 46 Stockholm, Sweden (tel 08772 45 87; fax 08 642 26 41).

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