Mother/Father Swap

Patricia Troop

People who have an elderly parent living with them might swap (probably temporarily) their parent, thus giving a change which might prove refreshing from all participants' points of view.

'People who have an elderly parent living with them might swap (probably temporarily) their parent, thus giving a change which might prove refreshing'

To get this idea going one would need some form of publicity and an agency, or a column in 'Exchange and Mart', 'Loot' or a daily or evening or local paper.

If I had the inclination to go into business I could set up an agency myself, because I think that in the long run it would be profitable.

One way of introducing the idea would be a short talk on Woman's Hour, but actually one would probably need to get one or two people to try it out first, so that experience would show likely hazards and benefits and provide the initial impetus to get others to try.

Eventually, local Social Services might run a register of names of those willing to move or be moved for a period of time - two weeks, a month or whatever.

Patricia Troop, 42 Elizabeth St, London SW1W 9NZ (tel 071 730 5189).

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